A is for Acetaminophen which is what I need after being here for more than 8 hours a day...
B is for Bitching which is what I have to listen to all day from customers...
C is for Crap which is what my life is turning into because of this job situation...
D is for Delirious which is due to my nightmares of me still being at work while sleeping...
E is for Effortless which is what I am at work... No really, ask my boss, the numbers show it!
F is for Flat-line which is what my heartbeat does when an overdrawn customer comes in to talk...
G is for Gripe which is pretty much all I do while I'm at work...
H is for Hope which is what I do to pray the day is almost over...
I is for Intelligence which is what my customers have a serious lack of...
J is for Joy which is what I feel when I get off of work...
K is for Knock-Out which is want I want to do to customers that B is for Bitch at me...
L is for Lunch, my favorite part of my day... Next to going home...
M is for Maggot which is my level of classification here at work...
N is for Noose which is what I wish we had here at work, because then I wouldn't be here at work...
O is for Offend which is what I do to my fellow employee's when I make fun of them...
P is for Procrastinate which is what I do with all my training that I'm supposed to do...
Q is for Queasy which is what I am in the morning knowing I have to go to work...
R is for Redundant which is what every day is for me...
S is for Sanity which is what I have none of from working here for 2 years...
T is for Temper which mine is short from working here... Ask my friends...
U is for Unconscious which is what I am at work, at least that's what I've heard, I wouldn't know...
V is for Visitation which is what my friends are going to have to come to if I have to work here another year...
W is for Whatever which is what I'd rather be doing than be here at work any day...
X is for Xi which is for the 14th letter of the Greek Alphabet, see you learned something from my blogs...
Y is for Yawn which is what I do here a lot because I'm so bored with this job...
Z is for Zero which is the potential I have to move up at my current place of employment...
There you have it folks, the ABC's of my work day...
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