Ok, so here I find myself again, outsourced to talk to another Indian that I can barely understand, let alone take orders from over the phone. Let's backtrack, I decided to suck it up and call Dell about alittle Dell computer problem I had. It seems that I had contracted a virus that everytime I turned on my computer, it would start up, all nice and ready to go, then I'd click something, and my computer said We'll See Ya, and blanked out and turned off. Yeah, I know, serious problem. So I called Dell to where my call would be answered in "approximately 22 minutes..." Are you serious? Tell me 2 minutes so I still wait for 22, don't straight up tell me 22... Jerkoff's... So I'm waiting... Waiting... Waiting... Then I get the call transferred, GREAT!!! Yeah, wrong number to call for this problem, they don't handle that there, so they transfer me... Again I am waiting another 10 - 15 minutes until a gentleman answers the phone, at least it sounds liek he answered the phone, could have been talking arabic, well, might as well have been talking arabic, because I maybe understood 3 words in our 48 minute 13 second conversation. So I explain my whole situation, and everything in detail, and he says well "did you try waiting awhile and trying to turn it back on?" Ahhh hell, let me just dialogue part of it for you...
Him: "Did you try waiting awhile and trying to turn the computer on again?"
Me: "Yes, I have tried everything..." I unplugged my internet wireless router just in case it was an internet based problem like a virus... I also unplugged my webcam and all unnecessary extra's I wouldn't need..."
Him: "Hmmmm interesting..."
Me: (Really? That's the best you could come up with? Just straight up tell me you can't do anything and you have no idea what it's doing and how much it's going to cost me...) "So you have any suggestions?"
Him: "I'm just trying to think of something here that may be causing it..."
Me: "So you've never seen this problem before?"
Him: "Doesn't sound familiar... Did you check the power outlets that the computer is plugged into?"
Me: "What do you mean check them?"
Him: "Did you check the wiring of them?"
Me: "Uhhhh, no... I mean, what would that really do?"
Him: "Well, if you have a low processing outlet, it might not support the computer running and therefore shut it down suddenly..."
Me: "Interesting... Well, I have a ground fault eliminator and it says no faults..."
Him: "Hmmm, start it up and see what happens when I'm on the line..."
Me: "Ok..."
----3 minutes pass by...----
Me: "It did it again..."
Him: "Weird... Well, let me talk to our other technician here... Please hold, I'll be write back..."
----19 minutes pass by----
Him: "Thanks for holding, but no one has seen this problem before, we apologize..."
Me: "Ok, so what do you think I should do?"
Him: "Have you looked at our new line of computers?"
Me: "Are you (expletive deleted) kidding me?"
Him: "I'm sorry sir?"
Me: "You can't do anything, not ship it in and look at it? Nothing?"
Him: "Oh yes, we can ship it here and look at it... You need to pay for shipping and handling and the service is $175.00 for an IT to look over it..."
Me: "(expletive deleted) that, I'll just buy a mac, they don't have these problems..."
Him: "We apologize sir and thank you for your ongoing service with Dell, have a good day..."
Me: "(expletive deleted) off, I'm done with you clowns...
So this was my lovely experience with Dell customer service and IT department... They made me feel like a complete idiot, and it was lovely... I'm not really going to switch to a Mac, I figured out the problem myself, and it was actually pretty easy, and I felt stupid myself afterwards, but it's still something he didn't mention... Oh well, We'll See Ya...
-8,675,402 people are pretty pissed off when having to call to have their Dell worked on, because they know exactly where I'm coming from after reading this...
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