Wow... That's how if I needed to explain my lunch time adventure in one word, I would... Truly an experience above all experiences today. So 1:15 rolls around, and the difficult decision of McDonald's, Wendy's, Skyline, Popeye's, or Taco Bell returns again for another day. So today, I decided to go with the norm of my branch, and get Taco Bell, as not to throw anyone off and keep suspicions low on who the mole is... I know, I know, smart thinking Hoopes. Well, little did I know I would find the financial guru under heavy cover working at Taco Bell... But, before I get to that point, let me just clarify a couple of things that will make this story subtly more simple for you to understand. I, Hoopes, do solemnly swear to tell this story in it's entirety, and will not fib any details on which the conversation ran with said Taco Bell employee's. Under no circumstance will I take what was said during this conversation to heart, and or employment matters. I do however have to warn the reader(s) that this is a true event, under which I will share every detail to the best of my knowledge, so help me God...
As you may already know, if not, you will, that I work at National City Bank as a teller in Liberty Township (yes, the one outside the Kroger Marketplace). Everyday that I work I am forced with the decision on what to eat, and today, I just happened to pick Taco Bell. So I get in my car, and drive over the 100 foot paces it takes to get to Taco Bell, and roll to the drive through. Amongst the many choices of what to get, I order a chicken quesidilla (delicious by the way), a chili cheese burrito (mediocre by all means), and 2 cheese roll ups (one was dank, the other had tomatoes, not so excited about the second one, but 3 out of 4 ain't bad). I'm only telling you this so you can put yourself in my shoes. So I get the "that'll be $5.66 please pull up to the first window, thank you!" So I pull up to the window to pay what's due. At this point I'm going to go ahead and switch over to dialogue scroll for easier reading... I know, you're welcome!
Her: "Hi, how are you today? That'll be $5.66."
Me: "I'm good, thank you..." (hand her my National City Diamond Edition Check Card)
Her: "Do you need any sauces today?"
Me: "No thanks, I'm ok."
Her: "Ok" (she examines my card)
-At this point, I think she's going to ask me where I got the card from...
Her: "Hm, National City, did you know they filed for Bankruptcy this morning?"
Me: "I didn't hear that..."
Her: "Yeah, so if I were you, I'd be pulling my money out and putting it in a safe deposit box because if the bank goes under, then the Government can't touch your money, it's against some regulation..."
Me: "Oh really? Yeah, well, I work there, so..."
Her: "Oh, well I would be looking for another job... I used to work for a Financial Firm for 18 years, and when they say a bank or financial institution is going down, you better believe it's going down..."
Me: "Well, thanks for the advice..." (At which point I wanted to act really surprised and ask if she thinks Taco Bell would hire me, but I decided to go ahead and not screw up my chances at Taco Bell just yet... I mean what if this Financial Guru in disguise is right, and my highly capitalized bank goes under???"
Her: "No problem, we have to watch out for each other, because you know the Government won't..."
Me: "Thanks again! Have a good day!"
Her: "You too, good luck!"
Car: "vrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmm"
-----------End of dialogue-----------
So I'm sitting here now at work, wondering if my job's in jeopardy... Was it an angel is disguise warning me of my imminent disastrous future? Or was it a demon trying to discourage me off of my path to success as CEO at National City Bank? I guess we'll have to wait out the "run on the banks." We'll See Ya
-8,609 people now seek financial advice from Taco Bell employees after reading this...
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