Monday, March 30, 2009

Ode To Men: True Life Experiences...

As a result of an influx of many emails, concerned letters, and facebook messages, I've decided to stay positive in this time of imprisonment that I currently face, but enough with the deathly toned blogs, it's time to get back to my regularly scheduled blogs, and today, I am faced with the predicament that most of us, meaning guys, face on almost a regular basis: Dealing with women.

Throughout a man's life, we're faced with many life changing decisions. These decisions range from what to wear out to guys night, to what place should I take her out to dinner... It's time that man takes a step into reality. Women are very cultured, independent, and very knowledgeable creatures, but yet, they still know exactly how to play us like a Nintendo Entertainment System... They know exactly what buttons to press, and when exactly to press them, almost like when we enter codes into Mortal Kombat; Timing is everything! Throughout my life, I have struggled greatly, as I'm sure most of you guys have as well, with trying to ultimately get a straight answer from your date, girlfriend, girl that is a friend, ho, etc... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it'll never happen, and here's why...

Women are very knowledgeable on the topics that they care greatly about i.e: Shoes, clothes, styles, fashions, purses, designers, sunglasses, etc... I know guys, what the hell do we know/care about that? I'll tell you what I know about all of that:

Shoes: The last pair I bought was Nike's from Famous Footwear for $39.99.
Clothes: Jeans from Aeropostale that still hug what little ass I have for $14.99.
Styles: The last 4 outfits I wore, I wore them every Saturday, I know nothing...
Fashions: I heard that tight clothes were in, and baggy were out (I still wear baggy).
Purses: Nuff' said...
Designers: You mean Aeropostale isn't his name??? Shit...
Sunglasses: I liked George's Oakleys when I wore them, so I bought a pair... They're apparently out of style last I heard, and there's a new pair I should get for $375.00, no thanks... I'm good...

See folks, not a whole lot of thinking there on the guys part. But that's the key difference between men and women... Women are very conscientious of everything. They know if an outfit they bought in the winter will be in style by the time Spring rolls around... I couldn't tell you how many people have told me NOT to buy boating shoes, no matter the cost... But that's the difference. I buy something because I think it's funny, or trendy, FOR ME! Women buy something hoping some girl will stop her and ask her where she got that cute top from, or those shoes, or who did her nails, blah blah blah...

Therefore, I've decided to include diagrams to further pronounce my position on the complicatedness (yes it's a word because I fucking said it!):

The objective was to find a new pair of jeans, how the man does it:

As you can see, we know where to park to find the minimal distance to walk to get exactly what we need. Take note that he finds the store, and picks out what he needs, and leaves. No unnecessary trips, no stupid stops to see window shopping crap, just in and out, and the only reason he had to go out and around was because there was a group of girls outside the store conversating about clothes, shoes, purses, etc... But as you can see, a total of 13 minutes!

Now for the women:

As you can plainly see, an objective as easy as find a pair of jeans turned into a Lewis and Clark expedition to find the new world! That's just the thing with most women. They are too busy thinking about things waaaaaaaaaaaaay too far into the future, that they are thoroughly incapable of thinking about the now... This comes out in moments such as finding a place to eat for dinner, thinking about what to do on a date, etc... So in reality, this is for all the guys out there that are forced to suffer this travesty! And girls, we know that really deep down, you know what you want to eat, but you don't want to be "the one that makes the decision" so you force it on us, so when we screw up, you're not forced into the tough spot of blame... Keep it up men, no matter what, it's a losing battle!

Note: Gentlemen, there are exceptions to this rule, not ALL women are like this, but a majority is, so be careful, and choose wisely as Dane Cook says...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm Looking At You Through The Glass...

I had a dream last night... One that seemed to unrealistically real... I dreamed that woke up for work, and everything seemed so typical in another day of life. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower, stood in the mirror... But when I looked in the mirror. I saw myself, but in a way, it wasn't myself at all... It was almost like an artist rendering of me. So I stood and stared, wondering if this was me, or a prank, or something of that nature. Standing there, my vision became blurry, so I went to clear my eyes, but my reflection never moved... A voice came out to me, and said "all that is necessary in life can only be obtained through hard work and dedication..." I found this weird because that is exactly what one of my basketball coaches in church camps used to tell us. I started thinking that maybe this is just my conscience playing a trick on me. Then everything in the mirror begins to wash away like a saved by the bell sitcom and opens up into to a dark hallway with a light at the end, and I climb into the mirror and walk down the hallway... It was almost a metaphor of my life, I don't know where it's going, but you know the light at the end eventually leads somewhere...

As I walk down the hallway that seems to never ultimately end, I am seeing flashbacks of my childhood played back like an old drive in projector. The movies play back almost like I'm living them again... Every step I take I stop and think about the time I was building a remote control car track with my dad in the basement, followed by another scene of me forging my parents signature on a bad test, and everything keeps playing bad to good, bad to good, etc... It's like a roller coaster ride of emotions, to which I'm not really clear on how to react... I take the time to sit back and rekindle each memory, but once done, the blank screen rolls over flipping the old scrips around and around... Flashing nothing but a blank white scrip.... It's almost like showing me that "for every action comes an equal and opposite reaction..."
The pain and heartache that I caused all came at a price. A price that now, every day I am forced to live with. I'm on what seems to be a 24 hour a day lock down at my house, and the only free time I get is the time I spend at work, and what kind of free time is that? I don't have friends, just the shadow cast off of the single light standing at attention in the corner of the cell... Every night I see a new, what seems to be film strip, and yet every day I feel like I haven't slept but maybe an hour... I wake up tired for work, and tired of being in my cell, yet, I can't stop thinking that this is what I have created for myself... My blog, more and more every day, starts to look like a diary. So I know that the same thoughts I've been having just carried over into a new day, lovely I know... I'm starting to think that the 180 days in Jail don't seem that bad anymore, but still there's that light at the end of the tunnel... Some how, some way, I've got to find something to keep me positive while I'm left with just my thoughts, and my haunting past... Welcome to my life... A life of solitary confinement, with no bars other than the one's I put up for myself...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Diary: Welcome To My Life...

NOTE: The story you are about to read is a recollection of my life and it may be disturbing to some readers, but this is the truth, the real events that have happened throughout my life.
So from day one, life has been hard to deal with. The life of an adopted child... Adopted... What exactly is that? At age 6 you're not really thinking about the true meaning of adopted. You don't know if it means that the people that gave birth to you couldn't afford you, you were a mistake, wanted a better life for you, or something that over the course of 25 years I haven't thought of... Although at birth, there were problems, almost like God was trying to take me away before I even had a chance, and now and days, I'm starting to wonder if that is really the case, like maybe he wasn't sure if he wanted me to go out and do the things I was destined to do... There were serious complications at birth that almost took my life. Recently, after having serious problems with my parents, I've started to wake up in the middle of the night finding it harder and harder to breathe, and having trouble falling back asleep. The arguments we've been having about not going to school, wanting to go back, wasting my life away like my sister, hanging out with friends that don't go to school, smoking cigarettes, getting a DUI, being a criminal, etc have all lead to me wanting to have ended it all, and moving away and never coming back, or just ending it completely like maybe it should have been 25 years ago... After the arguments, I think about all of the shit I've done throughout my life, the good times and all of the bad, the things I've said and done to people I care about/cared about... I remember the party lifestyle I was so used to living, and going out every night and sometimes not coming home... I think about all of this on a daily basis... In some instances I think of the sleep I'm not getting, and wondering if it's my conscience attacking me for all of the stupid shit that I've put my parents through throughout my life... The one thing I've always done was blame my parents for my problems, because I never asked to be adopted, and it was simply their misfortune that I was their pick...
I admit, I wasn't the best child, but I often wonder if it's really my fault... Was there something genetic that I never knew about that made me lie to my parents over the years? Was there something that was passed to me that didn't make me want to go to college? Was there something in my genes that made me want to drink and party all of the time, or was it just my own lack of conscience and understanding? One of the many questions I often ask myself in the middle of the night as I lay there in bed, staring up at the ceiling... I was told by a friend to check out this album and I listened to one song, and metaphorically, it really hit home with me, which might explain the somber tone I have, and the disappointed stare I carry with me every day since the fights began... Let me shine a little light on the lyrics to the one song:
I've started a new diary,
and this time I have a few new reasons:
One, I have no friends left.
Two, so I can read back and remember what I did the day before,
And three, so if I die, at least I leave a nice little suicide note of my life.
It's just me and you diary
Welcome to my fucking life...
Nobody would believe the shit that happens inside my head,
it's haunted...
Now I've come down from the drugs,
it seems like a sick play
That I saw in a theater somewhere.
Thirty minutes ago I could've killed somebody,
Or better yet... Myself...
I'm not saying that in the past 10 years or so I've had thoughts of just letting go and giving up on everything, but sometimes I just wonder what my parents life would have been like without me, and just having my sister. Would my sister have fucked up her life like she did? I often wonder where else I could have been... I wonder if the reason they are the way they are is because of the stupid shit I've done, like forging their signatures when I was in elementary school, or taking money from them while pretending I was in college so I could go out and have fun, or lying to them telling them I was at a friends house house sitting and really going down to Florida to see my sister and live up my life... I wonder if the money that I spent buying all of the flashy shit that I no longer own to sell to pay my bills was really well spent... I wonder if my sister's life is fucked up because of a guy she dated in college that made her life hell and treated her like shit... I wonder if I had cared more in high school and payed attention more in college, if I would have done better or finished school and worked for P&G for a couple of years now like my friends... My mind really is haunted since the fights began... I've worked on the lies since... Which brought up another song that I listened too... Just to let you know, it's from Nikki Sixx that used to play for Motley Crue and had a serious heroine problem, and his CD logs him quitting his habit, and how his life goes through hell, and this is another exert, and again, I didn't do drugs in life, well, these drugs, but like I said, it's a metaphor, my drug was lying to my parents:
Day one. Dope free.
I went to the clinic today and got the first dose of methadone.
I'm out of dope so I threw away all my rigs.
Day two. I can't believe it's been two days without junk.
Fucking smack, it just ruins peoples' lives.
At first it seems so sweet, then you wake up next to a monster...
Day three. I haven't had anything for three days now...
This withdrawal is killing me...
It's like shock therapy to my guts...
Day four. Last visit to the clinic...
My whole body feels like it's cracking into pieces...
Fragile doesn't even come close to describing how I feel....
Day five-- I'm sick as a dog, but this handful of painkillers and a lotta whiskey's gonna get me through....
Day six-- When I'm left to my own devices I go fucking insane.
I'll never use heroin again...
Day seven-- I can't believe I'm clean!
Day eight-- Everyone says I look better...
Day nine-- The parasites are panicking...
Day ten-- They seem amazed that I'm alive!
Everything will be okay...
Everything will be alright...
If I can get away from her...
And save my worthless life...
Everything will be okay...
Everything will be alright...
If I can get away from her...
And save my worthless life.
It's amazing to see that even one day without lying to my parents gets me nowhere, and I often question why, but at the same time, I don't have an answer because I spent 25 years lying to them, sometimes about the smallest shit. And now they're at the point that they don't believe a word I say... Even if I were to tell them that the grass is green and the sky is blue, seems like a small struggle to tell the truth... I bring out this blog now because holding this inside of me is creating a demon that I no longer wish to conceal. I would say that for awhile, I had a problem. I wake up every morning to my mother calling me a criminal and yelling at my dad for trying to convince her that I'm not because of a stupid mistake I've made... I've spent many nights below the vents of my parents room, laying on my bed hearing my mom cry about how much she wishes I would have turned out better, and not failed her like I did... About how much she wishes she could have had her own kids, but glad she adopted because she couldn't... But now sometimes wonders if adopting was the right choice, because all she wanted was to give her kids the best life possible, and all we did was fuck it up and take advantage of them... I wake up every morning knowing I've let everyone down, thinking I have no real friends, and no one that truly loves me, and sometimes wonder if I can ever make anything of myself that my parents could be proud of... As I sit here, I don't know whether to break down and cry, or try to take a positive look at all of the negative, and fix the 25 years that I've broken... I often have flashes of my life where I knew I was doing something stupid that I shouldn't be doing, but did it because it was fun, not because I was pressured... I knew pulling out of the bar that night that I shouldn't drive home, but I did, and I paid for it, and will pay for it for the next couple of years... I hate knowing that I've failed them, that I've lied to them, that I've taken money from them, and that I've even made them cry, but at the same time, I don't think they understand what is going on inside of me... It may have taken some time for this thing to grow, but I somehow think that what is making me not sleep, what is making me think about all of this trouble is something that strongly wants to see me move on, and grow past this. My parents don't want me doing the same things I've been doing, hanging out with the same people I was hanging out with, but that's the only life I've ever known... Those are the only people I know have ever cared about me, and it wasn't their fault I wasn't doing shit with my life, it was all my fault... And now that I say that, I feel a little more weight off of my shoulders. I feel my heart begin to get a regular rhythm, and the blood circulates through my entire body a little easier.
I know I want to go back to school and become a successful person, and if staying in on the weekends till school starts does that, then so be it... If not going out all of the time does that, then so be it... If spending all my time by myself to think about all of the pain and hurt that I've caused to not only my parents but others does it, then I bear all of the pain, but don't let this hurt anyone else anymore... My faith in God has become stronger just this week, because after I thought about what it would be like had I not been born, I realized that there was more or less a reason that I was saved that day... There was a reason that doctor saved my life. I was meant to do something great, and I have the motivation now more than ever to accomplish that goal. I have the ambition and the drive. I found that when you're at your lowest point, the only person that can help pull you out is yourself. Your faith in yourself to accomplish things you never thought possible. To help yourself, you have to have the strength to finally forgive those that have hurt you, apologize to those that you've hurt, and find out that what God does bring you to, he will bring you through, and he won't leave until you ask him to... My cleansing after the "drugs" is over... I consider myself an ex-addict... One that hurt many, but plans to instead help many, when they get to the point that I've been... I know at many points I've told my friends that my parents are crazy, when in reality the person that stares back at me in the mirror every morning and night is the one that was crazy and had the problems... All along I deserved to point that finger at myself and blame myself for all of the shit that I've done, and put myself through... I feel much better now, but wonder what others will think of it... I've never put myself out there before, but sometimes you have to be willing to before others will realize that they may be going through something similar and not know how to deal with it...
If you've made it this far, then obviously you know more than anyone about everything that has lead to why I'm in this mood. All I can say is that it's taken a lot for me to get to this point, but I am finally ready to face up to the charges against me, as horrible as they may be, just to take the pain off of the people that don't deserve it, and I've learned quite a hefty lesson from it, and don't plan on relapsing... All I have to say is I forgive you to those that have hurt me, and I beg for the forgiveness of those that I have hurt before... That's the funny thing about life... It's never too late to turn around and ask for directions... We'll See Ya...
If only one person accepts me for what I've done here, then I've accomplished something far greater than I ever intended too...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Steps I Take To Handle An Angry Customer:

Some of you may consider my job dangerous, some boring, some just wasting time till the weekend while making beer money, but regardless, my job to me is intense. Intense in the sense that every day there is a customer that tries to make/break our day. Now, I have 5 1/2 almost 6 years of experience in this line of work, so it's quite humorous when someone gets upset, and blows up at me, and tries to "break down my spirit..." I do admire the effort on most people's parts, but I have to admit, I have quite a strong skin built up from all of the bullshit I've put up with over the years.

Yesterday for instance, I had a customer, that quite possibly came from that lower, small part of Kentucky, you know that part that doesn't really get out much? Yea, that part, and he came in to cash a check, but didn't have an account with National City (my bank), and in that sense, we charge $10 to cash it, that's our policy, not mine, but like I said, it's policy. The check was for $50.00. Yes, $50.00. I told him the policy, and from there, it became a situation of dealing with McD (for those that don't know my old roommate, he used to repeat everything you or him said about 30 times which really really REALLY exhausted the fact of what you said). (Enter said asshole customer #1). Here's the dialogue:


Me: "Yes, I'm sorry sir, but it's our policy..."


Me: "Yes, do you bank elsewhere currently?"

Customer: "Yea, and that's fucking why! Well go ahead and charge me the $10 but I'm going to tell my friend that wrote me the check and he's going to get really pissed off and reimburse me!"

Me: "That's one option..."

Customer: "I could understand $8, but $10 is just fucking ridiculous!!! $10... pffffftttttttt"

Me: ".......Sorry, but that's the policy"

Customer: "Most charges only charge $8, but $10, that's fucking crazy!!!"

Me: ".........Have a good day"

Upon exiting, he managed to poop out one more loud "Fucking Ridiculous!" before he made it back to his work truck, or mobile home on wheels, I'm still up in the air about it...

That's just one instance, on one day, of almost 6 years of work... Trust me, I say thick skin, I mean thick skin... However, today, I must say that I was clearly blown out of the water. Usually I only like to tell a story about a customer if it happens to me, but today, the victim was Viktoriya. Thank God Viktoriya has tough skin too, but she's Russian, so it's a given. A customer, to which we'll call Oug Orns, to conceal his identity, came in. This guy has an extensive background with getting upset over petty shit. Regardless, he came in today while I was at lunch. Viktoriya was the only teller, and had 2 customers she was already helping, and within 15 seconds of waiting in line, he was FURIOUS! Viktoriya was helping a customer that is one of the nicest customers we have, and he's rather old, so time is taken up helping him, but he gladly told Oug that he would step aside and let her take care of him. But he said it's bullshit that he has to wait. He said he "doesn't wait for tellers!"

Now, after getting frisky and yelling at not only Viktoriya, but one of our customers about taking too long, and him having to wait, he got involved with another customer that gave him lip about having to wait and how it's sad that he's getting upset and that he needs to reevaluate his life. I found this funny. After the whole situation, he ends up threatening to close his accounts but doesn't do so... Later on today, he calls to complain to me, because I was at lunch and not around at the time, and he complains to me, refers to everyone here as "asses" and says we treated him poorly, and "in his opinion, we're losing a valuable customer..." I beg to differ... The only thing that could have made the whole thing funnier was definitely talking about himself in third person...

Therefore, I've come to this model of dealing with an angry customer:

Step 1.) Verbal Warning - In a verbal warning, you make the customer aware that they are getting out of line, and not staying in their lane. If the trouble persists, please continue to step 2.

Step 2.) Fist To Jaw - In a Fist To Jaw maneuver, it's simply what it says... A fist to the jaw is a priceless move to catch a customer off guard. In most cases, they have a glass one, and it's going to shatter recklessly, and rather quickly... If there's still movement, move to ground assault with kicks to the sides and stomach, sure to take away all methods of breathing.

Step 3.) Call 911 - Calling 911 will insure quick response by an ambulance to disperse of the body that is now bagged and tagged by you, the CSR from Hell... Then thank them for their continued business.... BITCH!

Note: Any action taken seriously by said reader during the course of his/her work day is not in direct correspondence to this blog. The said blogger in no way/shape/or form encourages this action to be taken, but would in fact find it funny to see. Please see workplace rules and regulations to decide your proper course of action, as shitty as it may be...


This new's just in, Hoopes has found Waldo...
We'll See Ya!
1 person laughed when they first read this... The others are pissed because they still don't know where he's at...

These Are The People I Come In Contact With...

So I'm sitting at work pondering my next great move, and probably my favorite thing to do during the wee hours of the morning that I'm at work, figure out what the hell I'm going to eat for lunch... I'm sitting and thinking of everything in the area, and I whiff mention of someone say Skyline, although they were talking about the Texas Skyline in Dallas or something, but all I tuned into was Skyline, the Cincinnati Chili! So I coerce myself into heading to skyline for some 3-way and cheese coney action, I know I know, good choice Hoopes, thanks, I appreciate it! So I'm happy as a fag with a bag full of dicks thinking about how Skyline is going to hit the spot! (Your welcome Rick for using your buddy's line there)... So I pull up, and get something I usually don't get when I pull into fast food drive thru's. "Thanks for choosing skyline, please give us just a second." I'm puzzled, I look ahead, and there's no other cars in the drive thru. Thoroughly confused, 2 minutes go by, and I'm really starting to question my choice of lunch. So finally "the voice" we'll call him returned to reign havoc on the very sacred part of my day. "Welcome to Skyline, would you like to try a....." I had to cut him off at this point and say no, "I would just like a 3-way and 2 cheese coney's NO ONIONS, NO MUSTARD..." I put that part in caps because that is very important to the story, so more or less it's foreshadowing. Anyways, continue on the quest here... So after about another minute of radio silence, he says he'll have my total at the second window, now this also confused me, because a.) there's only one window, and b.) there's only one window... So I pull up to the window to where I come into contact with something that truly made me question my lunch choice:

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against hiring "special people" for restaurants, but correct me if I'm wrong, but they usually have people standing there to ensure quality assurance. Well guess what? No such luck here... So I keep my composure, and he takes my debit card for payment, and I'm thinking I hope he doesn't eat it or something thinking it's a cracker or something, because yes, I'm an asshole like that sometimes, but thank God for that, no such luck. So about 5 minutes later, I get my card, a plethora of receipts for some reason, and my bag of food. I thank him and light up a square because of the pain and torment of 30 minutes of my lunch gone, so I'm trying to relax now. So I drive the 2 seconds back to the hell (the branch) and sit down to enjoy my lunch (so I thought)... I open the Styrofoam box that beholds the treasure that is that sacred to me. Sure as shit, the onion stench that I did whiff wasn't that of a smell that had just marinated onto my box, but rather IN my box... Apparently, "the voice" thought that by NO ONIONS, I meant EVERY MOTHER FUCKING ONION YOU HAVE IN THE ENTIRE SKYLINE CORPORATION! And by NO MUSTARD, I MEANT SMOTHER THEM SHITS IN EVERY DROP OF MUSTARD THAT YOU POSSIBLY CAN!!! It's not that I'm allergic to these items or anything of that nature, but I just don't like the taste that is portrayed from these very items together with my hot dog and bun combo. Hence, NO ONIONS, NO MUSTARD! Which brings me to my next conclusion: Don't get me wrong, I'm totally for equal opportunity employment, but REALLY?!?! During lunch? Why not have them work at McDonald's at 1 or 2 am when the only people coming through are HAMMERED ass drunk and wouldn't know if you gave me a McChicken or a McPube sandwich!?!? I mean, seriously... This is a lunch rush hour, and you got 30 minutes for one quick order... Might as well have a Senior Citizen or a Stoner working like usual, but then you run into this:

So really, if you think about it, unless I work at McDonalds again, there will be no "Fast Food" just Slow and retarded... And with that comment, I just advanced 10 places in line in hell... What a glorious feeling that is...

So onto the next story of my life. Those that know me know that I drive a little Honda Civic coupe. It's a nice shade of red, and one that you know, a regular driver would be able to see, you know, unlike a camouflage car. However, I've come to notice that hummer drivers find my car EXTREMELY hard to find on the road. This humores me, because I can't miss your GINORMOUS banana fucking HUMMER driving down the street! It's bad enough your gas guzzling piece of shit takes up both sides of the street, but when you are just cutting people off because you think you can, if makes it kind of hard to deal with you... Literally, this is the view I had from my windshield:

Of course this wasn't really the license plate, it was something like mysclade or some crap, regardless it was something that didn't matter, and I could care less about, but the fact that he almost took off the front end of a car that I care much for (because I still owe $17,000 on), I had to make myself alittle more known. I stuck my head out the window at the next light and gave him a piece of what he deserved... Probably not the smartest idea to tell someone that if they ever do that stupid shit again, you take out that which is the most important to them, because I meant the Hummer, and he probably thought of his family or some crap, but judging from his doucheness, he probably knew it was his Hummer too... Regardless, yesterday sucked in every aspect of the word, except for the fact that I did make a new, good friend, and that was probably the highlight of my day, besides the guys face in the hummer, because I had to talk through my sunroof to him up there in his 20 foot lift, so I'm sure it looked funny, but he must have known that I meant business... I'm going to start making stickers that say, "my other car is a penis, because I'm gay and love to ride" and anytime someone pulls a stupid maneuver on the road like this douchebag pulled, I'm going to follow them to home/work/etc, and I'm going to stick it somewhere where you don't notice it, but everyone else driving out there knows that you did something stupid, and you're undeserving of driving abilities...

I'm done venting now, and I totally feel better now, so we now return to your regularly scheduled boring life! We'll See Ya

3,017 Hummer owners just stopped their subscription to my blog because they realized I'm a dick and I hate Hummer owners after reading this blog...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Volleyball 2009 - The Year Of Change... And Injuries Of Course...

As you all know, with warm weather, comes responsibility... Responsibility to your team that is... Spring is in the air, and in most of our steps, now that volleyball season 2 is here. I know, there's no Tiki Bar, or construction netting up just yet, but just wait, it'll be coming soon. I do have to admit, when I received the text announcing "the net is up!" at 6:30 on Tuesday night, I had a hard on... So yesterday, Sunday, March 22nd, 2009 was the first pre-season game. We had a crowd of 9, some noobs, and of course, the Vets...
It started off as any other day, minus the excitement of actually having fun and being productive on a weekend day... Usually Sunday's are spent doing absolutely nothing but watching movie marathons of Godfather on AMC, but not today... Not this day... This day was spent with that special class of people that are only on the court for a few things, good digs, nice up's, and "RISKY'S" flowing like the scummy pond water that is our life... I do have to admit, that you could smell volleyball in the air before even turning into the McCauley Apartment lot. The air just smelled good, and hell, tasted even better once your feet hit the sand... (And if you're Cubs, then a lot more than just your feet are hitting the sand...) The sand was cool, then sun was warm, and the pond water, well, still had herpesyphaghonareus (to which the Jap, Brotha B, and Snaps all 3 contracted, but Snaps and Brotha B had much more serious cases.) Before the games even started, we had our roasting session about how bad the other team was going to desecrate the other, and that's even before we picked teams. Teams were picked, and we were off to the races, but not before I said "how much you guys wanna bet that Cubbie gets hurt first???" Well guess what, a bang knee to the ankle sent him down to the ground almost as hard as last years ocular cavity blast from Keirs Air to Ground Missile... Cubs went down hard, and a lot of swelling and temporary ice cold beer icing later, he was back up doing the stanky legg all over the court, and that's the true dedication that Tuesday night volleyball brings! (Although Cubs spends more time on his back on the that court that you might actually confuse him Jenna Jameson...)
All in all, during the course of our games, we did manage to shake the rust off, play some rough games, break some spirits, yell obscenities, get dirty, have a blast, drink some beers, smoke some squares, and bullshit like always... One hell of a productive Sunday, and after the games, when the dust settled, we realized, it's only 2 days till the season opener... I think if I had to write a book about my life, I would title it "I Hope They Have Sand Volleyball In Hell" because there's nothing better, and I'll still be with all my friends once I get there! So if you find your life boring and in need of a boost, then duck down and play you some, just remember the password, "Volley at McCauley" and you're in... We'll See Ya!
5,452,807 people are looking for more excitement in their lives, but don't know where McCauley apartments are and are too embarassed to ask anyone...

Sunday, March 22, 2009



6,001 people now have this picture as their wallpaper...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Did You Catch The Last Episode Of American Idol??? NOPE! Here's A Recap Of Everything You Missed... NOTHING, YAY!!!

So apparently there's a huge "phenomenon" going on, and it's called American Idol... Not to be confused with an old John Travolta film, because unlike American Idol, that was good... American Idol seems to control (plague) every television set in America, it's almost like the television automatically turns on when this sad sack of crap they call "the most popular show on television" comes on... Well guess what? NOT AT MY HOUSE! Everyone's so crammed up the ass of American Idol it's sickening... It's so bad that guys are actually using this show as a pick up line... "Hey, did you see who got cut last week on Idol? I can't believe it, I thought he/she was so talented!" Oh really? Lets see how talented these "characters" are:

In the year 2002, this show (if we should call it that) was released. It "swept the nation" like Obama's plague of an inauguration. It's sickening how stuck up people are on this crap, but the funny thing is, the winner of every season is given a bunch of money, and a record contract. That's good and all, but how many of these past 7 years winners have amounted to anything other than a maggot:

Beginning with season one winner: Kelly Clarkson.

There's no doubt that Kelly Clarkson is hot, and she was at first, but since has put on weight, although she's losing and gaining with every video I tend to catch on my "jump start" on VH1 every morning. Recently, she's had some catchy tunes, but her thoughts on hating men and so on and so forth in her songs is just getting old and boring... Maybe stop trying to date all of the Hollywood drama queen guys and date a regular guy, they're much more promising... All in all, Kelly Clarkson is one of the select few to amount to anything more than a "has been" from American Idol... She still show's promise, but needs some new song idea's...

Next on the chopping block: Rubben Studdard.

If anyone's going to be sorry for 2004 and beyond for that matter, it's you Rubben. First off, you're terrible. I know you're going for that whole I'm a huge teddy bear routine, but where'd you go? No one's seen or heard from you in a long time... Speaking of time, you're probably doing some with all the flashiness that you brought to yourself. Your best hit song was "I'm sorry for 2004" (as you should be), and I wouldn't go far as to call it a hit as I would a blooper. You're a big smudge on the billboard that needs to be erased... You haven't done anything productive in 5 years, and you probably never will, and I guarantee your prize money is well and gone... Way to go, bet you thought buying a huge house and a couple of Benz's would take you far, but as a matter of fact, I think I saw you on an episode of Repo! Way to go buddy, real smart!

Next! Fantasia Barrino:

Who? What is this a Disney movie? I've never heard a song by this broad, and further, wouldn't probably want to hear anything, because if you haven't heard it by now, it's probably not going to be that good anyways... By the way, it must feel pretty salty not even making the "one hit wonder" list... But on the bright side, you might make the cut for some future show on VH1, like "I Won American Idol But Never Amounted To Shit!" Good luck to you!

Next On The List, Carrie Underwood:

Now, let me clarify, although she won American Idol, she is a.) HOT, b.) HOT, and c.) Very talented! She's gorgeous, smart and has an amazing voice, and thank God she left that American Idol scene for real music, COUNTRY! She is the root of Jason Aldean's song "Country Girl!" I have no beef with Carrie Underwood, because after 3 years, she managed to make a great name for herself, and was invited to join an elite group that is The Grand Ole' Opry! Congrats to you, and keep it country'!!!
Next! Taylor Hicks:

Did George Clooney and Jay Leno sleep together and have an illegitimate child that they later named Taylor Hicks? Come on! How old are you? Like 70? Peppered hair isn't cool, except for maybe the Hair Club for Men guys before they use the product... By the way, what have you been spending your time doing besides not pursuing your music career? Oh yea, you've been doing even gayer things than finding your new hair do! You're in the new production of Grease, the play... That's cool! Good luck with the rest of your dancing Lillie ass friends, you fag! Go Grease Lightning!

Geez, does this need to continue? Next, Jordin Sparks:

One step at a time you say? Yea, seems like you're running rather quickly out of the music scene... You can have your one hit, Vanilla Ice did, so it's only fair... The only thing you have to look forward to is a VH1 show with your friend Fantasia... Maybe you should take things one step at a time, and try to find a job because obviously your music career isn't working out well since you only have that one song that still, for some estranged reason still plays on the radio... Good luck on VH1 FAILURE!!!

And lastly, David Cook:

Quite possibly my favorite of all... A great story behind this guy... Mr. I'm just a guy that used to work at a bar that decided to give it my all and clown the world into believing I really have talent! Good job, you completed that, but apparently everyone wanted that David Autisticlatia or whatever his name is to win, but somehow you got Paula's vote, and no one wants to argue with that crackhead... You're just a Daughtry wanna be... Here's an idea, stick to the Emo Bar Scene look that fits you so well... Nice scarf, did you sew that with all the extra time you had off from American Idol? By the way, I'll have a Miller Lite, you douche and make it snappy!!!
So there it is America! 2 winners out of 7 that have made something of themselves, and only one that I will fully endorse! So who's going to win this years American Idol? I would tell you, but I don't want to ruin it, but this year is looking promising, so it's probably the douche that dresses Emo like our boy David Cook! America! Get away from your DVR and let it go, watch some real TV, and relax! Get off the TV Dick that is screwing America! Your vote doesn't count, just like it didn't count in the recent election... Good job! YOU SUCK!!! At least you have a friend that sucks too! American Idol!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

If My Work Day Was A Movie...

So I came to the conclusion today that I never, EVER x 100,000,000 want to work for more women than men... There is a study that needs to be done, without me as the specimen that working with too many women causes you to want to kill yourself... Example:

Today I'm sitting at my desk, minding my business, reading the Enquirer online, I know, very good of me to be up on current events. Dawn (Satan) comes over to my desk and asks me if I've started working on my spreadsheet yet, to which I reply, "I'm on call right now, because I'm the only teller right now so I don't want to get started on something, have to stop, and lose my place, so I figure I can work on it later like after lunch..." She replied "now would be the perfect time to get started on it, because there's not many people here, blah blah blah..." So I finally lashed out for the little bit... I looked down at Viktoriya's desk and she's looking at shoes for Christ sake! Did Dawn say anything to her? OF COURSE NOT! Why you might ask? BECAUSE THEY STICK TOGETHER LIKE GLUE! She said she gets on Viktoriya's case too! I said, "oh really? When is that? When I'm at lunch for 10 minutes a day?"

There's so much estrogen here, that the women get away with everything... Andrea was 35 minutes late to work on Saturday, what happened? NOTHING! My first Saturday I worked I was late 15 minutes... What happened? I got a written warning! Second time it happened, got written up again... What happened to Andrea, after 4 times of being late a grand total of probably 2 hours? NOT A DAMN THING AT ALL!!! I'm the only one that gets written up, I'm the only one that gets in trouble for being 5 - 15 minutes late, when it doesn't even matter, and all of this because I'm a guy... Therefore, I decided to remake a movie:

Instead of:

I would call my movie:

This is my day... I work with a group of girls that bitch and bitch about their husbands, shoes, clothes, birds, dogs, fiancee's, living with their parents, etc, etc, etc... Then I'll have construction guys come in and say, "wow, lucky guy getting to work with all these ladies!" Oh yeah? Lucky? Lucky would be if a guy came in with a sawed off shotgun to rob us and killed just me! That'd be lucky! Or maybe if I couldn't hear, that would be good too! The ladies get away with anything, and the solo male gets screwed! Typical! Someone please save me! We'll See Ya!

800,001,256 males feel for me, but can't do a damn thing because they're in the same situation...

Recent News: Using Microsoft Paint Program... (There's Even A 3D Picture, Kind Of)

Recently, the news has been covering the dangerous war on drugs and drug trade between Mexico and the U.S., and no offense, if this picture below was the only thing you had to jump over more or less to get into a country that has freedoms, money, free healthcare for illegals, etc, wouldn't you cross it?

I was watching a show on the actual fencing and people that monitor the border, and I have to say, I was the least bit impressed... It's no wonder there's so many illegals here in the states, although it's funny with the Economy in the state that it's in, they really are going back, because even the drug abusers here don't have the money to buy anymore... Therefore, to protect us from the illegals coming in, and trying to flee America, I propose this:

You know that if you came stumbling upon something like this, along the border, you wouldn't think twice about coming within 100 yards or so of this castle... This fortress is 20 feet high with mine fields, gatlin gun turrets, and marine scout snipers in every tower... Let me just say, SHOOTER, ain't got shit on this! How about that, and if you manage to sneak into America, you belong here, because you have some balls on ya kid!

In other news, Cincinnati is letting inmates go free for a variety of crimes. Inmates that are leading police on hour long car chases through calm neighborhoods are being released within hours due to overcrowding... Therefore, I'm proposing a new jail system, not to be confused with a new jail... Using the resources of our old jail, we will monitor behavior of our inmates. Inmates that are currently on death row, appeals are automatically denied, and you have 24 hours to live, with no last wishes. You are taken out back and shot, double tap to the forhead. You will not be blindfolded either... This will teach people that when you take a life, you forfeit your rights... Rapists will be dealt with in the same manner. Repeat drug offenders with a history of 3 offenses repeated will also be shot and killed, because obviously you can't be retrained... Therefore, the only people that go to jail are first time offenders. All inmates also have a clear view of the shooting area, therefore they know if they screw around, you die! All court trials are dealt with through me... No jury, no attorneys... Just you and me... I don't care what the constitution says, you committed a murder, etc, you no longer have human rights, therefore, no more monetary funds are given to the Human Rights Foundations, and that money goes back into the Government to be dispursed elsewhere...

Recently, the Cincinnati Auto Expo was in Cincinnati. In a time like this, with a lack of funds that everyone seems to have, why are they still selling these Nissan Armada's, and Infiniti Q45's that seat 45, and can't go under most underpasses or local bridges? I think I know why! SAFETY! Therefore, instead of making them so big, compact them down, and add the optional turret and uni-track system (similar to that of military tanks)... Safety in the ghetto, and safety in Cincinnati snow fall! It's a big time seller! Here's an idea, STOP HAVING KIDS AND NEEDING THE SPACE AVAILABLE ON A BOEING 757!!!

Recently, a confirmed tornado swept through southern Indiana on a recent day of crappy weather. This seemed to be the biggest thing since sliced bread, because it was all over the news. As entertaining as that isn't, because there's nothing important in southern Indiana, a recent surge in plastic pink lawn flamingo's has surged despite a recent failing economy. Apparently those southern indianers can't live them a day without those wonderful works of art in their front yards of their trailer parks! Most people try to replace necessities, but not this special class of people, they know what's important in life!

That's the recent news, now for our Weather Report for the Tri-State Cincinnati Area and local 7-Day Forcast!!!

Well, as you can see, nothing new! Just bored at work, hope you at least got a chuckle... We'll See Ya
42,002,567 people now wish they wouldn't have read this blog, because they're bored again...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things That Are Funny To Me, And Things That Piss Me Off!!!

I recently read an article on the upcoming problems with Spring Break in Mexico. Apparently it's ok here in America, but in Mexico, there's a HUGE drug killing spree... And the Government has just noticed this? OH MY GOD! There's a drug and violence problem in Mexico?!?! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK OUR GANGS AND DRUGS IN AMERICA CAME FROM!?!? However, the Government is issuing warnings to Teens and Young Adults that Mexico is in a very volatile position right now with drugs and violence, however in most cases tourists are not the targets... Either way, it seems like there's a double standard here, in which I will depict it using my favorite program:

Seems strange enough to me... We have all of the Mexicans here that came from there, and they're all gang affiliated with the MS-13 which almost has "clans" if you must in almost every state and is the most violent gang in the states since the beginning of time... So why would entering the territory in which they're from before coming here make us fear Mexico any more than we already do? How is Mexico any more or less dangerous than here??? Let me show you all you need to do in order to differentiate between the 2:

If you will notice, the gunman, we'll call him Jose is in Mexico... But let's look at something different, lets take away a few of these elements and see what we get:

HOLY CRAP!!! IT'S 5TH AND VINE STREETS IN DOWNTOWN CINCINNATI!!! Who would have guess it!?!? People act like the Mexican people are all of a sudden trying to overthrow the Government for no reason... Let's take a look at why the Mexican people are doing this:

Oh, and there we have it... For years, America was the savior for these poor people, so they snuck over, took our money, medical aid, welfare system, etc... And now that Obama is giving them equal citizenship opportunities, but our Economy is down the crapper and will no longer assist their 18 kids with 12 different dads, they're all taking the Yellow Brick Road back home because they have nothing left here... My plan would be to lock down the borders and make them stay here and pay for everything they illegally took while they were here... But we know that will never happen because they're going to get my hard earned tax money now that according to Obomba, we're all "equal!" Therefore, this story makes me laugh, but in turn pisses me off!

The next thing that really upsets me, is Russians in America. Well, in particular, just one... The one that I work with, Viktoriya. See, when you think of Russians, you think of the Hardcore one's from James Bond movies, or Boondock Saints, and movies like that, but in real life, they're really a bunch of cry baby pussies... I have never heard one woman bitch and moan about more in my life than Viktoriya on any given day... "It's too cold in the branch (71 degree's), she's sick (if I can recall, she's been sick since the first day she came to our branch), her head hurts, etc... Well guess what, I've thrown up from food poisoning at work, thrown up from hangovers, come in when I was too sick to move, and I made it just fine... Therefore I'm going to show you a quick comparison:

Therefore, as you can see, the media WRONGFULLY portrays the Russian people, because of the percentage of Russian people I've met here in America, they're all a bunch of cry baby pussies that are more or less a bundle of excuses as to why they can't do something... Well, either way, it's old, and I'm tired of it, so I thought I'd vent to you... Is there any races you work with that upset you? Let me know about it, and what they do to disturb you and I'll see what I can do to get your story on an upcoming issue here at "The Blogspot!" We'll See Ya!

4,307 people found my paint program art work very helpful in this blog...

After Much Consideration (Hate Mail), I Have Redecided...

After looking over my recent decision, I have re-decided, and am more or less able to sleep better knowing that I can remain with my hometown pride... After much consideration, I have decided to stick with the Bengals for the remainder of the 2009 - 2010 season, and if after we don't have a winning season, I will strongly consider moving to The Colts. Here is the reply that really put things into perspective for me:

"I can understand your frustration and anger,
but let me make one last ditch effort to help you see the light.
The Bengals DID pursue TJ, they actually made a better offer than Minnesota, but like all NFL players TJ chose to play for money.
Seattle was offering the most.
For years all TJ talked about was winning and how it was never about the money,
it was all about winning, and yet he signed with Seattle?
The 4-12 Seattle Seahawks? The team that is drafting BEFORE the Bengals?
Seattle has a worse running back, a worse quarter back, a similar offensive line,
worse receivers, and a slightly better defense.
All in all about the same team, as the record shows, but again TJ took the money and ran.
I am not saying that I wouldn't have, but I find it funny that everyone thinks that this is the Bengals fault.
The Bengals do about 80% of stuff the wrong way,
but they were pretty smart in this situation.
They decided not to over pay a receiver that turns 32 in training camp for 5 years.
That is a long time for a 32 year old skill position that had back problems last year.
I loved TJ, he was a fierce competitor and a monster on the field, but the Bengals played it smart I think considering what they would have been on the hook for.
It is time to see what the young guys can do, and if you can get Nate Washington or Laverneas Coles as a stop gap for cheaper than you win.And the Steelers?
Let me remind you of reasons you should NEVER be a Steelers fan:
1. Terrible Towel, is there anything more annoying?
2. Bill Cowher, remember the spit that would form at the corners of his mouth?
3. Kimo Von Olhofen, I know Carson's knee doesn't forget.
4. Ben like to head but cars.
5. Hines Wards smugness.
There are 5 good reasons to hate the Steelers.
I am not telling you to love the Bengals, in all likely hood they will break your heart,
thankfully I am a glutton for punishment, but for the love of God don't become a Steelers fan.
Be a Browns fan, be a Baltimore fan before you become a Steelers fan.
Of course you can disregard this and hop on the Steeler bandwagon.
But don't get angry when Chris Crocker hit Ben so hard that Ben wishes he was in a car accident again.
And you can still come over to the house, but don't you dare wear any of that Steeler bullshit, or you can deal with my wife.

As George and his blog,, put it into perspective for me, as he usually does, because he knows far more about sports than I could ever know, or care too really, but it's just something that if you're from Cincinnati, it's burnt into your brain that you have to be a Bengals fan... You can try to deny it, but you know you're watching the game even if you are "cheering" for a different team... I knew I couldn't leave the Bengals, although I will likely watch the Steelers this year, because they are one hell of an organization, I will still remain a strong-hearted Bengals fan, because it's just like your first love, she may have broken your heart, but you still love her deep down... The Bengals may break our hearts, and let us down all the time, and forget our plans, and run off with a guy that drives a BMW and works as a financial investor, and eventually got married to him and has 2 kids but still call you when you least expect it to tell you that she wishes that she wouldn't have left you and still cares for you but you later find out she was just drunk... Sorry, got alittle carried away, where was I??? Ahhh yes, the Bengals may let us down, but the Hometown Pride still carries with us season after season, and we're forced to be there for them... Therefore, I'm retracting my previous blog and still showing my pride for my first true love... I'm sorry it had to come to me leaving, but that is how hurt I am... But I'm back baby, and I'm definitely not sending a letter of retraction to Mike Brown, because shit still needs to change... So no worries guys, I'll still be wearing my Bengals Jersey, and by the way, QUIT SENDING ME HATE MAIL, I'M BACK FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!

4,502,305 people are PISSED that I did not use a picture or paint program picture in this blog...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2009 Really Is The Year Of Change... (A Goodbye To The Bengals)

Sadly, I was made aware of the signing of Bengals Wide Receiver Housh, my beloved #84, probably the most productive player on the Bengals squad for the past 8 years, to the Seattle Seahawks today... Although I am deeply saddened by this move on behalf of the Bengals, I have to now follow my previous squandering. I said to everyone that if the Bengals let go of Housh that I would become a Steelers fan, which amazingly/ironically was my second team at a strong tie with the Colts. The second part of the deal to stay with the Bengals was to keep Housh and have to at least go 9 - 7 or above 8 - 8, how ever they can do it and if they couldn't pull it off, then I would leave to the Colts. However, after the dismissal of Housh, I am forced, yet relieved to join a team that believes in winning, and a team that loves it's fans and gives them what they want, WINS!!!
The Pittsburgh Steelers are a team that not only knows how to win, but who to hire to help win! They have a President and owner that owns, a GM that manages, scouts that bring on new players, and players that love to play, and you can clearly see this in their history... I know it seems weird for an ex-Bengals fan to cheer for their biggest rival, but I have had much intervention at work lately with a HUGE, and I mean HUGE Steelers fan, and lately, since before this years Super Bowl, he has really pushed me to like the Steelers. I even cheered for them and won $25 from their Super Bowl victory. I do have to say that this has been a long time coming now, because the Bengals have let me down too many times in the past couple of years, and sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses. As per the aforementioned, I do have a Rudi Johnson signed jersey, a Chad Johnson signed Jersey and framed picture, a David Pollack jersey signed by Shane Graham and John Thornton, and a Chad Johnson Storm jersey for sale currently, prices vary, and all profits go toward buying a new Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey...
I am sorry to have to let go of a team that for so long (24 years) I loved so much, but enough is enough. There's a point at which you have to say no more, and that point was at which you dumped Housh, your single greatest receiver on the team... I am sad to go, but I'm sure the Steelers will welcome me with open arms. I was there through the bad years, and there for the good year, but it's time to move on. What we had was amazing at times, and disheartening at others, but listen, it's not me, it's you...
Here is a copy of the letter that I sent, attention to Mike Brown:
Dear Mike Brown and Bengals Team,
I have been a fan of the Bengals since I was brought home from the hospital after birth. The first shirt I wore home was a Bengals t-shirt. However, over the last few years, I have seen a steep decrease in players ability, and I can't help but think that it has something to do with the management and ownership of the team. The management decision to not start negotiations with T.J. Houshmanzedah (sp) to remain a Bengals player not only discourages me, but angers me as well. Your team suffers from a lack of support from Cincinnati because you are not doing anything to bring in fans. You are more focused on making money and ripping off the players and fans, that you can't see that we're slowly diminishing. I may have never owned season tickets, but I went to the games, and some seasons I went to 6 or 7 games, some seasons I traveled to other states or cities to watch games. I may have purchased jerseys, but those are soon to be given to goodwill or sold for maybe a couple of dollars. Therefore, I know this letter may not mean much to you, and may not even reach you, but hopefully the outcry from the remaining fans will reach you. Maybe those that did purchase season tickets for the Bengals will rethink before they resign their ticket leases on seats. Maybe they will finally hit you where it hurts, in YOUR wallet, because we're tired of you hitting OUR wallets, and not giving us anything for our money... I must say that I am sad to have to leave to watch another team, but maybe in some strange way, you will start to see the decline in your fan base, and maybe you'll decide to step up and make some changes and smarter purchases for your fans and teams sake. I know that my leaving will surely not even make a small dent in your profits, but hopefully many fans changes will!!! In all honesty, you're a let down to Paul Brown, and I'm sure he's rolled over many times in his grave from where you've recently taken this team, but this is my letter of resignation. I hope it reaches your desk, and I hope it reaches your hands even if only to land in your gold plated waste basket. Although I'm already cheering for a new team, I hope that for Cincinnati Bengals fans, you will soon make changes to make Cincinnati a professional team, and not a professional laughing stock in the NFL... Good luck to you in the future, because if the present is anything like the future is going to be, then you'll really need it...
Ryan D. Hoopes
ex-Bengals fan
and voice of concerned fans
This is a direct copy of the letter sent to Mike Brown today, March 3rd, 2009. Therefore, for your sake, I hope that will bring some change, but I wouldn't count too much on that... I know that I won't be invited to many of my friends houses now that I'm no longer a Bengals fan, and I'm sure I will lose what little readers base I have on here, but a man has to do what a man has to do... We'll see ya!
1 person thinks I really stuck it to Mike Brown in this blog...

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Democrats Want Us To Forget, But We Must Remember (A Serious Piece)

I've come to realize, more of less over the past year or so, that I have forgotten something that I claim is so important to not only me, but to our country as a whole. Something that I definitely take to heart, and something that is of more honorable mention than what team Housh is going to... This something is just that thing that the Democrats want us to see as a failure of the Bush Administration, and a failure to America... They call it a loss... It's something that I call "The Troops..." The brave men and women that are still stationed in countries like Iraq, and Afghanistan, protecting the very democracy that we're still trying to build.

I was up late last night after helping a friend move into a new house, and I went home and relaxed and turned on the television to the NatGeo Channel, which is by far the best channel on television to this day (just behind The History Channel). They were doing a documentary on Green Beret's missions in Afghanistan (current day). A group of journalists from NatGeo followed around the Green Berets on missions throughout the countries hot zones. They show the contact that this unit has with certain Taliban groups, IED's, etc... After I began watching this, I started to really get upset with myself, because during the course of our Economy taking a steep downhill ride to hell, my family/parental issues, work, etc, I forgot the one most important thing that I always take the time to honor. I had stepped away from praying for our troops safety while still over sea's. It almost seemed like I had completely forgotten that they were still out there protecting our country. It seems like the media, now thanks to Obama, has made us forget because of a "failed administration." However, let me point out something that shows us how "unforgettable" these troops are:

This statue stands outside of the Iraqi Palace, which is now under control of the 4th Infantry division. Once the troops come home, the memorial will be placed in Fort Hood, Texas. The statue was shockingly created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat. He, for many years was forced by Sadam Hussein to create the many bronze statue busts of Saddam scattered throughout many Iraqi cities. Kalat was so inspired by the American liberation in Iraq that he spent many months, day and night, melting down the bronze statues that were taken down after Sadam's fall of power, and creating this statue to represent the Comrade's that helped liberate Iraq. The memorial represents an American soldier praying for a fallen comrade, while an Iraqi girl reminds him of the change that they have brought... What's the reason you've never heard of this until now??? Because it makes you feel good, and brings hope that maybe what we were doing over there was right, but did that makes the democratic news networks? Absolutely not!

The thing that was so inspiring about this show was the fact that it was an in-depth look at what they go through day and night. They are sleep deprived, and entering these cities knowing that at any second an IED could blow up and destroy their whole unit. But these men and women push on, and do the job that is asked of them. I know as much as I bitch about how much I hate my job, or something that's going on in my life, that none of it means 1/16 of what these brave soldiers are doing over sea's. I recently had a customer come in that I haven't seen in in awhile, and he is a Marine. It was a nice reminder to see him, because he just got back from another tour of Duty in Iraq. He said as much as things have calmed down over there, there's still many problems/firefights over there. But after I saw/talked to him for a bit, I can honestly say that I'm honored to be able to help him, and that goes for any soldier. And I think it's important that no matter what anyone says about the War in Iraq, or the operations in Afghanistan, that we stand for the decision that we made to help these people, and keep on with the support that we send to the troops.

The one thing I'm fearful for is the fact that the Liberals want to make these war heroes seem like Vietnam Veterans, for their "mass murders" and killings while over sea's, but if you sit down, and watch what this one unit of soldiers went through in Afghanistan, you could see the struggle in telling who's bad and who's good. At one point they stopped part way through an empty Afghan town, and caught wind of a radio channel between the Taliban soldiers, and they were clearly watching the American's as they drove through, and they never found him. At night while they were finding a campsite for the night on a stony ridge, they ran a test for mines and came across 7 that were detonated, and once they thought that all were detonated, they started a base camp and part way through, a Humvee exploded due to an IED that was undiscovered and killed one soldier, and injured the rest of the crew, including 2 journalists. The interpreter was killed during the explosion, and the toll that it took on the crew was immeasurable. Like the soldiers said after his death, "As much as you want to sit back and mourn about the loss of your friend/brother, you can't, because this is your job, and there's no time for that right now, but we will someday... We all will..." That really hit home for me, and now I'm thoroughly convinced that I'm going to have a fundraiser for the USO or another company that gives directly to the troops, because what they're going through doesn't even come close to comparing to my every day life.

So I please ask that you not forget that these brave men and women are out there giving their lives for our freedoms here in America. Don't take everything the Liberals say to heart, because they aren't giving you the whole truth. I will research some difference companies that give to the troops, and will update another post when I find one, and I would ask that those who read, and friends of those who read this blog please give at least some support to these fellow Americans! Show your pride in your country, and show your pride in supporting those that make this country the free country that it is today!

1 person knows how important these troops are, and still prays every night for their safe return home. Never Forget...