For those of you that are not cool enough, or just plain don't know about the show "Man Vs. Wild" then you are truly missing out. For one, the host, pictured above, his name alone, Bear Grylls, is just manly, and beastly at the same time. I mean, hell, call him a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it's still not manly enough. But seriously, this guy goes to exotic, desert locations, and mountains with nothing but the clothes on his back, gets dropped off by helicopter, and they give him a "We'll See Ya" and the show starts. They leave him for God knows how long. He's been to Everest, the Saringete, Swamp lands in Florida, Plains of Africa, I mean, Jesus, are you crazy? The answer, no, he's Bear Grylls, the Adventurer. I just had to write something about this guy, because yes, he is that awesome. I saw a desert episode where literally, the camera men were dropping like flies and this guy is body surfing down deep sand slopes. He basically talks about how to survive in these extreme conditions, and what to look for, what direction to head, which is all great stuff, although I don't think I'll ever be in that situation, because that crap never really happens here in West Chester, and I don't have enough vacation time to use to go somewhere like that, so...
I mean, just look at the picture above, he was thirsty, so hell, why not kill a turtle, and stab it, and drink it's blood? Why? Because there wasn't a 7/11 around that he could get a water from... He literally will chase animals down and spear them and just eat them raw. He was literally eating a Zebra from it's carcass one time, because yes, he is that bad ass... I mean, you have to be pretty crazy to do some of the stuff, I take that back, all of the stuff this guy does. Sure there's people that go out there in the world and explore old castles for ghosts, or go mountain climbing, but hey, not Bear, he's like, screw it, I wonder if I can jump this cliff, and he's like, guess we'll find out... Some people are out there getting that crappy Peace Medal for coming up with ways to solve Green house gas smog crap, WHO CARES!?!?!? This guy's out there by himself making souffle's out of scorpions and kangaroo dung, I mean, who do you know that can do that?!?! This guy right here deserves a Medal. He's a honorary member of our society, and when a nuke someday hits the United States, I'll tell you where I'll be, right in my leafy, mud made house on a hillside in the desert with Bear, surviving like I'm retired... We'll See Ya
-506,451 people cut the head off of a turtle to drink it's blood to quench their thirst, and now watch his show after reading this...
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