Monday, September 21, 2009

1 Day Before Judgement Day...

I stand before him, the eyes of justice, one meant to uphold the arms of liberty and justice for all of those that believe in this great nation... I stand before him the one meant to uphold the laws of man, knowing well that the only man that can truly judge me is God himself, and for that matter I stand not in fear, but in mercy... I stand as a man for the first time in my life... I beg for my good fathers forgiveness, fore I have sinned... It's not the first, and definitely not the last... I stand before you, a changed man... One that is accepting of the punishment that I have in fact put myself in. I fear not what you shall impose, and ask that in all of your grace, I still have life, and a chance of happiness... I will stand up as a man, and fully accept what you have handed down to me, your son, as a gift, because through all of my trials and tribulations, I can look back and notice the change that has taken place... I am forever grateful for you love and understanding, and in your name I pray, amen...
These are my final thoughts the night before I head to court to find my sentence for my second offense... As much as I'm trying not to be nervous about what is to come of this mess, it still haunts me... I know there's jail time in the mix of things, but at the same time, what should I fear of a crime that I flat out committed? Is it wrong to not fear something because of a typo on a report that could abolish this? Is it wrong to beg for mercy? Does it make me less of a man? I know through it all, my friends have said not to worry, what happens, happens for a reason, and this I know, but there's still that inner-most sense of what is coming... I joined a statistic that I never wanted to join... I have finally manned-up to the fact that what I did was wrong, and I intend to do anything and everything in my power to correct my mistakes... I have had to sacrifice a lot because of this situation... I've lost a relationship with my parents to which I never really realized I do hold so dear... I'm sure I've lost the respect of some of my friends... I've lost a part of my life that I felt a sense of pride in... For a few short days, I lost my faith in God, which is something that I never intended to do... Thankfully, all that I can do is work to get that back... I can look at this in a positive way, accept my sentence, and move forward... Or I can slip through the cracks and lose it all... Anyone that knows me knows that I have always accepted a challenge, and I intend to fight this to the death... I am one man taking on the justice system... The justice system set forth by this great nation to convict the guilty, and find innocence in those willing to change their ways... I have no intention of letting go, and falling into a life I have never wanted, therefore there's no option but to "adapt and overcome" as Cub says... I just want to take this time to say thank you to those I know and love... Thank you to those I thought I lost faith in that never walked away no matter how big of a jackass I was... Lastly, thanks to those still in my life, that are there for my support... I will update tomorrow once I figure out what happens in court... As for now, it's time to get back to life, and dwell on the future and not the past...
We'll see ya...

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Quest For Life...

Recently, as not many of you may know, I was pulled over on my second DUI within a year. As we all know, the first one didn't go over that well with the parents, and there were times that were rocky at best, and borderline of me getting kicked out of my house and home. After much time taken away from the drinking/partying scene, I again returned to my stupid routine, and slipped up. As you can imagine, this didn't fly over very well with the "free living" with the parents. After the first offense, I was given the ultimatum that I had to discontinue hanging out with the people that I knew before, and start a new life with people that are "making something of themselves." I was rather confused as to what exactly "making something of themselves" actually entails. Before it was people that have graduated college and have a job. After I hang around with a group like that, and I got in trouble on my own accord, my parents blamed the people that I was hanging out with because "they're losers that spend their entire lives in a bar..." And if I was to continue hanging out with those people, I would turn out to be like that. COP OUT! I made the decision to drink and drive, and I am paying the consequences.
During the course of my first DUI, I was constantly beat up by my parents, calling me "scum of the Earth, an embarrassment, a criminal," etc... My parents threatened to the throw me out if I had another one, and of course, true to their word, my mom attacked me Sunday afternoon, and told me if I'm not going back to school this quarter, then I could get out, because they're not going to let me just live my life there for free. The look on their face when I walked out was almost priceless, because I don't think that they realize that I'm never coming back. I say that because I feel the only major flaw I've had in my life is them holding me back from being who I want to be. I'm not willing to sacrifice living my life just because I have made some mistakes. I'm not going to sit around a house with them and get beat up physically and emotionally, because no one deserves that. I'm an adult, and at times, although I don't act very mature and make grown up decisions, but it's about time for a change. I stepped out of the house and was greeted with a fresh breathe of air. I walked away from the only house and home I've ever known, and was finally out on my own.
Walking down the street with nothing but 2 small bags packed with clothes, and 2 bags of shoes, I walked with a different sense of pride. I felt like I was adventuring out to something new, something I've never done before. Although I had a sense of exactly where I was going, Chris and Sara's place, I still knew that this time it was for real. This time I wasn't turning around to talk to my parents again and beg for mercy... This time I was finally saying goodbye for quite possibly the last time. I had lived under their tyrannical (®) rule for so many years and just couldn't stand the oppression that I was withstanding for so long. I had every aspect of my life constantly judged and set forth for me like a slave. I was able to seek refuge in the helpfulness of all of my friends, whether it was a "good luck" or "you're doing the right thing," or in my case, an "I got you man, you can crash here as long as you need too..." Although I don't like being in the situation because I would like to be able to fend for myself, but financially I'm strapped with the upcoming court date and such. I'm just so thankful that I have true friends that would give up their time, home, etc just to help me out. It goes to show how true your friends are to you, and for them to say, "I would hope that someone would do the same for me in your situation," just goes to show me that this is the person that will always have your back no matter the situation. I have a great girlfriend that time after time impresses me more and more with how much she can handle and still show consideration for what's happening in my life. I have friends that are just as great as Chris and Sara, and I would not give them up for anything in the world. I'm so glad that for once in my life, I took the high road, and went against the grain and ventured out into the unknown, taking the road less traveled. I would just like to say thank you again to everyone that has offered help, rides, etc, and just overall shared kind words to help me through this rough patch in my life. I am trying my best to accept responsibility for my actions, and just knowing that I have the backing of so many people is really, truly helping me through this.
As for what the future holds, I'm not really too sure. I know that currently I do not have the money to find a place to live just yet until I go to court, sell my car, buy a new clunker, etc... I anticipate a big life change however. I've been talking with a few people, and I am seriously considering possibly leaving the country for a year to teach English oversea's or something possibly among those lines, or possibly joining the armed services, but nothing is in stone yet. I will have to see how things go in court on September 22nd. I really do appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers, and everyone knows when they are in a bind, don't hesitate to call me, my phone line is always open...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Without Him, Who Do We Have...???

Recently, some mistakes I've made in my life have made this song more meaningful to me, and although I don't usually take rap music for more than what it is, DMX has a song that reminds me of what I'm going through inside... (The parenthesis represent God's voice)

Please give me the strength I need to live...
Bear with me...
We each walk the path, that we've chosen...

I'm ready to meet him
Where I'm living ain't right
Black hate white
White hate black
It's right back
To the same fight
They got us suspecting a war
But the real war is to follow the law of the lord
Lord, you left me stranded
And I don't know why
Told me to live my life
Now I'm ready to die
Ready to fly I cry, but I shed no tears
You told me you would dead those fears, it's been years
Snakes still coming at me
Just missing
Sometimes I think all you doing me is just listen
I thought that I was special
Thats what you told me
Hold me
Stop acting like you don't know me

What'd I do so bad that it sent you away from me
Not only sent you away, but made you stay away from me
(My child I'm here, as I've always been, it was you who went away, And now are back again, what did I say?)
Follow your word, and be true
(What did you do?)
Well, what I wanted to do...
(What have you seen?)
Darkness and hell at a glance
(What do you want?)
All I want is another chance

(Just because you went away, my doors are not locked, wanna come back home, all you gotta do is knock)
Ya see, I left home a boy, I returned as a man Full grown, and I'm still not able to stand
(I gave you a hand)
Well...but I was looking the wrong way
Figured out the plan, then I started to pray
And that prayer, took me from here to over there
Back to over here
Now they got me like where?
Do I belong?
Do I fit in?
Things on my mind, where do I begin?
It's easier to sin, but it hurts my heart
I'm really tryin' to win, so where do we start?
(Thou shall not steal)
But, what if he stole from me?
(Thou shall not kill)
But what if he's tryin' to kill me?
(Thou shall not, take my, name in vain, no matter how hard it rains, withstand the pain)

Our father, who art in heaven
I'm not ashamed to ask for guidance, at 27
No longer afraid to knock on your door
Not scared anymore to lose my life in the war
After what I just saw, I'm ridin' with the lord
Cause I really can't afford to lose my head by the sword
And now that I've seen, what I need to see
Please take me, where I need to be
(What have you learned?)
It's better to tell the truth than to lie
(What have you learned?)
To love my life until I die
(What have you learned?)
Violence isn't always the key
(What have you learned?)
You can't always believe what you see
(What have you learned?)
It's better to forgive and forget
(What have you learned?)
Give as you expect to get
(What have you learned?)
That I can't go on without you
(What have you learned?)
I must have been a fool to ever doubt you...

I must say, it's a powerful song, that seems very true to life, especially for me... It seems that upon the occurrence of events, not only have I let myself down, and my friends and family, but along the way, I have forgotten what it means to let the Lord down. I have lost faith in the things that have founded what I was, and what I've become... I lost my vision of becoming a better person, and in turn, left everyone in the dust. I feel like I'm on a quest by myself, where in I've left everyone behind. "No journey is best left to oneself, even the journey to learn of what oneself is capable of..." There's no way that I can learn what I am capable of by myself. I have always been left to my own devices, to turn to myself for answers, and I've always felt that I've had the answers, but this time, I'm clueless, and within this time, I have lost someone that I truly cared about, lost my sense of faith in God, and at the same time, lost myself... I turned back to old methods, bottling up my fears and anguish, instead of talking to those that care about me, and would do anything for me... Which abruptly lead to those not believing in me, and therefore not wanting to help me...

I understand that it's merciless to keep all of this bottled up inside, but after 25 years of the same methods, it's hard to change, and it only leads to self destruction, which leads me to the very shoes I stand in today... I've once again single-handily demolished something that I tried to hold so deep, because of fear... A fear of myself, a fear to let myself out, a fear to open up, etc... Within the turmoil, I lost something highly important to me due to some inept fear of putting all of myself out there for one person to see, and that lead to my very own demise... What's so wrong with me that I can't put myself out there? Fear of being rejected? Fear of someone walking away? Fear of crying and showing weakness? Whatever it is, the only person that can help me conquer this is myself, with the help of God. God doesn't judge those that strongly believe in his faith. Maybe I have lost faith in myself, and God... The feeling of being at the bottom of the well without a rope to pull myself out, and yelling but not being heard. The feeling of being stranded in the middle of the desert being surrounded by nothing but dry, desert air... I know it takes time to put all of you out there, especially when you've been through so much pain in life, but in my own pain, I've caused pain to another, which makes me no better of a person than I was in the past, and is that truly fair to anyone else? No...

My faith in God is restored, and all that I had to do was take responsibility for what I did. I have to follow my word, and be able to open my own light, and give others to right to shine as well... I'm reminded of a quote by Marianne Williamson:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves – who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, and fabulous. But honestly, who are you to not be so? You are a child of God, small games do not work in this world. For those around us to feel peace, it is not example to make ourselves small. We were born to express the glory of god that lives in us. It is not in some of us, it is in all of us. While we allow our light to shine, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same. When we liberate ourselves from our own fears, simply our presence may liberate others."

In turn, I would like to justly apologize to those I have hurt, and ask for your forgiveness in the hope that you will also fight against the inner demons that may one day hold you back from doing the right thing... I would also like to thank those that have been there for me, and continue to be there for me through thick and thin, and may God bless you and yours in the way that he has truly blessed me... Remember, all journeys in life are too large to adventure out on by yourself, make sure you take the best luggage, and that is friends and faith... Always smile, because they're contagious, and it's the best disease to spread... You can always correct a mistake, as long as you own up to it... Lastly, don't be afraid to put all of yourself out there, because you never know who may take an interest in what you have to think or say...

We'll see ya...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Riddle Me This...???

Since when did celebrities really decide that people that pay to come see their concerts wanted to hear them babble on and on about saving the whales, or not being prejudice against gypsies, or some other bullshit political agenda you're being paid to spew all over what's left of your fans? Seriously?!?! I read in today's paper that Madonna was booed by a crowd of 60,000 fans in Bucharest, Romania last night. I knew just by the title of the story that this was going to be something good, because nobody ever booes Madonna... That'd be like booing U2, which I do anyways, mainly because they suck, their music sucks, and apple sucks, which we all know how the Transitive Property works (A + B = C)... After reading the article, I couldn't help but laugh because she was booed because she was throwing out to the people that they should not hate the Roma's or "Gypsies" in their country because they are humans too... Really? Now, I'm a firm believer in the fact that you should not talk about something that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. However, you can talk about these things if:

a.) You're from that native country.

b.) You know about the history and you've previously supported this cause.

c.) You were at one time one of these people.

Let me run down the quick checklist and see if any of these apply to Madonna:

Born in Bay City, Michigan, therefore not from Romania. Fail.

Know about history of Gypsies? Obviously Fail.

Rich woman living in Hollywood from age 15, making more than any one person in the world. Fail.

Sorry Madonna, you just simply put FAILED! You can do your Cabala, sleep with A-Rod or Jeter or whoever the hell you want, but when it comes down to it, for the last 30 years, your music has sucked, you dress like a homeless woman, and you're like 70 years old... Face the facts there Favre, you're just not the go-to guy in this one anymore... People paid to hear you sing, not talk, so don't take the Nickelback in Cincinnati trip, just shut up and sing bitch...

Ahhhhh yes, another one of my favorites... You may remember this asshole from your "vote democrat or you're a racist" campaign. What's that? What's my favorite Kanye West moment? Hmmmmm, probably when he stated that "George Bush doesn't care about Black People" comment on national television. Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things celebrities get away with because of the fame and fortune, but how he pulled this off was simply distasteful, and as a matter of fact, just pure haterified (copyright)... However, if I was part of the media after this was stated at a Hurricane Relief Benefit Fundraiser, I would have followed it up with this question: "Mr. West, who in fact does care about black people?" The only response I would receive however would be nothing... Because the statistics go to show that not only do white people not really care for black people, but shockingly, BLACK PEOPLE don't even care about BLACK PEOPLE!!! Therefore, I found this graph to further my exploration into this concern I have for what he stated:

Where do we move from here Kanye? Yeah, exactly... So not only does George Bush not care about black people, but neither do black people, so...

Therefore, I am puzzled as to why celebrities with all their fame and fortune believe that have an utter duty, to speak out against things that they know nothing about? One last person I had to examine though, just to further prove my point:

Vote or Die? That's like the opposite of what they want in Afghanistan. Vote And Die is the Afghani way! But really? Vote or Die? Why would I die if I don't vote? Is he insinuating that he's going to kill me if I don't vote? Am I clear if I do vote? Am I racist if I don't vote for Obama? So many questions left unanswered by 3 simple words... However, he also brings an ironic game piece to this checker board I call life... In America, convicted felons are NOT allowed to vote, correct? Correct! Now, when you are caught in possession of a concealed weapon when you do not have a Concealed Carry Permit, that is a felony correct? Correct! (Zingers, I know!) Now, let alone carrying the weapon illegally is bad, but what about shooting it in a club for no reason, illegal correct? Correct again my friend... Now, does this mean that P. Diddy, Daddy, Puffy, Puff Daddy whatever the fuck he goes by this month, is going to die, because he in fact is not allowed to vote? Interesting question...
I think the Defense rests... We'll See Ya!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This Just In!

From the papers to the television media, and my everyday life, processed through my very brain to the very few ears of the loyal readers that still keep an eye on my lame ass opinions, here's today's and the weeks top stories (as changed by me!)

So the "nation mourns" at the loss of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy... Do we really? I don't... No offense, but I find it hard to wave a flag at half-mast when this man dies because he was such an "influence" in the Senate. By influence, do they mean alcoholic that got away with fraud, scams, and was an extreme alcoholic? We lose a soldier almost every day in Iraq, where the "TRUE HEROES" are, and we don't even fly the flag for them, so why this asshole? Ted Kennedy was not a True American, in fact, he wasn't even that good at his job in the Senate, he endorsed Obama, I mean come on, how good could he have been? I told my work that if I do not personally believe that we should fly the flag at Half-Mast, do we still have to do it? (Being a dumbocrat, she replied that "he was a Senator"), although I fought to the end (distracted her long enough to forget) and I conquered, so the flag flew high at National City in my "Good Riddance" to Ted Kennedy, the last of the remaining assholes that fucked America rotten, and had more trials than O.J. Simpson! We'll See Ya!

As not to fall short of any other exhilarating day at work, Monday I received a call from a customer that went as follows:

Me: Thank you for calling National City Liberty Township, this is Ryan, how can I help you?

Customer: (deep south accent) Yeah, I got one of them fee's for 'imsufficient funds on my account and I'm just wondering where the hell it came from??

Me: Ok, what's your social security number, let me look you up...

Customer: ***-**-***

Me: I think we're missing a number sir, is there another number on the end?

Customer: *

Me: Thank you, let me pull you up here in our system...


Me: Ok sir, it looks like the fee came from a check that was written off of your account when the funds weren't available...

Customer: Yeah, I know that, but why 'dere a fee for them?

Me: Well, writing a check when you know that the funds aren't there is a felony, because it's technically check fraud, which is illegal, and because that was returned there's a fee from the bank for attempting to process a bad check, and from the company you wrote the check too.

Customer: Well that's bullshit man, I mean, I've been on unemployment for a year now, and just filed an extension, and I don't have but like 3 dimes to my name right now, and I have 2 hernia's, and I just didn't get my extension yet...

Me: I can understand that, but it's still illegal, and there's still a fee from the bank that can't be waived, because you knowingly admitted that you wrote the check without the funds in the account, so there's nothing we can do.

Customer: Bullshit man, I hate this God damn bank shit... (click)

After this phone call, I had to sit back and feel bad for the guy, because all he's got is change, which is all that was promised by Obama, so really, he got screwed. I almost felt like telling him that he could work at McDonald's flipping fries, because I did it for a summer and made $11 an hour, and I guarantee that's more money than he'd ever see in his lifetime from the sound of education level through his speech...

In breaking news, the coroners have ruled that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide! They are currently looking at a suspect named Ziploc or the "Plastic Killer" who they believe is the primary suspect in the death of Pop Star Michael Jackson. Really? So they're going to consider it a homicide because he's had more surgery's than Pamela Anderson which has to be some kind of Guinness World Record! Did you hear that because 99% of Michael Jackson is plastic, they're going to melt him down and mold him into Lego's so that kids could finally play with him for a change! Glad your gone, sincerely not concerned, Ryan Hoopes!

Sorry to keep it short today, and hopefully it brought a good enough laugh for you, but we will be back next time with more!

Monday, August 3, 2009

We Don't Want A White Knight, We Need A White Knight...

It takes an economic melt down as such for me to get so upset, and so frustrated that I would ever consider changing my political party affiliation. It's not like I'm going from Republican to Democrat or anything of that nature, but as a matter of fact, I'm so torn that neither party deserves my backing. It's a terrible thing when you are so torn between political affiliations that you think of giving up all hope in all parties. I know this seems like it comes out of left field, but in all honesty, this has been going on since my great white hope in the Bush Administration.
I recently read Glenn Becks new book, "Common Sense - A Case Against An Out Of Control Government" and I must say, he opened my eyes to a lot of things that I didn't want to believe about my current political affiliation. Not only that, but made sense of things that other parties were taking part in. After finishing the book I have decided to resign my standing with the Republican party and seek political enlightenment from upcoming candidates. Until someone comes up and practices what they in fact preach, I refuse to take part in the political game. Glenn Beck said it right that American's have been burned too many times, that we in fact don't know who to believe anymore, and all we need is for America, as a whole to take a stand against our over-spending Government. The day should never come that the people fear the Government, but rather vice versa. I'm not saying that Obama is to blame for the GM crisis, or anything going on with the economy, but he is definitely not the right person at all for this position. He would however, be the perfect scape-goat for a runaway Government. They could have had him run and helped him out along the way to make him the fall guy for their corrupt ways. They will probably say that they had no idea he was this inexperienced for the crisis' that happened, and therefore they will elect someone else, and keep spending and spending...
Don't get me wrong however, I still despise Obama and the ways and methods he used to get elected. The voters should be intelligent people, not just bums and hobo's off the streets. They have never participated in elections before, but a pack of Newport's and a sausage Mcmuffin later, their your next campaign officials! If this is what the United States has come to, then I'm sorry, but we're completely screwed. In a country that was founded on such hardships and massive bloodshed, we should be the model of efficiency and uphold only the just of laws, but instead we're trying to spread the cluster fuck (pardon my Spanish) that is our Government model. And we wonder as a civilization why the Iraq and Afghanistan war isn't over yet? We're (us) trying to force OUR Government model on other countries and convince them that it's the best. How do you figure? We're in a God only knows how many trillion dollar deficit with China, which is practically going to be the new United States if we don't dislodge our head's from our asses, we spend money to make money (that's like taking all the money you have and doubling down in Vegas on a blackjack game with a 20 in hand. (For those of you non-card players, that's the riskiest thing I've ever heard of, and has never been accomplished by any non-card counter). Side note: of all things that wouldn't be good at counting cards, it would be our Government.
Did our Founding Fathers not fight the Revolutionary War to solve the problems of too much Governmental control? Did they not shed the blood of a true patriot? Did they not say "enough is enough?" Where are we now? 233 years later and we have almost completely abolished everything that they created. Is that just? Is that what this country was founded on? I will tell you when it all changed. It all changed when Big Corporations needed support and taxation money from new small businesses. It started when the Government started to "bailout" big companies because their executives need big yachts, huge houses and fancy cars and the Government felt that they were exactly right! It started when "God" was taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. These are far and few between I know, but this is what we have come down to... This is what "America" is now... We're a country that wants to be held by the hand and told what to do and so the Government is doing exactly that. Can we blame them? We call ourselves individuals and say that we're "free," but instead we're held hostage by our own Government. For Christ sake, they took "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance, because they said that it interfered with the difference between Church and State! This country was founded on CHRISTIAN beliefs, and trust me, I'm about as Christian Light as you can be, and I know that Christians believe in GOD, which until I stand corrected, if you're founded on Christian beliefs, then God is your creator! The bullshit that you can't say "Under God" in a Government statement, that people have fought and died for is complete and utter insanity! How can we let our own Government, that founded these document 233 YEARS AGO say that they're going to overrule this decision? Why don't you just curse in God's name in it, so people don't think you're partial. I don't care if people of other descents live in this country (the ones that work and pay taxes that is), but they have the right to do their own religion, but when you're on this soil, you're following the rules established in OUR country! As that goes, that's all personal belief, but also a belief that most Americans hold true to God himself.
My problem with our Government, going back to the Bush Administration, is the fact that we're cutting Big Business taxes, and giving them tax breaks, and helping them out, while failing the small businesses that have the opportunity in the future to grow. Is America no longer the "Land of Opportunity?" We pay the big guys the big salaries and tell the other small business men/women that they need to support big business... How is this fair? Obama steps in with this "Hope" and "Change" mentality, expecting us all to accept these gifts for which he brings, which is basically to buy us out, and in return give us more Government control. We don't need MORE Government control, rather more individual expression. We need the opportunity to start our own small business ventures... What ever happened to that "Melting Pot" leg that America was standing on? We're not culturally diverse anymore, it's Whites vs. Blacks vs. Hispanics. The only reason it's like that is because of racist organizations like the NAACP and ACLU that protect the true criminals and turn colored people against whites. They make us out to be monsters, when in reality, that shit ended 30 or 40 some years ago! We owe you nothing anymore. You have to walk on your own at some point, can't keep crawling.
The thing that really set me off with Obama was the Mass. Police Officer/Professor situation. I know that anyone reading this has already caught wind of the situation so I won't further explain or give you an abridged version, however, the fact that President Obama, without hesitation said that the Officer acted "stupidly" was WAY out of line with me. Was he there? The fact that Obama said he was "friends" with the professor should have been more than enough for him to know that he shouldn't open his mouth about the situation. Of course any "friend" is going to take your side whether you're right or wrong, and if I were that Officer, I would have told Obama to shove it up his ass when he asked me to come enjoy some beers at the White House. It's racism like that, on THEIR part that will not allow this country to move further. Obama being black holds no regard for why I do not like him as our President. I didn't vote for him, and as a civilian and a voter, that is all I could do to keep him out of office. There's only so much one can do, and I did it. Not to say that McCain/Palin would have been a better choice, but experience wise, they would have been a little better of a choice. I can remember learning in History about the "of the people, by the people, for the people" readings, but now it seems we're in a world of "of the Government, by the Government, For the Government" and who cares about the people putting up the money for this country just to stay afloat! We owe so much money to foreign countries that like the polls are saying, our kids will unfortunately have to endure and suffer. I was never worried about receiving Social Security, because I knew that that was going to run out quicker than my paycheck usually does, so I invested in a 401k, but how screwed are our children going to be? By the time this corrupt Government that owns us gets done taking our money for taxes, we will not be able to save anything. Our country is such a horrible position with spending, and the consumers are in such horrible debt, yet our Government tells us and convinces us that we need to stimulate the economy and get out there and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND! How the hell is that going to change anything? If you go and spend, and I go and spend, aren't we cancelling out each other? Especially when I'm spending on products from foreign countries, and you're the sending the money to them to pay for that good for bringing it in? Where is there Government saving in this equation? Who's doing our taxes and auditing here, Kay Rogers? (BURN!) I see commercials on television for Chevrolet, and Obama says, "I hope if you're thinking about buying a new car, you will buy an American car!" Really? Why? Because they can carry 254 passengers, pollute the environment with terrible emissions, and get about 10 mpg? All for around a grand total of $30,000? Geez! I don't know how I ever overlooked American Car Companies!?!? God forbid I pay $19,000 for a sporty, gas efficient (36mpg), Honda that was coincidentally made in Columbus! I don't know how I never saw this before! Right Obama, buy American! Dead on, SPEND SPEND SPEND! This whole "I'll bail you out" campaign was nothing but complete and utter bullshit, and now you're choking on the very words you preached to the American public that voted for you. So far, I still see the bums and hobos out in Cincinnati begging for money, in fact there's more than ever, and I still see a huge increase in foreclosures. Where is this promise of change now? You failed us just like the Bush Administration, the Clinton Administration, and the many Administrations that will follow you... The only difference is, you don't even get an "A" for a valiant effort. You get an "F" for Failed the American Working Class!
What we really need for change is a movement. A movement by the American people! We all need to take a stand, realize that the Government has burned us far too many times, and we need to set the record straight that we will no longer stand for the "take from the poor, give to the rich" mentality in Washington! We need to pick up on things when Presidential Candidates come in preaching that they're going to "fundamentally transform America!" Here's a key piece of History that you may or may not have seen (being born and raised in Africa that is), IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED! IT'S CALLED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!
I do have to take this time to apologize to my friend Heather. I was stricken with disbelief when I, myself decided to resign from the Republican Party for the aforementioned reasons, but she was right, you can either make the change happen for yourself, and get out there, and find what's best for you, or you can sit back and take the Political Propaganda. Either way, if you sit back and do nothing, you have no right to bitch, so consider this my "up to bat," because I'm on deck, with 2 outs, and bases loaded in the 9th in a tie game situation. Trust me, it's not going to end well for our Government...
I'm not trying to sell you on this idea, because you may be perfectly content with what's happening currently. You may have voted for Obama, and be happy with the changes (nothing) he's done since he's been in office, but if you aren't, then I urge you, not force you to take a step back and do something to make a change in Washington. Let them know that you're tired of being pushed around! Fight for what you believe in, and stop taking the food handed to you by these corrupt corporations and their friends, what we call our American Government!
Where is our White Knight I ask? Where is our White Knight...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Someone I Never Wanted To Meet...

I was never one to religiously believe in things like Karma and things of that nature, but today, I caught a couple of glimpses of her, and I must say, there's no worse feeling than Karma taking some pokes at you. As most of you already know, I'm not the most committed person when it comes to relationships, and I joke about that a lot, because I've had so many different damn girlfriends. Although, it seems like in this last month, I've been stabbed in the back by friends, I've met the female version of me, and I lost one opportunity because I'm an asshole... As mad as I really want to be, I'm starting to realize that all of this could have been avoided had I not taken too much on at one time. Well, 2 of the 3 that is, one of them just was misfortune, and I will never let people hook me up with coworkers or friends of theirs. As for the friendship, you gotta keep your friends close and your enemies closer, because when you're up, you're enemies are dressed in friends clothing, but when you're down, they reveal their true colors and you'll end up losing a lot more than you anticipated. As for meeting myself in the female version, that was the misfortune.
I never really realized how shitty I treat my girlfriends, and girlfriends that I intend to one day have (if that makes any sense). I thought this girl had some real special qualities and we took a great liking to each other, and even though I heard background noise that she had other things going on beyond my field of vision, I let it go because I just enjoyed being with her so much... As things progressed, I felt things getting more serious, and then I text her, call her, and no response... Then out of the blue, a week later, I get a text, and I figure maybe she was busy, and she said I was "crowding" her during exams, and she's stressed, etc... So I tell her to text me when she's got time to hang out, and well, that's never anymore, and I realized, she's a 2 month leaser... Exactly what Hoopes has always done, and he got part of his own medicine. Wow... That sucks, lost a best friend, got stabbed in the back, got played, etc, all in a one month period...
So as I think about all of this, I get the balls to call up an old friend, because I sit and think about all that this girl has done for me, and how I've treated her like shit, and pushed her aside, and never thought I cared for her, but she's always, ALWAYS been in the back of my mind... I text her and tell her that when she gets some time to chat, I want to talk to her about something... She said she just got done with finals, and she took her nursing board tests, and she's going to Florida and she'll text me when she gets back. She got back and Tuesday I ask her if she wants to hang out, and she said she doesn't think her man would like that...
In the times that I've treated her like shit, pushed her aside, and never made any valiant effort to show her that I truly liked her, she found someone that did make her feel the way I realized she made me feel... Special... And now, it's all over... The lonesomeness is settling in... Starting to realize how this story ends... What a twisted web we weave... We'll See Ya...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Own Worst Enemy...

"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
Every time that I close my eyes, I'm haunted with visions of things I've done in my life. Whether it's a lie that I've told, or something I've said to someone to hurt them. I've recently been trying to shut down these things by trying to get my mind onto other things, but the visions keep coming. Each time a different memory, each time more pain... It seems as though karma is here to show me what I've done and make me pay for the things that I've accomplished. I look back on a life filled with painful deceit, lies, tragedy, and simple happiness. I am flashed visions of the way that I've treated people, and it hurts to know that I could have done/said that. I don't know why these visions are visiting me now. Maybe it's because I'm hurting because of the way I'm being treated, possibly because I've met myself in the opposite form. I've been let down, hurt, and lied to, and it has forced me to think of the things that I've done, the exact same things to other people in the past. The thing is, I never thought anything of it at the time... I have slowly become my own worst enemy. I'm in a slump that I just can't seem to get out of, because I don't know where to start. All this time, I just thought of it as a game. I thought life was some kind of game that I could just master after much game play, and it would all work itself out. However, now I feel that I have dug this hole that I will never work my way out of. I know I have great friends here, and I have a job, a nice car, and a lot of good things going for me, but at the same time, I have failed the one person that I had never given much concern to... Myself...
It really is true after I thought about it. Some people don't do things to be logical. They just want to watch the world around them burn. I'm a product of that. I did everything possible to make myself happy, sacrificing other people's feelings, thoughts, etc. All just to get anything and everything I wanted. During that course of action, I sacrificed everything that I ever wanted to become, which is why I'm sitting here miserable, and barely able to stand the sight of myself. My thoughts are jaded, confusing, and troublesome. I sit here at work barely able to think of some of the things that I've done. I'm so mad at one person right now because they just led me on, but at the same time, I've done that to plenty of girls, so who am I to judge? I don't even know what I'm trying to get out of this, but I'm over this sense of pride that I carried with me for so long. I don't exactly know how to accomplish what I'm looking to accomplish, but there's no better time than now to try to figure it out. Having nothing but yourself allows you to have a lot of time to think things that aren't right in your life over. There is no doubt in my mind that when you lead someone on, there is no worse feeling, because it's the feeling of unexpectedness, and lack of clarity that hurts the most. You wait for a call or text, and you don't get anything... You want to call, but don't want to be over-pursuant... The whole things just sucks, and it took me to go through it myself to understand what I was doing. All that I know is that I never want to go through it again, because I'm still getting over it. As Dent said "the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming..." And I believe it...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This Just In!

In today's news, readers are "shocked" to find out that Adam Lambert is GAY! And in other news, Man has set foot on the moon!!!

The thing about Emo is, if defined by them, they are: individualists that think outside of the box or "norm." They do everything to make themselves happy and don't follow today's "trends" of American pop-culture or teen pop-culture.

As I define it: Homosexuals that run in crowds, dress exactly alike, and listen to stupid suicidal music while having "slit-your-wrists" parties and tell their parents that they hate them.

Back to the story at hand: Anybody that didn't think this character was gay, may just be emo, sorry I mean GAY themselves... Wait a minute, aren't they the same thing? I will explain this further and work from head to toe on how to be an emo. Do not forget the one key element that all emo's share however, and that is THEY'RE GAY!!! Let's discuss:

Emo Hairstyles (I have trouble calling them styles, so we'll go with Hair Plagues)

Wow, could you find anymore ways to look completely homeless and trashy? OF COURSE YOU CAN, YOU'RE AN INDIVIDUAL THAT DOESN'T LIKE TO FOLLOW SOCIAL NORMS!!! Let's throw some kool-aid in our hair to draw attention away from our ugly, pizza puss factory looking faces!

Way to go, you have successfully made yourself less attractive than a skunk! It's more of a mixture with the eye gunk of a raccoon and a skunk! A skunkcoon! Hell, I'll take it one step further, GAY!!! Enough with this hair business. Congratulations, you found that mixing pink lemonade kool-aid into your nappy ass dark hair it makes stupid ass looking streaks! You should be an engineer! Just kidding! You in a professional work environment? I don't think so, you're "too individual" (gay) for that!!! FAGS!!!

Next: Clothing Style (again, style is far from what it really should be called)...

Most kids in their age group, and I say most because that's what I see most wearing, are wearing polo's and Hollister, which I see nothing wrong with it because that lets me know how old you are. But these kids? Black and pink seems to be a popular trend among these "individuals." Wait a minute, didn't I see all of you "individuals" pull up to the "mall" in your "mom's minivan" rocking out to "slit your wrist?" Wait... Yeah, that was you! You all went your individual paths into, what store was that??? OH YEAH!!!

So let me get this straight, you're all trying to "go against the system" more or less, yet you all shop at the trendy emo-like stores? Not very individualistic to me... Maybe I just don't understand... Probably because I'm straight...

Finally, footwear:

So to be an individual that "goes against the system" and "hates your parents" because they "don't understand you," you decide to wear the same shoes that they did when they were your age? That's not even spiting them. That's just dumb... Another obvious point that you're a.) GAY, and b.) dumb...

Basically, the point stands out like a sore thumb. All emo kids are a.) dumb, b.) gay, c.) trend followers alike, and d.) hypocrites. They're dumb because they think that they're individuals yet they all shop at the same trendy emo stores. They're gay because well, they're gay from head to toe. They're trend followers because they all dress and do the hair the same. And they're hypocrites because you don't say you're an individualist if you follow the same trends as OTHER EMO FAGGOTS!!! Do us all a favor and create a spot in Oakland and ship all these faggots there so that they can live in "individual" tent communities and be gay all in one area instead of hoarding at our malls and wasting NORMAL people's air... However, if we do ship all of them out of state, who's going to work at Apple? Damn... Hoopes 5, Emo Douches 1...

10 people agree that I just POWNED Emo kids, and in the 20 minutes it told me to write this blog, 10 more emo kids just arrived at the hospital to get their wrists sewn up. Tragic... Escaped death again...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Life Is Going To Happen Whether You Like It Or Not...

"A Journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles..." - Tim Cahill

Step back and think about that for a second. This is a quote I recently read off of my friends video he had made for a Travel scholarship. It really hit me when I read it because I gave deep thought to the beginning of my life, and all the friends I have, had, and are likely to come into contact with later in life. I think people sit around too much and think about what their life should be like, and focus too little on what's happening right now. People sometimes seem to forget that you only get one life, and you have to make the most of it. Whether you want to explore the world, live in a foreign country, or simply start a daily workout routine; the only way you're going to accomplish any of it is if you actually do it. Think about this: "Today is tomorrow's yesterday! Did you accomplish anything you had hoped to?" Did you set a goal for the day and strive to accomplish it? Probably not. You probably went to class or work, sat there all day being bored, and left work, went home and drank a beer and watched tv. That's because your life is programmed this way.

If you look back at Elementary school, you think about all the tests and things that they put you through, to find out what you're interested in to see what jobs you should start looking into. THIS IS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! The biggest thing I was concerned with then was my dodgeball team in gym class! That, and the fact that those tests told me I should be a woodworker, a fighter pilot, or a video game tester... What a relief! Good thing those are all in the same field! Really?!?! There's no test out there that is going to tell you what job you'd be "happy" doing, just what you'd be "better suited" to do. You want the true test to figure out what's going to make you happy in life? GET OUT THERE AND TRY THINGS! Try things you'd never thought you'd get the chance to do! Jump off of a bridge! Go to Walmart at 1:30 in the morning! Go to Traders World! Skydive! Wear your shoes in the house (that's more fitting for a daredevil like myself)! The only way we are ever going to be happy is if we think about the things we've done over the years, and think about the things we've always wanted to do! No test we were ever given asked us what we really wanted to do when we grew up! We never knew as children that firemen do a lot more than drive their truck in a parade. We didn't know what entailed in being a video game tester or a fighter pilot. We just knew what we knew from the 2 second clips on television... I say, fuck the 9 - 5 if that's what you don't want to do, then don't do it! If you want to take a year off and travel the world, then save up and do it! Accomplish your dreams before your goals and your life will be much more fulfilling. They say that you should do a job that you're happier doing than one that pays you a ton of money. In reality, money doesn't make happiness, sure it makes a great down payment, but in the end you'll be much happier when you're doing something you love...

You don't have to take my word for it, I'm a 25 year old college drop out, looking to go back to school for what is likely the wrong reasons. I have one DUI and one terrible driving record. I live in my parents basement for free and eat their food. I was an average C+ to C student in high school. I was a C to D student in college because I put in minimal to no effort at all to which I later just stopped going. I never did anything newsworthy with my life, and I'm starting to accept the fact that I probably never will. That is until I really sat down and got to know myself. I think a lot about things that my friends tell me. The other night I was out drinking a few beers with my friend Cubbie and his girlfriend, and he said to me that since my DUI, he has really seen me mature. Now whether or not that's just something that I slid by doing, or if I really did manage to grow up, I may never know... It means something when your friends tell you something, even if they're making fun of you. When I look back and think about the things that I've done, whether it's something I said or did, or something I thought about doing, I realize how stupid I was sometimes. However, that's what made my character. Sometimes you have to look back at what you've done to steer clear of repeat offenses in the future. Think about this: "What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail?"

There's so many things I would have done with my life if I had thought about this early on... But why did I not end up doing it? Because of a "social norm?" Because I was afraid of failure? Because I was afraid of being an outcast? I want to tell you a little story about my high school experience that brought me out of my shell: It all began my senior year of high school in a creative writing course. She was the beautiful, highly popular, top of the line girl. I was a swimmer and never really talked to anyone other than swimmers, but none of them were in my class, so I never really talked to anyone. I hated being in front of crowds, let alone talking about my "creative writing" stories in front of the class. During the first week of class, everyone did as they always do and sat in their cliques. Jocks and Cheerleaders, Nerds, Non-socials, and me in the very back seat in the middle of the room. I sat back there with a friend from the neighborhood that was rather popular as well, but we talked here and there. I was the end of the property line for the cheerleader/jock zone and in front of me sat the most beautiful girl of the group in school. That didn't bother me seeing that I never had a chance to talk to a girl like that because I was far too afraid to even risk a social outcast like that. That would have the potential to be the fastest outcasting of any one person in history, yes HISTORY! In a basic sense, I sat in the back, did my work and never talked much. On speech days I would wait to be dead last before the bell so no one would pay attention anyways. About 3 weeks into the class, we were critiquing each others speeches, and we had to switch with someone we had never switched with before. As I'm sitting there contemplating how I'm going to pull this one off, Lindsay turns around and asks me how I'm doing and if I'd like to take a look at her paper for her, and she'll look at mine... Just like in a movie like American Pie, I didn't know what to say, so I sat there fumbling words like an idiot. She knew I was intimidated, she had to have, because I was starting to sweat and turn red I'm sure. So finally after coming to, I agreed silently and we were off to work. She had the most beautiful hand-writing, and it only seemed fitting for such a beautiful girl. She read my paper, and I read hers and she gave mine back and mentioned she loved swimming, and she used to be a swimmer when she was a kid, but gave up because she sucked. At that point, I'm so lost in her eyes looking at her that I just say "it's not for everyone..." Wow... Way to go Maverick... Talk about "Incredibly Unsmooth!!!" Instead of getting the quick turn around or "douchebag" response, I ended up getting a "you're funny" and a cute laugh. Every day after that she made it her duty to say hello and talk to me. I was still unsure of her motive behind this. Why would one of the most beautiful girls in school want to talk to me? Is there a bet? A deeper meaning to this? Something I'm just missing? After a speech one day, she asked me why I was so red? She asked why I seemed so nervous? I told her because I don't like being in front of people, let alone talking about things in my life. She kept with the line of questioning, and before I knew it, I realized she wasn't just half listening to me, but she actually was talking and concerned about what I was saying. Which basically made things about 1000x harder to understand as to why... She told me something very important that I have always taken with me, that for some reason stuck with me, and jolted me out of the quiet shell I was in. "Who really cares what other people think?" Seems simple right? It really was much easier than you think. When you seem like you're out of touch, and you're nervous about what others might say and think, just think "who really cares what other people think?" That one phrase pretty much changed my life. By the end of that class, and my high school career, I could never stop thinking about her, and that phrase. (No, nothing ever happened with her, but she's off and married now, graduated college, and is very happy in which I'm happy for her)...

I ended up going to college at Bowling Green State University, and I was a completely different person than I was in high school. I never cared what anyone thought about what I was saying or doing, because that's how I felt. I had no problem speaking in front of a lecture room of 150 students. It didn't phase me presenting a project in a huge class, all because I stopped caring what people thought about me. I sometimes look back and wonder why I never had the balls to ask her out on a date sometime. All because I was too afraid of the consequences. In life, we don't have the time to worry about the consequences. We have to follow our dreams, and disown this theory of social norms. If I want to sing in Krogers aisles while I'm shopping, I'm sure as hell going to do it. If I want to sing Toby Keith at the bar, trust me, I'm going to do it. You never know, you may find something you're good at, and have fun doing! If you would look back at High School Ryan and Today's Hoopes, you'd see 2 completely different people. Although a lot of things have since changed after the DUI, but my personality never was surrendered, and my goals and dreams were never changed. I just wish people would push the envelope sometimes! I wish that people would open up to people. I was always the type that showed no emotion, and never talked about how I felt, which is probably why I had a short temper, and little patience. I have no problem throwing MYSELF under the bus, but people just need to open up and let themselves free from their insides! The only way people will change is by letting people in. There's no doubt that friends, people we think are our friends, and even strangers are going to fuck us over, but that's part of life, take it with a grain of salt. Accept the fact that there's parts of life that you have absolutely no control over, and move along. Don't sit and dwell on wrong doing, move on and think about how to correct it. Alternately, think about and always do what's going to make you the happiest. Remember, you only have one life to live, and it's yours to do with what you wish. Strive for success and happiness, they're the best paycheck you'll ever get.

We have to, as a country, as a group of people, break our own social norms to become a better society. However, we can't do that without bettering ourselves. We have become a divided nation. Things are coming back to being based on wealth, class, race, popularity, etc... I heard this line in a song, and it really made me think about how I act in life:

"There are homeless people everywhere.

This homeless guy asked me for money the other day.

I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol...

And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on!

Why am I judging this poor bastard?!?

People love to judge homeless guys...

Like if you give them money they're just going to waste it.

Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do?!?

Save it up and buy a wall unit?

Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack?

He's homeless!"

This was always my method of thought. Because that's what we were always taught. It's a stereotype. Now more than ever people are losing their homes, their jobs, and we don't care because our ass is covered... What if it wasn't? What if your job security just disappeared? You'd want help to right? Why are we judging these people? We're really no better than anyone else, and until we see that, we will never be a perfect society... I'm not saying give all your money to a homeless person, just think about what you'd want if you were him... We really should walk a mile in someone else's shoes before we judge them, because we don't know what their life is like.

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that marriage may ultimately not be for me... Hell, a serious relationship may never be for me. I'm content with that, because I know I have a lot of growing up to do before I'm able to take on something like a serious relationship. Although I have something special, I may over analyze and expect too much out of it and further destroy it. I try to push my beliefs and ways of thinking on others, and I think I expect them to follow it and obey it, but in reality, I learned by fucking up, and I now believe that I can't expect people to take what I say into consideration, because I told people to fuck off when they were trying to tell me the same thing. I just have to sit back and watch as they grow. You can't expect people to take your advice, you can just give it and let them do with it what they please. As much as it may suck sometimes, people are going to do what they want when the cards are down. I have further accepted that...
"Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will"
Basically, the point I want to get across is that your life is your life, although people are going to push you to do things a certain way, it's truly up to you to form and follow your own destiny. I can lecture you all day on the things that I've done, and the lessons I've learned from doing so, and you may sit and listen, but in reality, you're going to form your own opinions, and follow your own lifestyle, in which you should because you will learn a greater lesson. If everyone sat around and thought about doing something, but to stay on the safe side, did nothing, then we would be a third world nation. It's because of the people that risk it all, and go for broke that we are where we are today. I will however tell you the some of the greatest things I've learned to live by and risks that I've taken: Live your life to the fullest, smile when you're sad, double down on a 19, take risks (even if it's eating a McChicken with buffalo sauce), listen to others advice but sometimes take it with a grain of salt, don't dime out your friends no matter the cost, people are going to lie to you but it's up to you to not do the same in return, God has your back through everything, sometimes you're the best listener for yourself, sit outside in the rain on occasion, and most importantly, be the best person you can possibly be, because when you let your light shine, it's makes others want to do the same... We'll See Ya

Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick Update!

The Book, yet to be named, has been placed on hold since my release from "Prison." I am trying to get my life back on track, and since I have been out and about, and the book has been put on pause, therefore the release date of Summer 2009 has been extended to "TBA." Sorry, I know that all 4 of you are greatly disappointed, but it'll be ok, you'll make it I'm sure, but for now, it's back to blogging.

The Great Depression That Is Obama...

en I think/hear the word/name Obama, one word comes to mind... I know that most of you that know me well think it's a 6 letter word that begins with the letter "n" but no, it's not nibble. The word that always comes to my mind is Inexperienced. In a recent poll, Obamas approval rating has dropped below the point at which George Bush's was in 2001. This is only is first 100 days in office! I know that being a Republican this blog may seem quite tilted to the right, however with the ever failing economy in the state that it is in, even Democrats that backed Obama in the pre-elected state are starting to question his policies. I have a question myself though: What policies has he even enacted? What has he really done since he's been in office?

Here's a run down of what has happened in his first 100 days as President:

-Set a deadline for the closing of Guantanamo Bay. Some of his supporters would say this is a great thing because they believe it "operates as something from the Dark Ages." No plan will be put in place to determine what to do with the prisoners.

So by not having a place are we going to send these terrorists back to their country to plan some new attack against the United States? Hell, let's just put them into American society! Good plan my friend!

-Signed a detailed executive order to ban torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners.

Ban torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners? Why not just put them in jail and spend more taxpayer money and in turn not find out crucial information about Taliban leaders overseas! Sounds like a plan brother!

These alone right here are enough to show the carelessness and inexperience of our "historic" President. However, the best is yet to come. I later catch the news to find out that Obama issued an apology to the Arab Nations on "our behalf." He said, "… America was not born as a colonial power," he told the Arab viewing audience – implying we are now. And he regretfully confessed, "We sometimes make mistakes. We are not perfect." America wasn't born a "colonial power?" Are you sure? Have you read the Declaration of Independence? The Bill of Rights? Have you read any of the original doctrines written and drawn up by our Founding Fathers? Probably not, seeing that you never had to prove that you're an American citizen. Hell, if we were to call you out on it, Obama and the rest of Left Wing Extremists known as Hollywood would just call us all Racists again. By the way, "we" do not make mistakes, you're the President, surely we aren't. I could run this country far better than Obama.

I don't know if you know this Mr. Obama, but our Country, yes "OUR" country, the one that you so kindly came to after you were born elsewhere in the world, was founded, yes "FOUNDED" on Christian beliefs, and whether you like it or not, that's "how we run shit around here!" If I wanted to live in a "European style" government, I would move to Europe, but here in the United States of America, I live my life by my God, yes God, not Allah or any shit like that, given rights! I'm not about to let any man, black, white, Cuban, Asian infringe on my rights granted to me by the Constitution.

I have an apology for you Mr. Obama, that I would like to issue to the Queen of England. I'm sorry for the disrespect that Mr. Obama showed you while visiting your country (our biggest ally) and flat our disrespecting your culture and not reading up on how to initiate proper salutations when visiting someone of royalty status in another country. Instead you decide to shake hands like she's a business partner. Also, when you address the Queen of England, you're supposed to initiate conversation with her by requesting her with "your majesty," but no, you go for the "ole' buddy ole' pal hand shake... Real classy you dumb ass! He only knows one salutation and that's to bow to someone that runs a country that does not agree with American stances and policies, but what a coincidence, you both share the same religious beliefs. Here's another fact that you may not know Mr. Obama, here in the United States, you have the right to practice your own religion, but you do not have the right to portray your own religion on to us just because you're in a position of power. How is it that I know these things, yet you're the President and you're clueless? At least President Bush was respectful and the worst thing he did was make up some of his own words. He was always respectful, knowledgeable, and humored the public with his speeches while at the same time delivering a heartfelt speech, you Mr. Obama are no better than the terrorists we are fighting overseas.

Mr. Obama has nothing but terrorists beliefs and he's attacking conservatives by calling them "right wing extremists" because we don't "share the same beliefs." Here's a quick run down of the beliefs I do have, no matter what you say:

-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

-A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

-No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by la

-The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

-No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

-In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

-In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

-Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

-The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

-The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I'm sure you don't know what these are, but they're my rights, as a LEGAL UNITED STATES CITIZEN! I find it so difficult that the soldiers fighting our war had to take oath to obey all orders of the President of the United States of America, when our biggest enemy is that of a domestic threat, and that threat is you, Mr. Obama. It saddens me that anyone serving currently has to take orders from such a terrorist socialist like yourself. You have no right to be President, and the way you were elected in was fraud. You're a horrible excuse for a President, and that is why I have omitted President and instead given you Mr. Obama. Here's a couple of people that you should have brought onto your team before you ran:



Great people to have campaigning for your Socialist agenda I must say Mr. Obama! Nothing like having someone call anyone that didn't vote for you a Racist! I hear that works very well! I will tell you one thing, I sure as hell didn't vote for you, and it's not because you're black, it's because you're Muslim, and I knew ahead of time for your political stances exactly how you would be as a President (or lack there of)... Congratulations on becoming President, and at the same time raising taxes, sending more troops overseas, giving bailout money to companies and not regulating it so they get their bonuses, and fucking over the very country you run. Real "bang up" job!

I want to close with an awesome email that was forwarded to me, about a teacher that wrote Mr. Obama a letter. I must say, this gave me the inspiration to vent:

April 17, 2009

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

NW Washington , DC 20500

Mr. Obama:

I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America . You are responsible to the citizens of the United States .. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth. I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War w ere all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe ? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century? Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States ? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this? Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia . You don't show Great Britain , our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia . How dare you, sir! How dare you!You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey . You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What' the matter with you? I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you. You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it. What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members � on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer. You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't! Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses; In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million, ot a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now. I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country. Sincerely, Every real American

P.S. I rarely ask that emails be 'passed around'...PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR EMAIL's past time for all Americans to wake up!

Ms Kathleen Lyday

Fourth Grade Teacher

Grandview Elementary School

11470 Hwy. CHillsboro , MO 63050

(636) 944-3291 Phone

(636) 944-3870 Fax

How's that approval rating now bitch! Even the people that voted for you are sorry!

1 person that I personally know very well is going to be pissed to see the truth on paper after reading this!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Mom!

It's mothers day. I woke up early to go to breakfast with my mom and dad, thinking it would be a nice day, and we would come back from breakfast and plant some plants in the backyard and spend some time together. Instead, once we got to Panera, and on the drive over to Panera, my mom decided it would be a great idea and a great day to throw my life in my face. And by life, I mean my choices of friends, my school career, my job, my DUI, and practically everything else she could possibly think of. It's amazing how something like a good day can be ruined that quick by someone that has such hate in her heart that she can't let go of the past and move forward. She says that I'm the one with the problems, but I think I've been focusing too hard on what I think my problems are, and I realized my problems all stem from my mom. She has made me a self-destructive, hateful person. I thought so hard that maybe I was the one with the issues, and I made her crazy, but I've realized that I haven't done shit.
Therefore, once we got back from our lovely breakfast of getting the 1,000,000 lecture about how my life is going nowhere, I decided to take a walk through Sharon Woods and calm down, and that's exactly what I did. I have to say, it was gorgeous. I saw kids with their moms, out on paddleboats, and fishing, and taking walks, and having picnics, and everything was just perfect. I got back to the house for more bitching before she decided to go outside and plant her plants, and that's when I got her the best mothers day present ever! I called into Kiss 107.1 and requested "Hate Me Today" by Blue October, and told them my name is Hoopes, and I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom on her special day, and to make sure they say it with plenty of sarcasm, otherwise it won't have the same meaning to me. I doubt they'll play it, because people are actually wishing their lovely mothers a Happy Mothers day. Well, not mine. Such is the story of my life. You try to change the things you were fucking up in life, and make things better, and all you get is thrown back to square 1. I can't say I'm not impressed, she went off the deep end, but at least I made her feel alittle like shit when I called her out at Panera and thanked her for ruining my day before noon, and that the people had that look on their face, and I could tell that my mom was embarassed. Hoopes 2, Pauletta 0.
Sorry to bring the rest of you down on such a great day, but you know exactly where I'm coming from because you've heard about my mom... Anyways, thanks mom, I hope you have a great mothers day, by yourself, which is exactly where you belong...