As you can see from my beautiful paint program rendering of OTR present day, it's obviously not a place you would EVER want to be, especially if you're a non-gang affiliated white person with more than $8 dollars in your pocket... Why in God's name would you want to take a streetcar of all things through this district? However, after some research, I found that they are trying to push through a plan to "spruce up" more or less, OTR as a whole... This is their idea, not as good of an artist rendering, but you get the idea:

Now, as you can see, that looks "generally" like a nice area! Now scroll back up to present day, and back down to the future... Do you really think there's a snowball's chance in hell that ANYONE, yes, ANYONE, let me emphasize ANYONE could make that happen, even over a 30 - 50 year period? Not even that jackass on A&E on Saturdays that buys P.O.S. houses and fixes them up in 2 days or some crap like that could hire a team to do this job... There's a thing called Opportunity Cost that you will frequently see me use throughout my blogs, and that's an economic term. It means "what you lose by choosing one thing, over another..." This in turn directly relates to what we're losing, lots of money on a lost cause, as to what we're gaining, money wasted on something we'll still never use... Therefore, the common denominator here is the fact that either way, we lose (waste) money by putting it into this crappy part of town that already is filled to the brim with crappiness... i.e. (Paul Brown Stadium - Bengals, UC - enough said, Great American Ball Park - Reds, etc...) Therefore, by building a streetcar system through OTR, not only are we wasting funds that we could use just to make that area safer, but we could also, over time, yes, this can't happen over night, but over time build up the area slowly once we get the place a little cleaned up!
I find it quite amusing that our mayor, Superman Mallory can only focus wasting all this money on this stupid system so that Cincinnati "can finally move forward!" I kid you not, this is exactly what he said to these people:
“Partner with the police department to keep our communities safe. Get involved in your community council. Take measures to be more energy efficient. … Mentor a child. Come downtown and hang out. Recycle more. Use mass transit. And whatever you do, brag about the greatness of Cincinnati everywhere you go. “You decide what it is, but be a partner in some effort to positively change Cincinnati.”
Translation: "Snitch on people that we can't throw in jail because it's too crowded, don't bother me with your out of city problems, turn off your lights when not using them so I get mo' money, tutor a child so one less CPS teacher gets in trouble, recycle so crackheads don't get $.05 cents a can to get crack, use buses so I get mo' money, and brag about a city you obviously don't want to be in reflected in the census that everybody's leaving!"
Just give it to us straight Mallory! Hire more police, clean up the crap town, build a jail, lock up criminals, open a subway system from West Chester, Dayton, etc, and maybe you'll attract us out of city limit people down there to bring some money in, but until then, it's too unsafe, costs too much to park, and you don't have a damn professional sports team that could beat a High School team around here... Think about things before you propose them, and get a council that cares for it's people and not about getting money! You're just a black Mike Brown! You just want money and don't want to perform or bring change! Until you figure out and ask the people what they really want, you'll never be successful... I've got a census for you that you may remember pretty well, but are trying to forget:
Cincinnati, Ohio is #18 of 371 cities that is the Most Dangerous! For Christ sake, we're right behind ATLANTA, GEORGIA!!! Not to mention that, but 3, yes 3 of Ohio's top known cities made the top 25 countdown of Most Dangerous Cities! That is the most of any one state on the list! Actually, Cali has 5 cities that made the list, but the size compared to Ohio is almost 4 times, or at least 3... However again, 4 of the cities of Cali are still lower than Cincinnati! Of all countdowns to be on, Cincinnati made this one! Therefore, don't you think instead of bitching about closing down jails and letting prisoners back onto the street, it'd be a smarter idea to build another, better one that houses more since we obviously have a problem here? Do I have to run for mayor? Hmmmmm, this brings up an interesting point... We'll See Ya!
4,501 people say that they will vote for me for mayor of Cincinnati if/when I run after reading this blog!