Seems strange enough to me... We have all of the Mexicans here that came from there, and they're all gang affiliated with the MS-13 which almost has "clans" if you must in almost every state and is the most violent gang in the states since the beginning of time... So why would entering the territory in which they're from before coming here make us fear Mexico any more than we already do? How is Mexico any more or less dangerous than here??? Let me show you all you need to do in order to differentiate between the 2:
If you will notice, the gunman, we'll call him Jose is in Mexico... But let's look at something different, lets take away a few of these elements and see what we get:

HOLY CRAP!!! IT'S 5TH AND VINE STREETS IN DOWNTOWN CINCINNATI!!! Who would have guess it!?!? People act like the Mexican people are all of a sudden trying to overthrow the Government for no reason... Let's take a look at why the Mexican people are doing this:

Oh, and there we have it... For years, America was the savior for these poor people, so they snuck over, took our money, medical aid, welfare system, etc... And now that Obama is giving them equal citizenship opportunities, but our Economy is down the crapper and will no longer assist their 18 kids with 12 different dads, they're all taking the Yellow Brick Road back home because they have nothing left here... My plan would be to lock down the borders and make them stay here and pay for everything they illegally took while they were here... But we know that will never happen because they're going to get my hard earned tax money now that according to Obomba, we're all "equal!" Therefore, this story makes me laugh, but in turn pisses me off!
The next thing that really upsets me, is Russians in America. Well, in particular, just one... The one that I work with, Viktoriya. See, when you think of Russians, you think of the Hardcore one's from James Bond movies, or Boondock Saints, and movies like that, but in real life, they're really a bunch of cry baby pussies... I have never heard one woman bitch and moan about more in my life than Viktoriya on any given day... "It's too cold in the branch (71 degree's), she's sick (if I can recall, she's been sick since the first day she came to our branch), her head hurts, etc... Well guess what, I've thrown up from food poisoning at work, thrown up from hangovers, come in when I was too sick to move, and I made it just fine... Therefore I'm going to show you a quick comparison:

Therefore, as you can see, the media WRONGFULLY portrays the Russian people, because of the percentage of Russian people I've met here in America, they're all a bunch of cry baby pussies that are more or less a bundle of excuses as to why they can't do something... Well, either way, it's old, and I'm tired of it, so I thought I'd vent to you... Is there any races you work with that upset you? Let me know about it, and what they do to disturb you and I'll see what I can do to get your story on an upcoming issue here at "The Blogspot!" We'll See Ya!
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