During these trying times of a failing economy, a country full of angry (ignorant) people, and a World at War, it's time for one man to single handedly step to the forefront and give the people, advice, more or less... This is in no way, shape, or form something you should take directly out of context, because I only know about politics from what I read, and what I research. However, I am very involved in Politics because it's something that we have to deal with during the course of our lives, so more or less, I'm giving you a shorter, sweeter version of how to vote, and who's what on the important topics. Of course, like I said, this is VERY abridged. From the picture above, this is what George Bush, our current President had to walk in to, and I have all of the respect in the world for him as a President, and I think he's one of the great one's for what's he's tried to do after Clinton left us in such a travesty (if you think Clinton was great, discontinue reading the later of this blog because you obviously don't understand Politics, proceed to a dark corner in your room, and crouch down, grab your knee's, and rock back and forth till the white suits get there)...
I want to further advise you that I am not a Political Prodigy, I can't read the future, but I'm advising you on the important topics of people our age, and what it will be like in the future for our kids with the topics at hand. I'm only giving you what I know from what I've researched. I found the picture above and that's what really made me think of Politics, the economy, and what's happening currently with the previous list... The lemon represents America's Economy. We are trying to fix this lemon by trying to build off of it, and basically, all that we are doing is hurting the people that spend wisely, live by only what they need and don't overspend and screw themselves and lose it all. Basically, we're paying for the all of the younger generations mistakes that graduated college, got jobs, and bought houses that were far more than they needed, and now can't pay, so I have a nice thank you for you if you want to drop by the house sometime... ASSHOLES!!! However, the lemon also signifies the coffin that is America, and the nail, well, that's the nail in the coffin, because as of right now, no President is going to be able to fix how screwed everything is. Basically, the next couple of Presidents is going to be the "postpone the inevitable" fall guy, and as of right now, I would almost like that to be Obama because yes, I hate him that much (not because he's black, or muslim, but because I'll explain later)... The penny, well, I'm not really sure why the penny is in there, but that could represent how much America is worth, or National City stock, either one, pick one... I just thought the picture really symbolized everything very well...
Okay, onto the pressing issues, since this is very abridged, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to cover the issues that the Candidates are FORE and AGAINST just by name and I'm only covering the topics that are important to me. As for a list for EVERYTHING that they are FORE and AGAINST, you can check out this great website: http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm
Like I said, this website is great, because it's not biased, and it goes by what the candidates have said from previous speeches... (I am biased, being a Conservative and all, but I'm still going by the facts... You'll see it I'm sure...)
Barack O'Drama:
Abortion: (be it that I'm adopted, this is a big deal for me)
-Has chosen common ground between both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life (haven't we seen this before??? Hint: John Kerry)
Budget and Economy:
-Wants to increase Government spending to bring back "failing" economy, and slightly raise taxes of American people.
Gun Control: (Huge for me!!!)
-Wants to take away CITIZENS second amendment rights, but give retired police officers rights to Conceal and Carry.
-Wants stricter licensing requirements for CCW permits.
-Wants to ban semi-automatic weapons.
-Limit purchases to 1 gun per month.
-Has signed local gun bans in previous years.
Immigration: (Another biggie for me)
-Says America has no reason to fear today's immigrants.
-Says we need to recognize the humanity of today's immigrants. (Todos Somos Americanos)
-Doesn't believe in deporting illegal immigrants guilty of crimes in America.
-Wants to ok Government Programs to speak in Spanish.
War On Terror:
-Wants to withdraw troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc, IMMEDIATELY!!!
-Doesn't believe in finishing establishing democracy in foreign countries.
As I said before, these are the only issues of REAL concern for me at my age, race, etc...
John McCain:
-Has stood Pro-Life from the beginning.
-Has always consecutively voted Pro-Life since in office.
Budget and Economy:
-Hopes to lower taxes for working Americans.
-Wants to help raise Social Security funds for the elderly, but not raise taxes.
-Wants to make a list of budgetary spending in manner of most important to least and put it to work for the American people.
Gun Control:
-"Prosecute Criminals, not Citizens for gun ownership..."
-Ban cheap guns, require gun locks for safety, and ban gun show loopholes.
-Supports gun ownership, but doesn't own one.
-Deport the several million illegal immigrants guilty of crimes in America.
-Restart comprehensive reform only AFTER securing the borders of America.
-Has never voted for Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
-Once borders are secure, then start to slowly allow "guest workers" and policies.
War On Terror:
-See out finish in Iraq, and establishment of Democracy among people.
-Gradually withdrawl troops from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc, only after we have secured a form of ruling in Iraq.
-More spending to keep troops safe while oversea's.
As I said, the best candidate to even attempt to pull us American's out of the travesty that was Bill Clinton is John McCain, unlike the Democratic candidates, he has always stuck by his word, and only taken one side of the issue and defended it to the ends of the Earth. He is a strong class of character, and has a distinguished record and military background to prove it. There you have it folks. You know who I'm voting for, and unfortunately for some, you'll just watch the commercials and believe everything that the liberal media has to say, but try to check things out for yourself on non-biased sights. We'll See Ya
-6,504 people are voting Conservative after reading this because I am...
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