The following blog features opinions formed from working in the real world.
Anything read by said reader(s) is not to be taken in as fact or used against said
blogger as racist remarks. This blog was written by a non-professional in the
field of blogging or by a trained blogger. Therefore, do not try these blogs at
home or place of employment. You have been warned...
Here I find myself again, at work. Another exciting day in the life of a bank teller in the midst of an economy downfall. Which as you all know brings in the best of characters and people from all over the area. People are all concerned about the downfall of banks, and where their money is going to go, and how they will re coop all of their hard-earned money. All during this jigsaw puzzle breakdown I have noticed a trend among my common customers. The customers that are always in good standing with the bank know exactly what is happening, and are able to understand that we ARE FDIC insured, up to $100,000, therefore any account bearing your name, is FEDERALLY guaranteed up to that amount. Anyways, I realize I'm straying far from the point, but it's my blog, and I'll do and say what I want... Back to my point of this article...
So on a regular basis, and by regular basis I mean, everyday at least 2 to 3 times, I get a customer that is, let's say for lack of a better word and political correctness, an "undocumented worker" comes in to cash a check. Now, they walk in covered in white dust and mud from drywall, landscaping, fruit picking, I don't know what, but those are just a few "common idea's" as to what I believe they are doing... Now their checks, depending on whether they work for another "undocumented worker" that somehow owns his own "construction company"writes the check for an amount that looks foreign to me. The amount may be $1,253.41, but the written amount comes out as "one tousan to hondred five tree + four one..." What the crap does that say? Really? Is that really a "+" sign on your check? Wow, it just boggles my mind, but even better, is when you ask them how they would like their "tax free" may I add, cash back? They reply, "yes..." Why do they reply yes you ask? Because they didn't understand one word of what I just asked them...
Even better is the Indian people that come in, not the "hiya hiya hiya hiya" Indian's, but the "thank you, come again" Indians. Now these are a different class of people. They come in and want 2 things. They want to deposit in their savings account, and they want a balance every time. If you don't know this, your first time helping them is a 3 act play with intermission. Because they barely speak broken English if anything. They usually bring their kid in that speaks moderate to mediocre English so they can speak whatever the heck they speak... It all seems like screaming, or my parents house on Saturday mornings... But if they don't have their kid, you're in trouble buddy... Here's a typical transaction with a new one: (For sake of telling the truth in this story, we'll call him Singh...)
Me: Hi, how are you doing?
Singh: (non-chalantly looks at me and doesn't speak)
Me: Ok, what can I do for you today?
Singh: I like deposit my account...
Me: Ok, is it checking or savings?
Singh: Savings...
Me: Ok, do you know your account number?
Singh: No...
Me: Ok, what's your name (humor me)
Singh: His name really is Balandiker Singh
(What I hear him say is "cough sneeze burp Singh")
Me: Ok, can you spell that?
Singh: Here's my I.D.
Me: (Great, my chances of hearing you spell that are about as good as I could have guessed)
Me: Ok, here's your receipt, have a good day...
Singh: Balance? (sounds like Bowen...)
Singh: Balance? (sounds like Bowen...)
Me: Sure, here you go, have a good day...
Singh: (walks away just as he came in, no bye, no good day... Nothing...)
So not only are they rude, and don't know but 4 words of English that when they even speak it, doesn't sound like English, but it's ridiculous if you ask me... If you don't know English, get out of here... I don't LIVE in Mexico, but I at least know enough Spanish that if I did go, I could speak you to with what I need! But I'm also just visiting, not living there! I'm tired of having to deal with these people that don't pay taxes, make my taxes higher, and get away with so much crap... That's also another reason as to why I really, really, really, really, really need a new job, although I'm sure wherever I go, and whatever I do, I'm sure I'll still have to deal with these people in one way or another. We'll See Ya
-543,748 people just realized that their lawn service employs illegal immigrants after reading this...
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