Every once in a great while, a commercial comes along that really makes you think about things in your life, and you're forced to sit there and watch, and really think about things, like life, death, the non-sense crap that happens in between those two periods of time... This, however, is not one of those commercials... One of the commercials that I was mentioning was something like the Sarah McLachlin (sp) about the dogs and the SPCA needing help, or the starving kids in Africa that Brad and Angelina haven't adopted yet, etc... Either way, ever so often, we're blessed with a new Geico Insurance commercial, that doesn't:
a.) make me laugh
b.) make me think
c.) make me want insurance
d.) make me wonder where we actually come from
Not only can I not stand the very way they interact in today's society, but I can't stand the way they look. The look like a caveman had sex with Alf and look what happened! And why do they get so offended about being cavemen? What's so wrong with being a turning point in human evolution? Yeah, sure, we make it look easy now that we have tires made of rubber instead of stone, screw us right? Maybe they just don't belong in today's society... Beyond the point my friends, they really need to stop these clowns from being on my television, because I start getting a vein in my head that pops, and starts causing hemorrhaging, and it just makes life not feasible anymore.
As for the Geico Gecko, I really have nothing too terrible to say about him, I mean, I like his accent, the fact that he talks and is understood makes me wonder, but I've seen Dr. Doolittle, so I know stranger things can happen... As for the Gecko though, why does this strange, Crocodile Hunter wanna-be keep following him? Get lost pal, this Gecko is out there doing work, and you're interfering with his game plan. Maybe him and Marvin Lewis could get together and find a better way to manage their time (that right there is for George, he knows exactly what I'm talking about...) We'll See Ya
-6.1 billion people are now convinced by the stupidity of these cavemen commercials that we did not derive from these queers...
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