This statue stands outside of the Iraqi Palace, which is now under control of the 4th Infantry division. Once the troops come home, the memorial will be placed in Fort Hood, Texas. The statue was shockingly created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat. He, for many years was forced by Sadam Hussein to create the many bronze statue busts of Saddam scattered throughout many Iraqi cities. Kalat was so inspired by the American liberation in Iraq that he spent many months, day and night, melting down the bronze statues that were taken down after Sadam's fall of power, and creating this statue to represent the Comrade's that helped liberate Iraq. The memorial represents an American soldier praying for a fallen comrade, while an Iraqi girl reminds him of the change that they have brought... What's the reason you've never heard of this until now??? Because it makes you feel good, and brings hope that maybe what we were doing over there was right, but did that makes the democratic news networks? Absolutely not!
The thing that was so inspiring about this show was the fact that it was an in-depth look at what they go through day and night. They are sleep deprived, and entering these cities knowing that at any second an IED could blow up and destroy their whole unit. But these men and women push on, and do the job that is asked of them. I know as much as I bitch about how much I hate my job, or something that's going on in my life, that none of it means 1/16 of what these brave soldiers are doing over sea's. I recently had a customer come in that I haven't seen in in awhile, and he is a Marine. It was a nice reminder to see him, because he just got back from another tour of Duty in Iraq. He said as much as things have calmed down over there, there's still many problems/firefights over there. But after I saw/talked to him for a bit, I can honestly say that I'm honored to be able to help him, and that goes for any soldier. And I think it's important that no matter what anyone says about the War in Iraq, or the operations in Afghanistan, that we stand for the decision that we made to help these people, and keep on with the support that we send to the troops.
The one thing I'm fearful for is the fact that the Liberals want to make these war heroes seem like Vietnam Veterans, for their "mass murders" and killings while over sea's, but if you sit down, and watch what this one unit of soldiers went through in Afghanistan, you could see the struggle in telling who's bad and who's good. At one point they stopped part way through an empty Afghan town, and caught wind of a radio channel between the Taliban soldiers, and they were clearly watching the American's as they drove through, and they never found him. At night while they were finding a campsite for the night on a stony ridge, they ran a test for mines and came across 7 that were detonated, and once they thought that all were detonated, they started a base camp and part way through, a Humvee exploded due to an IED that was undiscovered and killed one soldier, and injured the rest of the crew, including 2 journalists. The interpreter was killed during the explosion, and the toll that it took on the crew was immeasurable. Like the soldiers said after his death, "As much as you want to sit back and mourn about the loss of your friend/brother, you can't, because this is your job, and there's no time for that right now, but we will someday... We all will..." That really hit home for me, and now I'm thoroughly convinced that I'm going to have a fundraiser for the USO or another company that gives directly to the troops, because what they're going through doesn't even come close to comparing to my every day life.
So I please ask that you not forget that these brave men and women are out there giving their lives for our freedoms here in America. Don't take everything the Liberals say to heart, because they aren't giving you the whole truth. I will research some difference companies that give to the troops, and will update another post when I find one, and I would ask that those who read, and friends of those who read this blog please give at least some support to these fellow Americans! Show your pride in your country, and show your pride in supporting those that make this country the free country that it is today!
1 person knows how important these troops are, and still prays every night for their safe return home. Never Forget...
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