Here we are again, at another Bengals Sunday... As I contemplated what to actually write about today, I pretty much had to write about football, just because I'm getting ready to watch the Bengals get Stork Stomped (inside joke) by the Giants. Although, I'm not going to focus on the Bengals, well, Mike Brown and I both aren't, so. This blog is actually going to focus on the one thing that I hate most in life. The guy that definitely, without a doubt takes the cake. The top dog of pissing me, and I'm sure 98% of the football watching world. If you've read that already and don't know who I'm talking about still, just see the above image. Just look at this fat focker in all his grace. You know what that picture says to me? Here's my caption: "I don't know how the hell I got this job, because I have no idea what I'm talking about... If I wasn't an announcer for HUGE football programs, how would anyone understand what's going on during the game???"
Seriously... John Madden should do the Chad Johnson and change his name to Captain Obvious. I was literally watching a game, and he said "it's 3 and 8... all they need is 8 yards for the first down to move the ball down the field..." Really? Thanks John... Where would we be without you?!?! I mean, I could understand if you had never seen, or heard of football why you would want this asshole around, but no, we don't need you John, and how the hell you've kept this job this long, I will never understand. It's not like a Jessica Simpson music video, where I can just turn the sound on mute, and watch, because just knowing that John Madden is actually talking even with the sound off, just pisses me off that much more... Anyways, I have to get back to tailgating at the house... As always, We'll See Ya!!!
-9,564,783 people never realized that they really did hate John Madden as much as I do because he's annoying until after reading this...
1 comment:
I think my favorite Madden comment is "If they make it into the end zone here, they're gonna score some points!" His wisdom is endless...
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