I recently was introduced to a new comedian that I had never heard of before. His name is Demetri Martin. He is a very bland, but very hilarious younger guy. He uses drawings, that I'm thinking he probably does draw himself on a large pad of paper, titled "Large Pad." I found myself unable to control my laughing, because yes, the pictures are funny, but how he explains them is even funnier. Therefore, I've decided to try a new approach, and I'm going to do something similar, however, mine are hand drawn "technologically advanced" pictures... Ok, let's embark on the journey that is "My Weekend, By Paint, By Me..."
1.) After 24 years of dedicated fanness (I know it's not a word, but guess what, bite me), I have officially given up on the Cincinnati Bengals for the remainder of the 2008 season. I know many of you out there are going to consider this "fairweather fanness" but it's not... I don't respect the organization because they're not about football, they're only about money. When you look at organizations like the Steelers or Colts, there's teams that care about football, and love the game, and love and respect the fans. Therefore, my 2 new teams to watch are the above mentioned. As for my feelings of the Bengals, when Mike Brown is no longer the owner, then I will consider putting more time and effort into them again. Therefore, that's me dumping my Bengals stuff down the toilet, because that's where this season and well, a good portion of the last 24 years is going/has gone... (That's not me crying either, I just had something in my eye, well both eyes)...

2.) Ahhhhh, the first annual Halloween Bash at our house this past Saturday! Oh man, was that a good time or what?!? We had quite a few people at the house, and there was definitely a lot of drinking, a lot of laughs, and a lot of good friends! The party started with a Jack and Coke, and ended on about that same note!!! I am, proud to say, that I am the defending reigning Champion of Beer Pong after more than I should have played games that night! If you feel that you are "worthy" enough to take me on, then we are there almost every saturday night playing, so ring in, and let's see what you got, but yes, that will definitely be the new annual HallowPong Fest!

3.) Friday morning... The day of devestation as I came to see it... When I first arrive to work at roughly 8:45am, I get word that PNC has bought National City. This makes my job very unnerving be it that there's a PNC Bank in our parking lot practically. Therefore, the predicament lies in should I apply at PNC and secure a job there now, or should I wait it out and see if I still have a job within the next year or so? But yes, it was a very busy day of thinking what I should do...

So that's my weekend at a glance. I'm not sure how I feel about the Paint Program lifestyle, so leave me your feedback and tell me what you think!
8,405 people have started working on their paint program skills to make their blog like mine after reading this...
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