This story truly tops all of the stories I have ever read. To be honest with you, I think above all, this is just a lame attempt at news, but then I remembered, this is in Puerto Rico... Ok, enough of what I think, I'll let you form your own opinions, but let me fill you in...
Angel Pantoja Medina, age 24 of Puerto Rico, was found under a bridge, dead on August 15, 2008, and giving him his last wish was something his mother and brother would die trying to do for him. His last wish was to have his wake, a 3 day celebration, standing up after he had passed. He wanted to wear his favorite Yankee's hat, and his, I don't know "Gabba" shades (ladies, I don't know my sunglass companies, so if I butchered that, shove off, because if it ain't Oakley, it doesn't matter), and his chain... Now call me strange, but I'm pretty sure that I would not want this guy, even if he was my son, brother, etc sitting, standing rather, around my house all dead and stuff, but that might just be me... They have another picture that I did not want to include of his brother kissing him on the cheek. (WEIRD!!!)
Is this story some kind of metaphor, like maybe even though he was shot down in a drive-by, he wants his enemies to know that even in death he will still stand? Or was it his favorite song, T.I. - No Matter What that says "but shorty still I stand" that gave him the motivation? I really have no idea as to why you would want your wake to be standing in your family room next to your coffin... I mean, if I was his brother, I'd have a late night out drinking, come stumbling in the door, and BAM!!! There's your dead brother standing there in the corner, and BAM!!! You need a fresh pair of underwear!!! After reading the story though, I became very intrigued, and started wondering in what way I would want to be buried and have my wake? So I thought up a few ideas: My first choice, as always, would be to be in my coffin face down, and ass up, that way, the whole world can take one last look at that flourescent white marvel before they say goodbye, and of course, my pants would be down... Second, I was thinking, maybe a pose from the "Get Silly" dance, that way, people could get one last chuckle before they say goodbye and good riddance... Lastly, I was thinking maybe my pose for a cheers with a jager bomb in the basement of Brazenhead, because if you know me at all, you probably know that's the place I'll probably be when I die... Just a few ideas, nothing's finalized yet, but I have to admit, it did get my wheels turning... So get your creative juices flowing, and think of how you want to go, it's actually kind of fun!!!
R.I.P. Angel Pantoja Medina, We'll See Ya
P.S. - that shout out, just awarded me another line jump in hell...
-907,542 people just thought about different posititions they want to be put in when they die after reading this...
1 comment:
Just weird and creepy. You have to be pretty self inflated to do something like that. Hell when I die just throw me in the ocean or something, funerals are too expensive and a waste of money. You think Oil companies rip you off, try being involved in funeral arrangments! Not only that but they are capitalizing on your loved ones death and your greif, just sick.
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