As you may already know, I'm a Republican, and if you didn't know that, well, now you know... I'm hardcore Republican, and whether or not you like that, I don't really care to be honest with you, however, I do disbelieve in the theory that Republicans and Democrats can't work together or see I to eye. I believe that we can in fact work together because as Governor Ted Strickland has shown, most Conservatives love the Castle Doctrine that was recently signed by Stickland in September. However, there is still much concern stirring up against Gun Regulators, and amongst Obama's campaign. But before I dive into the one new bill that made me proud to be an American, and gave me more respect toward the democrats, let's take a look at the old "Right to Kill" law before Strickland signed in the Castle Doctrine, because there is much confusion about when one is "justified" to shoot to kill in one's "self-defense." (Note: This law does not apply to all states in the United States, so be sure to visit your state's law's website before entering the state with a concealed weapon).
Previous Ohio Gun Law and the self-defense law stated that an individual by law is not in justification to defend themselves if they have the option to retreat peacefully... There as, if they have a window or a door that they are able to escape to when someone breaks in, they must resort that option and leave to let their property be robbed of them. They are in no right to shoot the person with the intent to kill them. This led to people shooting the intruder anyways, and the person in possession of the property could be sued by the intruders family for manslaughter, murder, etc... Which if you ask me, is just not right in any way, and it took some time for lawmakers to realize this travesty. However, in June 2008, Gun Owners would finally have a say in what self-defense really stands for in America.
In June 2008, a bill was passed, and signed by Strickland there by allowing LEGAL Gun Owners the right to defend themselves in their home and vehicle. However, to have your gun in your car, you have to be a Carry Conceal Weapon License owner (which for $55.00, a passport photo, a clean record, and 12 hours of class time with an NRA certified teacher, you can be too). The new bill, the Castle Doctrine, was signed by Strickland in June 2008, and was put into effect 90 days after signing. Therefore, in the early weeks of September 2008, the bill officially gave the right to gun owners to shoot with the intent to kill if your house is broken into. The order to retreat all options was lifted, and rights were given back to the American people. With much dismay to Gun Regulators (haters) the battle then began. Although, there's a lot of people that are on both sides of the fence with this law. The Regulators believe that this is going to make the states that approve the Castle Doctrine a Wild West town, and Clint Eastwood is going to run the bandits out of town. However, I strongly disagree. I believe that if you are a law-abiding citizen, you should have the right to protect your property with whatever force necessary. I believe that no person shall unlawfully break into anyone's house or property, with the intent to steal, and not have to pay the consequences. Now do I believe that they should have to pay the ultimate price for trying to steal my television, my computer, etc? Absolutely not, but with crime rates the way they are, and criminals possessing the weapons they are, I say, don't give them a fighting chance.
As a law-abiding citizen, I believe that this has individualized the pride in America to the people that are out there working, and trying to make our economy stronger, while the people that are only out there to get a quick buck, are paying the price for our hard work. I hope that this somewhat clears up what rights we have as Americans when it comes to self-defense involving weapons. If not, you're dumb as a box of rocks, and I pray to God you do not own a weapon. Guns are not for everyone, don't get me wrong, but the people that lawfully have them, deserve them, and understand the responsibility it takes to have them. So leave us alone, or we'll kill you... I'm kidding, but seriously... We'll See Ya
-543 people just went out to buy a gun to get a CCW after reading this...
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