This was actually pretty close to me awarding a Darwin Award because this guy takes some cake. Not only does he look guilty of at least something, maybe looking like a chameleon, but at the same time, he's a lady spy, and a panty stealer... Yes, spy and panty stealer... Not only that, but he also decided to spy on these ladies at good ole' Miami University Oxford. (God bless the ladies at MU). At least he picked a classy joint to carry out his crimes. But really, if you were a girl, hell, a guy, would you want this guy as your neighbor? I mean, I'm sure if you asked his neighbors 10 years ago what they thought of him, you'd get the standard "he's a really nice guy, I wouldn't think he'd do something like this..." But really, if I ever have a neighbor that looks like "that kind of person that's just guilty of something," then I'm calling the cops immediately. I mean, really? Spying on girls with "spying software" they said, and the crimes even reached the point of "stealing their panties." I don't know at what point he crossed the line, whether it was having "spying software," or using the "spying software" to spy on his young college lady neighbors, or stealing their panties... I'm curious as to how he ended up getting the panties in the first place? Did he break in and steal them, or were they out drying on the clothes line and he was just like, "BONUS!!!" How about does that happen?
Second off, I have to wonder, what kind of "spying software" do you need to look at your neighbors? Wouldn't your eyes and binoculars work just fine? I mean, I love how the Enquirer makes it sound like he was deep in the streets with espionage laser watches and x-ray vision Ray Bans... Seriously... This guy looks like he can barely afford a 9 pack of Bud Lite, yes, I said 9 pack, and yes, it does exist... It's called a Track Pack, so find it, it'll change your life... You want more than 6 beers, but not quite 12, BAM!!! 9 BEERS, THAT'S PERFECT!!! Enough with the side tracking... Anyways, where was I?!?! Ahhhh yes, Mr. Peeper... So yes, this guy is facing approximately 9 charges, ranging from spying, to panty stealing... Do they have a level of crime they can measure panty stealing? Is that like a 4th degree misdemeanor if they're lace or thongs or something? How do you measure that? Is it just theft? Or is it a petty theft, or panty theft? I know, lame attempt at humor... I apologize, but you know, deep down you're at most snickering... Mmmmm, snickers, I'm hungry...
Ok, once again, I apologize... But as I was saying, in a basic sense, we are all guilty of something at least in some point in our lives, but at least not all of us look like it... I just feel bad for these people because they never had a fighting chance... Call it unlucky genetics, or just bad parenting, but either way, it just down right sucks! I'm not trying to judge people, but it's in my gene's, that's just what we do, and it's our Right as American's... So get out there and see if you can find somebody that looks like their guilty of something, so you can just give yourself a chuckle, oh yea, WATCH YOUR PANTIES, because you never know who else might be as well... (see above picture). We'll See Ya
-506,403 people just realized they really want a Snickers too, but they are also watching their underwear at all times after reading this...
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