I had a "small person" or midget, or whatever the crap they are, to be non-politically correct, I'm sticking with midget, but either way, they came into the bank, and I'm not going to lie, had I not seen them come in, I totally would not have seen him over the counter, because yes, he was that small... So I got to thinking today, as I was completely slacking off at work, if I was a midget, I would be so pissed off. So I'm going to explore, as well as you keep reading, you will too why being a midget sucks. First and foremost, you're what, 2 foot nothing, and you weigh like 5 pounds? Hopefully there's no windstorms, otherwise, WE'LL SEE YA!!! Second off, no sitting at the bar for you, that's like climbing a rock wall just to take a seat, no thanks... Third, and most important, look at the above image: Who's name do you know from the movie? I'm going to go ahead and say you probably know the goofy pedophile looking clown in the middle... Do you know anyone around him? NOPE! Why? Why you might ask? I'll tell you why!!! Because midgets don't ever EVER! get the lead parts in movies! They're always trolls under bridges, or little ankel biters, or flying with witches to balance the weight on the broom. Seriously, next time you see a midget, thank them, thank them for taking all the crap... They've been looked down on, well, their entire life, so give them a break, and show them some appreciation. They deserve it, you saw how Willy Wonka treated them... Bastard...
-560,231 people are really scared of midgets, but are more afraid to admit it after reading this...
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