This is a Do It Yourself for those of you that take vacations off from work. I'm prepared to show you, after my PAID VACATION from work, how to make the most (or least, however you want to look at it) of your paid time off. In this instructional guide, you will learn how to be very proactive at being completely inactive. This will be like a scientific guide using the Scientific Method (See, you thought you wouldn't learn anything from these blogs):
Ask A Question: How can you take a successful vacation and not do much of anything and still have a good time?
Do Background Research: I decided to take on this great experiment for many of reasons.
a.) I hate my job.
b.) If I didn't take time off soon, it would not have been healthy for anyone in, or around my area.
c.) I just needed a break.
Therefore, I took the week of November 3rd - November 7th. I did this for the greater good of science and for the rest of the human race.
Construct A Hypothesis: I feel that there are 4 things needed to have a HIGHLY successful vacation without the hassles of having to do work around the house, or having to pay money to go somewhere. These 4 things are pictured above, but for the sake of Science, I will list them in the order of importance:
a.) Couch
b.) Beer
c.) Myself (Yourself)
d.) Pillow
Test Your Hypothesis:
Monday, November 3rd 2008
Time: 9:30am
Location: Couch
Variables: Roommate, Television, Beer, Food, Smoke Breaks.
Woke up from sleep approximately 9:00 am. Took a shower, got dressed in sweatpants and t-shirt. Came out, made eggs, and continued to eat breakfast, at approximately 9:30am, I began to drink a Miller Lite beer and continued throughout the day. This continued while I lounged on the couch. Occasionally I took smoke breaks when I felt the need. Also, I had to make trips to the Sunoco to purchase more beers and cigarettes.
Throughout the week, I followed the same routine until the weekend, unto which I had a party with some people that came over, made new friends, and drank until the wee hours of the morning.
Analyze Data: I realized that after the week's time was over, I had felt like I did nothing constructive at all, but after returning to work this morning, November 10th, 2008, I have a much better attitude and a more willingness to work, however, that is quickly fading. I did realize after analyzing the data that it just felt like I did nothing during the entire week, but after reflecting (I mean, analyzing the data) I did have an awesome week of carelessness, which was much deserved.
Report Results: My results are as follows:
a.) You can have an awesome week off of work if you sit around, watch tv, don't run out of beer, and manage to realize that you're getting paid to sleep, drink, and be as lazy as possible.
b.) Times are not as good if you run out of beer but are too drunk to go get more, you become very volatile, therefore keep a running tab as to how many are left.
c.) Make sure to keep your own pace, there's no need to jump in too soon, too fast, then you just get headaches.
d.) Have a good time, you're on vacation and should have no motivation to do real, actual work!
I hope this scientific method is a good example to all about to take their end of the year vacation.
We'll See Ya
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