Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Who Would Have Though That My Trip To Taco Bell Would Be An Important Lesson In Investments???

Give The Power Back To The People...

As you may already know, I'm a Republican, and if you didn't know that, well, now you know... I'm hardcore Republican, and whether or not you like that, I don't really care to be honest with you, however, I do disbelieve in the theory that Republicans and Democrats can't work together or see I to eye. I believe that we can in fact work together because as Governor Ted Strickland has shown, most Conservatives love the Castle Doctrine that was recently signed by Stickland in September. However, there is still much concern stirring up against Gun Regulators, and amongst Obama's campaign. But before I dive into the one new bill that made me proud to be an American, and gave me more respect toward the democrats, let's take a look at the old "Right to Kill" law before Strickland signed in the Castle Doctrine, because there is much confusion about when one is "justified" to shoot to kill in one's "self-defense." (Note: This law does not apply to all states in the United States, so be sure to visit your state's law's website before entering the state with a concealed weapon).
Previous Ohio Gun Law and the self-defense law stated that an individual by law is not in justification to defend themselves if they have the option to retreat peacefully... There as, if they have a window or a door that they are able to escape to when someone breaks in, they must resort that option and leave to let their property be robbed of them. They are in no right to shoot the person with the intent to kill them. This led to people shooting the intruder anyways, and the person in possession of the property could be sued by the intruders family for manslaughter, murder, etc... Which if you ask me, is just not right in any way, and it took some time for lawmakers to realize this travesty. However, in June 2008, Gun Owners would finally have a say in what self-defense really stands for in America.
In June 2008, a bill was passed, and signed by Strickland there by allowing LEGAL Gun Owners the right to defend themselves in their home and vehicle. However, to have your gun in your car, you have to be a Carry Conceal Weapon License owner (which for $55.00, a passport photo, a clean record, and 12 hours of class time with an NRA certified teacher, you can be too). The new bill, the Castle Doctrine, was signed by Strickland in June 2008, and was put into effect 90 days after signing. Therefore, in the early weeks of September 2008, the bill officially gave the right to gun owners to shoot with the intent to kill if your house is broken into. The order to retreat all options was lifted, and rights were given back to the American people. With much dismay to Gun Regulators (haters) the battle then began. Although, there's a lot of people that are on both sides of the fence with this law. The Regulators believe that this is going to make the states that approve the Castle Doctrine a Wild West town, and Clint Eastwood is going to run the bandits out of town. However, I strongly disagree. I believe that if you are a law-abiding citizen, you should have the right to protect your property with whatever force necessary. I believe that no person shall unlawfully break into anyone's house or property, with the intent to steal, and not have to pay the consequences. Now do I believe that they should have to pay the ultimate price for trying to steal my television, my computer, etc? Absolutely not, but with crime rates the way they are, and criminals possessing the weapons they are, I say, don't give them a fighting chance.
As a law-abiding citizen, I believe that this has individualized the pride in America to the people that are out there working, and trying to make our economy stronger, while the people that are only out there to get a quick buck, are paying the price for our hard work. I hope that this somewhat clears up what rights we have as Americans when it comes to self-defense involving weapons. If not, you're dumb as a box of rocks, and I pray to God you do not own a weapon. Guns are not for everyone, don't get me wrong, but the people that lawfully have them, deserve them, and understand the responsibility it takes to have them. So leave us alone, or we'll kill you... I'm kidding, but seriously... We'll See Ya
-543 people just went out to buy a gun to get a CCW after reading this...
Monday, September 29, 2008
2 Minutes Of My Life Wasted By This Stupid Show...

So somehow, by some divine miracle, I was able to find something that I hate more than Apple Store, more than John Madden, more than stupid commercials with fake crazy characters, and yes, even more than old woman drivers... Enter "Sex In The City" or as I call it, "Knock Out Sleeping Remedy..." In my lifetime thus far, I have by accident caught a total of 2 minutes of this show, and let me state for the record, it was worse then being at work for 10 hours, or maybe 40 hours, I don't even know... Just listening to their annoying, whiney, bitchy voices is enough to put me into a state of psychotic rage... Although, thank God I fell asleep because if I had to suffer for longer than 2 minutes, I might have taken my own life. I'm going to keep this one nice and short... Number one, I hate this show, number two, I hate the actors/actresses, number three, the show sucks (let alone the cast and movie), number four, I hate people that like this show... We'll See Ya
Saying Goodbye To A Dear Friend...

You Don't Play For Us, We Don't Pay For You...

After the travesty that was the Browns Game, and yes, let me say again for the record, the BROWNS game, I came to the conclusion that I've officially had enough for this season. The fact that I acutally finished watching the game was so disheartening. And I know there's the fans out there that are going to say "if we would have had Palmer in, we could have won the game, or at least had done a lot better..." I'm sorry, as much as I love the Bengal's, I'm tired of making excuses for them, because I'm the one listening to Marvin Lewis after the game saying that there's things they "did right and things they did wrong..." I'm sorry, but I didn't see one thing that looked relatively good, unless we're talking about the Browns Defense, that looked good, but of course it did, they were playing a team that played worse then the Lakota Tomahawks, and THEY'RE 6 - 10 YEARS OLD!!! I've seen better football played by Special Olmpics teams.
After the game, I decided to stick around and watch some of the other games, and I was just amazed at the caliber the other teams in the NFL play at. Brett Favre, he's what like 40 years old and still has more amazing stats than our team in 20 years combined? Even the Eagles/Bears game was incredible! They play with heart, they play as a team, they play to win... The Bengal's, I'm not even sure they play at all. I mean, I could understand why, they're getting paid just to be there, so obviously I'd show up. But the total lack of respect and unwillingness to play like a team is enough for me to understand that they don't care about the Cincinnati Bengal's fans, and I can only make excuses and get disrespected for so long before I have to walk away...
My solution to the problem: Obviously number one, new coach, and new coordinators. We can't afford to have this lack of talent and expertiece running our players. Second, we obviously have to draft better players for positions we need help in, and from the looks of it, we need 2 new wide recievers, and we need to relieve "Ocho Crappo" and Chris "the thuggesque" Henry of their duties, which doesn't seem like much from their visual performances... Don't get me wrong, I love players that talk trash, but I also want that player to you know, what's that word called...??? Oh yeah, PLAY THE GAME!!! Third, you don't get paid until you perform, no more large paychecks if you're out there screwing around! Everytime you mess up, we take it from your paycheck, clean and clear! Maybe that will teach you to play like a team!
I'm sorry that it had to come down to this, but this is what happens after so many bad times. Like a bad girlfriend, sometimes you just have to leave her as much as it hurts. I'm sad to say that this will not be easy, by any means. I know it's going to be very different watching my Colts instead of the Bengals every Sunday, but the Colts have never let me down as bad as the Bengal's have, and for that reason, they appreciate me watching them, and appreciate them playing with drive, and devotion to the game of football, because that's what football deserves, and that's what the fans deserve! Sorry Bengals, maybe after this season, I'll start watching you again, but you have a lot of work to do before you earn my respect again. We'll See Ya
-451,352 people have the picture above as their wallpaper at work and home after reading this...
Friday, September 26, 2008
This guy is an idiot, not me Dell... Get it right!!!

Top 10 Reasons Women's Right To Drive Should Be Revoked!!!
9.) When "your jam" comes on the radio, you feel the need to dance... I'm not talking about a little finger snap here and there, I'm talking full on, hip swing, arms up, dancing!!! Nevermind the $30 - $40k car you're driving, or others peoples lives on the road, YOU HAVE TO DANCE!!!!
8.) Yes, the light goes from Red to Green, when it's green, you can GO!!! You don't have to stare at the green, although it's mind boggling, I don't have time to sit here all day!!!
7.) When you're not on the phone, it's like you've never been outside of your house! It's like you have to look at every little thing around you like you've never seen houses on the side of the road, which makes you ride that white line, and then slam on the break when you start riding in the grass or that sound barrier on the side of the highway almost causing me to crash!
6.) Road Kill and Future Road Kill... Geez, you see a bird or a squirrel, and it's like a semi is about to hit you head on! You slam up the breaks for a creature that's dumb enough to run out onto the road... Just kill the stupid thing! You know how many squirrels and birds there are out there! I could understand a horse in the road or a bull, but really? A squirrel? Come on... Get real...
5.) Parking... Jesus, don't get me started... Women can't park to save their lives, and it's a good thing that they drive the HUGE TANK of an SUV their husband bought for them... It's like they can usually pull in, but pulling straight out the same track you pulled in on is impossible... I really don't know how hard of a task that is, and second, I don't know how you got your license in the first place... Anybody that fails the parking portion of your driving test, should not be allowed EVER to get their license...
4.) Speed Limits... I don't know what it is, but women are always late on the lights and short on the speed... The numbers are posted everywhere, and you get upset when people tailgate you? Maybe if you weren't going 28 in a 35! You're just like an old person... Speed up or get out! Your undying need to stay in the fast lane going 55 is slowly killing us people that aren't scared of driving!
3.) Turn Signals... All that money you spent on the car, and you can't flip a turn signal on to let us know of your next indecisive move... Seriously, I know it's a stretch between not monitoring your speed, your position on the road, changing the radio, doing your make up, and making sure your hair looks ok, but a little clicking noise to let us know where the hell you're going would be much obliged!!!
2.) Why is it that everytime someone even remotely starts coming into your lane and then moves back once they notice you (probably another of your species) that you freak out and have to about pull over and take an hour break to reflect on what just happened... You know if you honk, they're more likely to cut back quicker and realize their mistake!!! I'm just saying, grow a pair, and get over it...
1.) Your bathroom mirror has officially been moved to your vanity mirror in your sunvisor... Which is also part of the reason you're late off of the lights, EVERYTIME!!! I swear, this lady sat at a light just this morning for a good 2 minutes with me honking because she was putting on eye-shadow... Worst part was I was honking and she throws up her hands like I did something wrong screwing up her morning routine! Get out of here...
Let me just state for the record that this is not ALL WOMEN, but if more than 95% of your are guilty, you're all guilty! I know that most of the girls I know don't, and many that are guilty are mainly between the ages of 32 - 90+... We'll See Ya
-15 of my girl friends said that this wasn't them, then turned around and said this is all so true after reading this...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ironic? I think so my Dear Watson...

As it is the Political Time and we round the corner to the next election, the television is paraded with stupid commercials about who supports what, and why their opponent doesn't and blah blah blah... I'll tell you right now, flat out, that I am not only voting for McCain and Palin because they have the experience needed for a position like this, but also Sarah Palin is a cougar, and cougar's are ok with me! I've just noticed that every time there's an election, and all of the election commercials come out, there really is just the stupidest crap said, and it's just a waste of air space on my television time. However, I've found something even more annoying than these commercials. It's so annoying that they could probably make a show just to house this amazingly HUGE amount of crap in a 2 hour block of commerical free entertainment. The show would be called "When Celebrities Take Political Sides 4..." Yes, celebrities and politics go together like peanut butter and motor oil, not the 5w-30, but the 10w-30! I think once McCain becomes President he should ban celebrities, like movie stars and musicians (or today's lack there of musical talent musicians) from being able to speak out at all, not about politics, but about anything. The thing I find really strange about celebrities taking sides is that their all taking the most hipacritical side. Take for instance the fact that latin rapper "Daddy Yankee" took Republican McCain's side, however, I'm sure that Daddy Yankee was somehow, before an illegal immigrant, and if I'm not mistaken, aren't the Republicans voting to stop immigrants illegally coming to America? Hmmm, makes me wonder...
The other oddity I saw, was the fact that 99% of celebrities are backing Obama, which I find interesting; because the biggest part of Obama's campaign that he's trying to force down my throat is the fact that he wants to "stop shipping American Jobs oversea's to be taken over by foreign countries, and he wants to keep the United States "All American" and have only American's working America's jobs, blah blah blah... Well, then why don't the celebrities adopt AMERICAN oprhans which are in large need of parents, instead of 99% of them adopting these foreign kids and naming them stupid names like Rumor, and Apple, and Kill yourself now because you will not want to grow up with this name and go through high school... But do you see the hipocracy here? If you're so about keeping America, America, then why don't you start doing American things!?!?!? I just don't understand how celebrities get their points of view, unless they flat out told me that Obama paid me to say I would vote for him...
Is it also ironic that, remember about 8 years ago and 4 years ago when Bush was in the line up to get voted in, and re-elected into Presidency? And P. Diddy, Daddy, Diddy Daddy, I don't freaking know what the hell he goes by these days was telling everyone that they have to "Vote or Die" and all of the population was saying that Vote or Die crap? Well, pretty funny coming from a man convicted of 4 firearms possession convictions... 2 of which he was convicted of felonies, which in the United States, those convicted of felonies CAN'T VOTE!!!! So basically, I have a man telling me to Vote or Die, and he's not going to vote? Interesting how hipocritical Hollywood really is... This is all of little concern to me, because I know who I'm voting for, but just think about it, if you're up on the fence, look at who endorses these people, and look at what they really have in store for the United States. I'm not going to tell you to vote or die or anything like that, but do vote, because your vote can make a difference... In my friendship with you... We'll See Ya
-605,345 people will no longer rent movies to support Hollywood, but will pirate them from the internet instead after reading this...
Quick One Liners of Things I've Learned In Life...
-No matter what college you went to, or who you know, you'll hate your job...
-Put the seat down on the toilet if you are in the presence of a lady, or you have to pay $5...
-Friends are always right, even if we don't listen to them...
-Follow your instincts, they may let you down, but at least you're true to yourself...
-Always believe you're destined to do something great in life...
-Everything you need to know in your job, will come from your job, not college...
-Your parents only want what's best for you, even if it comes out as bitching at you...
-The Banking business sucks, it always has, and it always will...
-Girlfriends/Boyfriends may come and go, but true friends are always down to ride...
-You can't date your friends ex's if they dated for more than 6 months or more, no matter what...
-Always have your friends back's, even if they're terribly, terribly wrong...
-You're going to look stupid many times in life, just get used to it, and make a joke out of it...
-Enjoy the moments you'll never remember with the friends you'll never forget...
-Drink up, be merry!
-Here's to the bee's and the bull's!
-When you're arguing with your girlfriend/wife, just say "Honey, you're right, and I'm sorry," and at the same time, in your head, say "yeah right you're right, I'm right, and I'm always right because I'm a man," that's all the reassurance a man needs, and it's easier to cope with...
-George's basement is still the original man cave and the best place to watch the games on Sunday...
-Always find the people that have the same personality as you to have as your best friends...
-Gas prices are high, get over it!
-Contrary to popular belief, comic books are still cool, however, Magic Cards and people that have Magic Cards are not...
-POGS is still the coolest game around, it just needs to make a comeback...
-No one likes a kiss ass or a brown noser, except your boss...
-Miller Lite is better than Bud Lite, hands down...
-When you're too tired to drink, take a couple of JagerBombs... Trust me...
-Bar's ARE NOT good places to find future girlfriends/boyfriends...
-Bar's ARE great places to meet one night stands...
-Hoffbrahaus (sp) although a drive, a great time with the right friends...
-Money can't buy happiness, but it makes a pretty damn good down payment...
-350Z's driven wrecklessly are the most fun you could have without getting a ticket...
-I will probably never drive anything other than a 2 door Honda Civic...
-Wedding receptions (wedding after parties) are fun, even more fun when they're not for anyone you know at all...
-Sand volleyball on Tuesday nights during the summer brings a group of people that may not have known each other that well, so much closer together that it's scary...
-Some people really look forward to the day before Thanksgiving than others, I wonder why that is??? Weird...
-Blogging, although seems gay at first, and a waste of time, gives you one heck of a way to vent on things you really hate, and have other people laugh at it...
-Everlong is quite possibly the greatest song ever...
-Your friends have porn all over their computers, they will just never admit it...
-Star Wars is quite possibly the best movie of anyone's life time...
-Michael J. Fox still looks 12, and so do I...
-Slap braclets would still be "in" if they weren't banned by law...
-Chipotle tastes good anytime...
-White Castle is never a good idea, but it so is... For some odd reason...
-Mind Thy Fulcrum...
-Beer Pong will some day get us through the hardest times in our lives...
-Al Gore created the internet, which got everyone's computer's up and running all of the time, which later caused houses to heat up, which led to everyone opening their windows, which let the heat out, which the heat rose up, and the heat tore up our atmosphere, therefore, according to the Transitive Property Al Gore + Inventing the Internet = Created Global Warming... I hate you Al Gore...
-President Clinton was the only Black President the United States will ever have...
-The Bengals suck, get rid of Mike Brown and Lewis, and we're set, easy concept, tough task...
-The Steelers cheated, I'm not saying we would have gone all the way, but close!
-When you hit rock bottom, there's no place to go but REHAB, whoever says up, sucks...
-Fight Breast Cancer any way possible, even if you can't/don't have it...
-"The answer to your question is yes" is an appropriate answer for post-farting before your friends ask...
-We'll See Ya
-405 people realized that I really am 123% amazing, 143% beast, 187% awesome, and .010% serious after reading this...
Breast Cancer Awareness: A Serious Problem, A Serious Post... (Well, as serious as I can be)...

As we all know, I am rarely, and I really want to put a lot of emphasis on "rarely" a serious person, and before I started working here, and going to school, I could have cared less about Breast Cancer and here's why: A.) I will never get it (even though they say some men can, I won't. B.) I don't know anyone that has it. And C.) If I can't get it, and I don't know anyone that does have it, why should I care? I'll tell you why, because it's become a large problem in not only the United States, but around the world... Just to give you an idea of how wide spread this cancer has become, in just 2004 alone, 186,772 women and 1,815 men were diagnosed with breast cancer; and of those 40,954 women and 362 men died from breast cancer that same year... Think it's not a problem now?
I am proud to report however that in 2007, 178,480 cases among men and women were discovered, which is slightly lower than 3 years prior. This is because of new treatments, earlier detections of, and more research on breast cancer. This breast cancer research does not come cheap either. As it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I think it's important for those of us that can do something, to be proactive and take part in this growing problem. For a not so serious moment, gentlemen, what would we do if our kids didn't have second base available? I mean, come on, we need men's support as much if not more than ladies. I'm not saying that we all have to go out and buy yoplait yogurt and save the caps and send them in, but find the little things you can do, find charities and give to them, and let's work together to try to find a solution to this problem. I know for one, as much as I don't like my company, job, whatever, National City has a Diamond Edition Checkcard and Credit card, that everytime you use it, a portion of your purchase goes to Breast Cancer Awareness and Research and it costs you nothing other than buying your groceries or gas, etc... There's so many things out there that can do this, and we are not taking advantage of it.
Call me crazy, but I think it's a great cause, even if you don't know a survivor, or someone suffering from it, or anything, just take a part, and be active... Here's another way that you can help. I am taking part in a Breast Cancer Awareness walk on October 12th, starting point is Yateman's Cove, and it's a 5k. As we all know, my laziness, caused by not working out in months, my constant smoking habit, and my ability to not really care much in life, as been put aside so that I can take part in this event... It doesn't take much, donate $1.00, donate $1,000 dollars, just donate to this walk, and have your friends and family do it too... Our team goal, Team Save the Hooters' goal is $1,000.00. Please either walk with us, or donate to our team, we would greatly appreciate it, and I know that people suffering from Breast Cancer would greatly appreciate it even more...
Here's the link: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/MakingStridesAgainstBreastCancer/MSABCFY09Ohio?team_id=344161&pg=team&fr_id=11727
Thanks again, and We'll See Ya
-856,342 people just realized that 1 in 4 of their friends will develop breast cancer but won't do a damn thing until it happens to them...
Really? Wow... I have a couple of positions I'd like to be in for my wake come to think of it...

Monday, September 22, 2008
I hate Apple so much, I can't even stand to look at their logo... Here's Why...

As you've read from previous blogs, there's a lot of stuff in my writings that I hate. I can't help it, because most of the stuff I'm writing about, has been a moment that has happened to me, and just in case you're faced with the same issue, you are better prepared, and are therefore, more likely to have an easier time coping with it... Therefore, lets go back to the terrible times I've faced with my favorite hated company, Apple.
Christmas, 2003. I wake up on Christmas day, being back from college to spend Christmas with my family, to see what kind of stuff I'm going to get to take back with me. And what else, but an iPod of all things, because if you were in college, and didn't have an iPod, hello Geico cavemen... So my parents had bought me the top of the line 40GB iPod, and yea, I pretty much thought I was the coolest person this world had ever seen, because that thing cost a fortune (even though they're even made cheaper now...). So I read everything, download music, put it all on there, works great, love my Apple experience... 1 year later, I'm at the Apple store because my iPod won't work... Won't turn on, won't stay on, try charging it, did that menu select button and choose... Tried everything... So, obviously, why not take it to the Apple store right? Probably because in the process of doing that, I found a place that I despise even more than the BMV, which we all know, is pretty tough to find... So I walk in, thinking wow, not a lot of people here, GREAT! Walk to the customer service desk where I'm greeted by probably, I'm guessing, a Master of World of Warcraft. I mean, this kid is the Proactive Poster Child. This pizza face kid with the crackliest voice I've ever heard asks what my name is... I'm like, do we really need that for me to just ask you a quick question? So I give it to him, and he asks me what the nature of my problem is... So I start telling him my whole situation to where he cuts me off after I say my iPod doesn't work after I start explaining everything, so obviously, now I'm fuming quite a bit... So he says, we have 11 people ahead of you, so once you see your name up here, you can come back... So at this point, blood pressure spikes, and I feel myself inflating and turning a dark shade of green, and you wouldn't like me when I'm bloated and green, not a good situation... So I decide to walk the mall, scope some ronies, and chill for a bit killing time, come back after an hour, and one person is gone off of the list... So basically, I check back every hour and one by one, they're gone, so finally, almost 6 1/2 hours later at Kenwood Mall, I finally get my chance... So I get called up, he looks at it, does his little, I'm a nerd, so I'm going to do the same stuff you did before you brought it here, and tell you it's screwed and give you a new one! Bingo! All of that was exactly right except the give you a new one part... So he asks if I had the protection plan on it... I'm like, whoa bro, what happened on it to break anyways? "I don't really know, could have been a number of things..." I'm like, ok, like what? You know? This isn't a G.I. Joe action figure here Patty Pusscakes, this is a $450 investment in Apple Company. So he said he recommends that I turn it in for another one and get 15% off with my broken one... Yea, I'm sure you would recommend that you TOOL!!! No way, I'll take it back and throw it at your car on my way out, I'm sure it has an apple sticker on it, you fags always have that...
So after dealing with that catastrophe, I have since not owned an Apple item, not a computer, not an iPod, nothing... Their commercials upset me, with that stupid queer from Waiting, and their logo upsets me, it should be changed to money bags and robbers taking it... That, my friends, is why I hate Apple, and everything Apple based... We'll See Ya
-506,721 people just took a bite of an apple, and will now buy a different type of computer because of the taste in their mouth after reading this...
You! You! And You! My Office, NOW!!!

Man Vs Wild: Here's just a few reason's why this guy is a Man, and why he's Wild...

For those of you that are not cool enough, or just plain don't know about the show "Man Vs. Wild" then you are truly missing out. For one, the host, pictured above, his name alone, Bear Grylls, is just manly, and beastly at the same time. I mean, hell, call him a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it's still not manly enough. But seriously, this guy goes to exotic, desert locations, and mountains with nothing but the clothes on his back, gets dropped off by helicopter, and they give him a "We'll See Ya" and the show starts. They leave him for God knows how long. He's been to Everest, the Saringete, Swamp lands in Florida, Plains of Africa, I mean, Jesus, are you crazy? The answer, no, he's Bear Grylls, the Adventurer. I just had to write something about this guy, because yes, he is that awesome. I saw a desert episode where literally, the camera men were dropping like flies and this guy is body surfing down deep sand slopes. He basically talks about how to survive in these extreme conditions, and what to look for, what direction to head, which is all great stuff, although I don't think I'll ever be in that situation, because that crap never really happens here in West Chester, and I don't have enough vacation time to use to go somewhere like that, so...
I mean, just look at the picture above, he was thirsty, so hell, why not kill a turtle, and stab it, and drink it's blood? Why? Because there wasn't a 7/11 around that he could get a water from... He literally will chase animals down and spear them and just eat them raw. He was literally eating a Zebra from it's carcass one time, because yes, he is that bad ass... I mean, you have to be pretty crazy to do some of the stuff, I take that back, all of the stuff this guy does. Sure there's people that go out there in the world and explore old castles for ghosts, or go mountain climbing, but hey, not Bear, he's like, screw it, I wonder if I can jump this cliff, and he's like, guess we'll find out... Some people are out there getting that crappy Peace Medal for coming up with ways to solve Green house gas smog crap, WHO CARES!?!?!? This guy's out there by himself making souffle's out of scorpions and kangaroo dung, I mean, who do you know that can do that?!?! This guy right here deserves a Medal. He's a honorary member of our society, and when a nuke someday hits the United States, I'll tell you where I'll be, right in my leafy, mud made house on a hillside in the desert with Bear, surviving like I'm retired... We'll See Ya
-506,451 people cut the head off of a turtle to drink it's blood to quench their thirst, and now watch his show after reading this...
Man Laws and Guy Code: Let Us Never Forget...

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Just because it's Sunday...

Saturday, September 20, 2008
If I was a midget, I'd be pissed... Here's why...

I had a "small person" or midget, or whatever the crap they are, to be non-politically correct, I'm sticking with midget, but either way, they came into the bank, and I'm not going to lie, had I not seen them come in, I totally would not have seen him over the counter, because yes, he was that small... So I got to thinking today, as I was completely slacking off at work, if I was a midget, I would be so pissed off. So I'm going to explore, as well as you keep reading, you will too why being a midget sucks. First and foremost, you're what, 2 foot nothing, and you weigh like 5 pounds? Hopefully there's no windstorms, otherwise, WE'LL SEE YA!!! Second off, no sitting at the bar for you, that's like climbing a rock wall just to take a seat, no thanks... Third, and most important, look at the above image: Who's name do you know from the movie? I'm going to go ahead and say you probably know the goofy pedophile looking clown in the middle... Do you know anyone around him? NOPE! Why? Why you might ask? I'll tell you why!!! Because midgets don't ever EVER! get the lead parts in movies! They're always trolls under bridges, or little ankel biters, or flying with witches to balance the weight on the broom. Seriously, next time you see a midget, thank them, thank them for taking all the crap... They've been looked down on, well, their entire life, so give them a break, and show them some appreciation. They deserve it, you saw how Willy Wonka treated them... Bastard...
-560,231 people are really scared of midgets, but are more afraid to admit it after reading this...
Dissection: Why the Jonas Brothers are "Popular" (Even though we all know they're not)...

First off, let me just begin by saying, I have no prior knowledge of these clown shoes, and I am strictly going off of what I see from the above image, and from Amber sitting next to me. Since I don't know them, I'm going to go from left to right, leaving them nameless and as gay as they were when they entered this world.
Ok, let's begin. Far left: I can see popularity streaming from this wanna-be guitarist. See the assumption already, he's defintiely not the front man guessing by the haircut. The hair first, really, with the part down the side, and the curls? Wow, homosexuality called and they said they miss you since you stole their style. The solid black silk tie too with the pinstripe shirt? I can't really knock on him too much for that because I probably have the same shirt and tie combo (thanks TJ Maxx) but I'm sure, since we can't see his pants, that he's wearing camo shorts, and we all know shirts, tie's, and camo shorts, what's up chomo?!?!? Enough with this sheisty character, time to move on...
Second Runner Up, second from right: Ahhhhh, there he is, trying to be the heart-throb, with all the style and flare of a complete douche. Oh my God, where to start??? Let's start up and slowly work our way down... First, the hair. I thought it was the Jonas Brothers? This looks like the usure of what I am sister! I've dated girls that would kill to have that haircut, but wow! I mean, it's so feathered and perfect... I thought men go to Barbers, and women go to sylists and all that crap. I don't know a man that would let another man leave a barber shop with hair looking like that. I was going to give them props on the fact that at least their all clean shaven, but I forgot, they're what, 8??? Ok, on to the clothes, oh God, this could take awhile... Ok, first, the coat. It looks like a dark table cloth pattern, but I do have to say I'm amazed that only the one button is buttoned, because that's how men are supposed to wear their coats, weird. Maybe that's his cover up to look straight and mingle among us real men! Sorry, you didn't fool us with the hair QUEER!!! Next, the white shirt unbuttoned with a tie? Did you just get off work after a hard day? No, and by the way, YOUR TIE IS UNDERNEATH YOUR SHIRT RETARD!!! That's not style, and it's not straight! Quite possibly the gayest one in the group, from head to toe, clearly loves to blow!
Third Runner Up, third from left: Here we are again, the drummer trying to push his passion for drums and horrible sense of style down the throats of young America. Nice hair, looks like a 70's porn star gave you a trim job, looks like they missed a big chunk of it. As for the shirt and everything, I don't even know what the crap is going on? Is that a shirt wrapped around his neck? Was he just not feeling the double shirt idea at the time, and forgot to take it off? Is it like a Throw-back jersey thing? Or is it just his homoesque flaring up? I don't know, but his attempt at a necklace + the pullover shirt = FAGGOT!!!
Ahhhh, too bad, we're down to the last one, Far Right: First, let's start with the fact that he thinks he's Hawaiian. You're not Dog the Bounty Hunter, and you're not cool, quit throwing up the international hello signal. Second, do you part your hair that way because your gay bass guitar playing brother goes the other way, and you thought you'd look like him, fat chance jackknob, you're both equally gay. Are you getting married? Why the vest? To quote Evan from Superbad, "take off the vest, you look like Aladdin..." And we all know one thing for sure, Aladdin's gay, and so are you...
I've never even heard a song of theirs, but if it's anything like their style, I'm sure I'll want to stab myself in the ear with a letter opener until I can't possibly hear anything ever again... Let me just say for the record, they're not cool, and they never will be. Why their such a hit I will never, ever, ever to the 1,000,000 power understand why? Unless that whole, my boyfriend is gay and I'm ok with that theory is making its way around. These kids are out blowing all of their money, and they have no idea... You better save up one hit wonders... That money won't last forever... Haven't you ever watched VH1 behind the music, you're gonna be smoking crack in like 6 weeks... You want to take a lesson in being rich and famous, look at Bill Gates. He makes $10,000,000,000 an hour, and he dresses like a shoe salesman... Cut it out Queers, and get a 9 - 5 at Kings Island... You upset me...
-605,439 high school emo girls just realized that the Jonas Brothers are gay, and now think they're even hotter after reading this...

Honestly, this guy does take the cake because he is "that guy..." If you have no idea what I'm talking about right now, just think back to when you were watching Price is Right, and all of a sudden commercial, and since you already had your easy mac ready and sitting there, you decided to stick around for the commercials, little did you know, you were about to oxidized by Billy Mays... It's so tragic because no one ever see's it coming...
I mean, here you are, Easy Mac, Bob Barker, maybe a can or 4 of Mt. Dew, and the next thing you know, BAM!!!! "Hi there, Billy Mays here, here to tell you about the all new OxiClean!!!" I mean, how could you see this coming? Seriously, everytime I see him on my television, I am terrified, because I feel like he's going to jump out of my tv, and walk straight up to me with that huge, fat, pointing index finger and just be like, "BAM! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR SOAP SCUM, THEN PROBABLY WIPE DOWN YOUR COUNTER TOPS AND DO YOUR LAUNDRY!!!" What do you say at that point? I mean, he's going to have to use some Oxiclean on the underwear I'm wearing, because that pointing index finger is probably 6 1/2 feet long, I mean, that's a small picture, and his finger still looks like you could tie a ball and string to it and play tetherball with it...
Literally, you either like this guy, or hate him, and I'm guessing if you watch more than 10 minutes of television a week, you hate him. If you don't know him, consider yourself warned. Tell your soap scum build up in the shower that there's a new Sheriff in town, and he's coming for you. So take heed, this will happen to you someday if it hasn't already, and you will be terrified, just a fare warning...
-509,405 people have been assaulted by a Billy Mays infomercial and just found out about it after reading this...
Some people just look like that kind of person that would do that...

This was actually pretty close to me awarding a Darwin Award because this guy takes some cake. Not only does he look guilty of at least something, maybe looking like a chameleon, but at the same time, he's a lady spy, and a panty stealer... Yes, spy and panty stealer... Not only that, but he also decided to spy on these ladies at good ole' Miami University Oxford. (God bless the ladies at MU). At least he picked a classy joint to carry out his crimes. But really, if you were a girl, hell, a guy, would you want this guy as your neighbor? I mean, I'm sure if you asked his neighbors 10 years ago what they thought of him, you'd get the standard "he's a really nice guy, I wouldn't think he'd do something like this..." But really, if I ever have a neighbor that looks like "that kind of person that's just guilty of something," then I'm calling the cops immediately. I mean, really? Spying on girls with "spying software" they said, and the crimes even reached the point of "stealing their panties." I don't know at what point he crossed the line, whether it was having "spying software," or using the "spying software" to spy on his young college lady neighbors, or stealing their panties... I'm curious as to how he ended up getting the panties in the first place? Did he break in and steal them, or were they out drying on the clothes line and he was just like, "BONUS!!!" How about does that happen?
Second off, I have to wonder, what kind of "spying software" do you need to look at your neighbors? Wouldn't your eyes and binoculars work just fine? I mean, I love how the Enquirer makes it sound like he was deep in the streets with espionage laser watches and x-ray vision Ray Bans... Seriously... This guy looks like he can barely afford a 9 pack of Bud Lite, yes, I said 9 pack, and yes, it does exist... It's called a Track Pack, so find it, it'll change your life... You want more than 6 beers, but not quite 12, BAM!!! 9 BEERS, THAT'S PERFECT!!! Enough with the side tracking... Anyways, where was I?!?! Ahhhh yes, Mr. Peeper... So yes, this guy is facing approximately 9 charges, ranging from spying, to panty stealing... Do they have a level of crime they can measure panty stealing? Is that like a 4th degree misdemeanor if they're lace or thongs or something? How do you measure that? Is it just theft? Or is it a petty theft, or panty theft? I know, lame attempt at humor... I apologize, but you know, deep down you're at most snickering... Mmmmm, snickers, I'm hungry...
Ok, once again, I apologize... But as I was saying, in a basic sense, we are all guilty of something at least in some point in our lives, but at least not all of us look like it... I just feel bad for these people because they never had a fighting chance... Call it unlucky genetics, or just bad parenting, but either way, it just down right sucks! I'm not trying to judge people, but it's in my gene's, that's just what we do, and it's our Right as American's... So get out there and see if you can find somebody that looks like their guilty of something, so you can just give yourself a chuckle, oh yea, WATCH YOUR PANTIES, because you never know who else might be as well... (see above picture). We'll See Ya
-506,403 people just realized they really want a Snickers too, but they are also watching their underwear at all times after reading this...
Friday, September 19, 2008
This is my job... Sadly... Yes, this is my daily grind...
I usually show up to work just at the minute I'm supposed to be already up and running and I usually throw out the "there was a train" or "a plane landed on 129 and I just had to reassure myself that everyone on the flight was ok" excuse... Then I usually walk back to my vault filled with an amount of cash that really isn't much at all, but is still more than I have in my account. Then I usually do my atm processing which is my favorite customer of the day, because A.) it doesn't actually talk and B.) it is smarter than my regular customers (yes, all of them, combined). Then I usually get the "we're 80 million credit cards short of our goal this month, so lets get 10 today," as if that's going to make a dent in our deficit. At this point, I usually reply, "ehhhh, I'm not really feeling that whole vibe today," which in turn I get a pat on the back and I continue processing my endless atm envelopes. By the time I finish this little doo-wop of a task that in reality, if I spent 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week training a chimp, he would have this down, and they could pay him in banana's, which I'm sure balances very closely to my hourly pay... So really, either way, the opportunity cost is nearly close to the same, but having a monkey at work would be much more fun than having me at times... I know this for a fact.
So it's 9 o' clock in the morning, the branch opens and the influx of people trying to save their accounts from mere destruction come bursting through the door thinking if they put the money in now, their account that was overdrawn last night at midnight will be ok... Knock Knock, who's there? YOU'RE WRONG!!! So after a few of those awesome, amazingly friendly customers, my real day of sitting here staring out at Cincinnati-Dayton Road traffic begins... I think on any given day, I see about 942 cars (margin of error of 10.3) pass by. Some are repeats, some are out of towners, some are just really, really ugly. I have created this game, with all of the time that I do have to do nothing, that I try to name all of the makes and models of the cars that drive by as fast as possible, and I have to say, I'm a force to be reckoned with. After this, I usually get a couple of customers that don't have any idea what banking even is, and it's very fun to deal with them. Hell, let me just give you a run-down of my several different types of customers:
The Repeat Overdrawer: (Chris Henry's as I call them) - This person should not have an account, and the only reason they do have an account, is because they probably don't have a mattress to put it under, so this was the next best option, thanks by the way, for making my days at work, filled with fun and excitement with helping you ALL MORNING!!! This person is overdrawn 8 days out of the week, then a week of a positive $2.31 and constant calling to the branch to ensure they didn't forgetably (not a word, I know) write a check and overdraw... Definitely a Darwin Award runner-up.
The Questionairre: (Regis' as I call them) - These people have the dumbest questions, about the dumbest topics, and they waste time of mine that I could be playing call a car. Lets just say that they come in to open an account, and all of a sudden, I am God and they want the path that their life is going to follow... Ummmm, excuse me, I'm going to have to cut you off, my ears are bleeding, and that's what consumer bankers are for, not tellers. Thanks, good day... I SAID GOOD DAY!!!
The "Why am I overdrawn" customer: (I call them idiots, because simply put, that's what they are) - They come in, huffing and puffing and talking about how they're going to take all of their money out of our bank and take it somewhere else because they're upset they're overdrawn and we're charging outrageous fee's to pay their items so they don't go to collections (sorry for doing you a favor)... I don't know if you know this, but you can't take negative balances to another bank, what is "taking all of your money" going to do? Are you proving a point to me? You are an idiot... Here's a typical conversation with this customer:
(Sorry, 98.6% of the time, it's a woman...)
Her: "I just don't understand why I'm overdrawn???"
Me: "Sure I can take a look... What's your account number?"
Her: "Like I know that..."
Me: "Wonderful, you are obviously on top of things, that's why you're in good standing with the bank..." Well, what's your social?
Her: "My what? What's my social? Middle to High class?
Me: "?????? WTF is this broad talking about? (long pause, deep breath) No mam, your social security number..."
Her: "Ohhhhhh, hahaha, I didn't know what you were talking about... It's 452... no... 659... no...
(after this goes on for another 10 minutes)
Her: "Ohhh, I can't remember...
Me: "Obviously... So let's try to look you up by your name..."
Her: "Susan Smith..."
(Note: This system we use, looks up every Susan Smith within our 8 state footprint...)
So after this 25 minute horror story, I finally find this woman in our system and begin to dissect her account as to yes, why she is overdrawn... Although, here's the key to the story that no one really knows...
So anyways, I have to, in a nice way, tell these people this, and it's best to approach it like their family member just died... Mam, we have some bad news, it looks like your excellent record keeping must have slipped up, that's why you're getting charged all of these fee's because we're paying this items, like your mortgage so you can live in your house, and your car payment, so you can drive to work, assuming you have a job... In which they usually reply "this is outrageous, these fee's are ridiculous, and I'm pulling my money out of this bank and going elsewhere, and telling all of my friends..."
My response: (in my head of course) imagine watching Home Alone, when Kevin puts on the after shave, yes, after shaving... It's at this point that I just want to stab myself in the throat, and bleed out in front of the customer so they know how I feel about their fee's...
This happens roughly 10 - 15 times a day. Occassionally they will call, and you have to do this situation over the phone, which is better for me, because I can cover the phone and mouth dirty words and they'll never know, and I like that, that's what makes me happy... Note that I said this is 10 - 15 times a day, A DAY!!!! That's an AVERAGE DAY... So next time when I come over after work, and I'm alittle on edge, and alittle short fused, you can have a general idea as to why... We'll See ya
-907,654,264 people just realized that their job sucks as much as mine does after reading this...
Everything I need to know in life, I learned from... Living?
As for most of you reading this, you are probably my friend, otherwise I'm kind of freaked out that you are getting all the intimate details of my life and friends. But in this instance, you are probably one of my boys or among that crowd, and in that case, just scroll down to the next paragraph, because I'm sure at some point recently you've heard what I've had to say, but I just need to vent here, so... As you know, this past weekend my girl and I split, and for reason unknown to me. (I'm starting to believe that she doesn't know either...) Anyways, as I've sat down and thought about it so much the past week, I just realized that I took a lot of heat from my friends when I first got into the relationship, and they had their 2 cents, and I fired back with dollars, and they said they just wanted what was best for me... As I look back now, I have to apologize if I ever blew up over the argument of whether or not I should be dating her, and for that, I'm sorry. Once again, I took for granted that you never go against the "Man Councel." I did however learn a very important lesson, one that Rick follows very strictly, and one that I will now always follow very closely too. That lesson, is of course the "don't crap where you eat" lesson. Now I'm stuck working every week in this akward situation of not talking, looking at, or thinking about her, as I have to sit next to her. Had I listened to the councel, I would never have been in this situation. (Rick, by the way, what's your sisters number??? j/k) (Please don't kill me, I was totally joking...) Anyways, the faster you learn not to crap where you eat, the better off you are in life, because then you have a lot less akwardness. Girls + The "L" Word = LIES! Learn this, and you'll succeed...
Anyways, on a lighter note, I finally got to talk to my best friend last night, and as well, it was an uplifting conversation. To give you a very abridged version, she is engaged to a guy that hates me because we dated, and she is a very classy girl (heels, low cut nice shirts, etc) and he hates me because he thinks she's still interested in me, and yet she's engaged to him. He spits in her face, tells her she's worthless, etc... I finally got to give her my 2 cents over the phone, and I am finally glad that I got that chance, because I really feel that I got through to her this time, and it's just amazing after talking to a great friend when they say, "thanks for being such an amazing friend..."
Well, since I'm at work, I guess I should actually do some. Although I don't really feel like it, I'm done venting for the time being. I'm sorry if I've been sounding like I'm down, but this might give you alittle insight as to why I do feel that way. I just can't stop listening to that T.I. - No Matter What song though, for some reason, it just really works for my situation right now. Check it out when you feel down, it brings your spirit up to hear someone else going through what seems to be a tough time when he's a multi-millionaire, and I make 28k a year... Besides that, that's my story and I'm sticking to it...
Why so serious? We'll See Ya
-809,543 people just realized I only wrote this blog because I was mad my now ex-girlfriend broke up with me for no real reason at all after reading this...