As we all know, I am rarely, and I really want to put a lot of emphasis on "rarely" a serious person, and before I started working here, and going to school, I could have cared less about Breast Cancer and here's why: A.) I will never get it (even though they say some men can, I won't. B.) I don't know anyone that has it. And C.) If I can't get it, and I don't know anyone that does have it, why should I care? I'll tell you why, because it's become a large problem in not only the United States, but around the world... Just to give you an idea of how wide spread this cancer has become, in just 2004 alone, 186,772 women and 1,815 men were diagnosed with breast cancer; and of those 40,954 women and 362 men died from breast cancer that same year... Think it's not a problem now?
I am proud to report however that in 2007, 178,480 cases among men and women were discovered, which is slightly lower than 3 years prior. This is because of new treatments, earlier detections of, and more research on breast cancer. This breast cancer research does not come cheap either. As it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I think it's important for those of us that can do something, to be proactive and take part in this growing problem. For a not so serious moment, gentlemen, what would we do if our kids didn't have second base available? I mean, come on, we need men's support as much if not more than ladies. I'm not saying that we all have to go out and buy yoplait yogurt and save the caps and send them in, but find the little things you can do, find charities and give to them, and let's work together to try to find a solution to this problem. I know for one, as much as I don't like my company, job, whatever, National City has a Diamond Edition Checkcard and Credit card, that everytime you use it, a portion of your purchase goes to Breast Cancer Awareness and Research and it costs you nothing other than buying your groceries or gas, etc... There's so many things out there that can do this, and we are not taking advantage of it.
Call me crazy, but I think it's a great cause, even if you don't know a survivor, or someone suffering from it, or anything, just take a part, and be active... Here's another way that you can help. I am taking part in a Breast Cancer Awareness walk on October 12th, starting point is Yateman's Cove, and it's a 5k. As we all know, my laziness, caused by not working out in months, my constant smoking habit, and my ability to not really care much in life, as been put aside so that I can take part in this event... It doesn't take much, donate $1.00, donate $1,000 dollars, just donate to this walk, and have your friends and family do it too... Our team goal, Team Save the Hooters' goal is $1,000.00. Please either walk with us, or donate to our team, we would greatly appreciate it, and I know that people suffering from Breast Cancer would greatly appreciate it even more...
Here's the link: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/MakingStridesAgainstBreastCancer/MSABCFY09Ohio?team_id=344161&pg=team&fr_id=11727
Thanks again, and We'll See Ya
-856,342 people just realized that 1 in 4 of their friends will develop breast cancer but won't do a damn thing until it happens to them...
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