As you all know, with warm weather, comes responsibility... Responsibility to your team that is... Spring is in the air, and in most of our steps, now that volleyball season 2 is here. I know, there's no Tiki Bar, or construction netting up just yet, but just wait, it'll be coming soon. I do have to admit, when I received the text announcing "the net is up!" at 6:30 on Tuesday night, I had a hard on... So yesterday, Sunday, March 22nd, 2009 was the first pre-season game. We had a crowd of 9, some noobs, and of course, the Vets...
It started off as any other day, minus the excitement of actually having fun and being productive on a weekend day... Usually Sunday's are spent doing absolutely nothing but watching movie marathons of Godfather on AMC, but not today... Not this day... This day was spent with that special class of people that are only on the court for a few things, good digs, nice up's, and "RISKY'S" flowing like the scummy pond water that is our life... I do have to admit, that you could smell volleyball in the air before even turning into the McCauley Apartment lot. The air just smelled good, and hell, tasted even better once your feet hit the sand... (And if you're Cubs, then a lot more than just your feet are hitting the sand...) The sand was cool, then sun was warm, and the pond water, well, still had herpesyphaghonareus (to which the Jap, Brotha B, and Snaps all 3 contracted, but Snaps and Brotha B had much more serious cases.) Before the games even started, we had our roasting session about how bad the other team was going to desecrate the other, and that's even before we picked teams. Teams were picked, and we were off to the races, but not before I said "how much you guys wanna bet that Cubbie gets hurt first???" Well guess what, a bang knee to the ankle sent him down to the ground almost as hard as last years ocular cavity blast from Keirs Air to Ground Missile... Cubs went down hard, and a lot of swelling and temporary ice cold beer icing later, he was back up doing the stanky legg all over the court, and that's the true dedication that Tuesday night volleyball brings! (Although Cubs spends more time on his back on the that court that you might actually confuse him Jenna Jameson...)
All in all, during the course of our games, we did manage to shake the rust off, play some rough games, break some spirits, yell obscenities, get dirty, have a blast, drink some beers, smoke some squares, and bullshit like always... One hell of a productive Sunday, and after the games, when the dust settled, we realized, it's only 2 days till the season opener... I think if I had to write a book about my life, I would title it "I Hope They Have Sand Volleyball In Hell" because there's nothing better, and I'll still be with all my friends once I get there! So if you find your life boring and in need of a boost, then duck down and play you some, just remember the password, "Volley at McCauley" and you're in... We'll See Ya!
5,452,807 people are looking for more excitement in their lives, but don't know where McCauley apartments are and are too embarassed to ask anyone...
1 comment:
I could only read and smile picturing motley crue we call volleyball players!...lol
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