Honestly, this guy does take the cake because he is "that guy..." If you have no idea what I'm talking about right now, just think back to when you were watching Price is Right, and all of a sudden commercial, and since you already had your easy mac ready and sitting there, you decided to stick around for the commercials, little did you know, you were about to oxidized by Billy Mays... It's so tragic because no one ever see's it coming...
I mean, here you are, Easy Mac, Bob Barker, maybe a can or 4 of Mt. Dew, and the next thing you know, BAM!!!! "Hi there, Billy Mays here, here to tell you about the all new OxiClean!!!" I mean, how could you see this coming? Seriously, everytime I see him on my television, I am terrified, because I feel like he's going to jump out of my tv, and walk straight up to me with that huge, fat, pointing index finger and just be like, "BAM! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR SOAP SCUM, THEN PROBABLY WIPE DOWN YOUR COUNTER TOPS AND DO YOUR LAUNDRY!!!" What do you say at that point? I mean, he's going to have to use some Oxiclean on the underwear I'm wearing, because that pointing index finger is probably 6 1/2 feet long, I mean, that's a small picture, and his finger still looks like you could tie a ball and string to it and play tetherball with it...
Literally, you either like this guy, or hate him, and I'm guessing if you watch more than 10 minutes of television a week, you hate him. If you don't know him, consider yourself warned. Tell your soap scum build up in the shower that there's a new Sheriff in town, and he's coming for you. So take heed, this will happen to you someday if it hasn't already, and you will be terrified, just a fare warning...
-509,405 people have been assaulted by a Billy Mays infomercial and just found out about it after reading this...
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