I was never one to religiously believe in things like Karma and things of that nature, but today, I caught a couple of glimpses of her, and I must say, there's no worse feeling than Karma taking some pokes at you. As most of you already know, I'm not the most committed person when it comes to relationships, and I joke about that a lot, because I've had so many different damn girlfriends. Although, it seems like in this last month, I've been stabbed in the back by friends, I've met the female version of me, and I lost one opportunity because I'm an asshole... As mad as I really want to be, I'm starting to realize that all of this could have been avoided had I not taken too much on at one time. Well, 2 of the 3 that is, one of them just was misfortune, and I will never let people hook me up with coworkers or friends of theirs. As for the friendship, you gotta keep your friends close and your enemies closer, because when you're up, you're enemies are dressed in friends clothing, but when you're down, they reveal their true colors and you'll end up losing a lot more than you anticipated. As for meeting myself in the female version, that was the misfortune.
I never really realized how shitty I treat my girlfriends, and girlfriends that I intend to one day have (if that makes any sense). I thought this girl had some real special qualities and we took a great liking to each other, and even though I heard background noise that she had other things going on beyond my field of vision, I let it go because I just enjoyed being with her so much... As things progressed, I felt things getting more serious, and then I text her, call her, and no response... Then out of the blue, a week later, I get a text, and I figure maybe she was busy, and she said I was "crowding" her during exams, and she's stressed, etc... So I tell her to text me when she's got time to hang out, and well, that's never anymore, and I realized, she's a 2 month leaser... Exactly what Hoopes has always done, and he got part of his own medicine. Wow... That sucks, lost a best friend, got stabbed in the back, got played, etc, all in a one month period...
So as I think about all of this, I get the balls to call up an old friend, because I sit and think about all that this girl has done for me, and how I've treated her like shit, and pushed her aside, and never thought I cared for her, but she's always, ALWAYS been in the back of my mind... I text her and tell her that when she gets some time to chat, I want to talk to her about something... She said she just got done with finals, and she took her nursing board tests, and she's going to Florida and she'll text me when she gets back. She got back and Tuesday I ask her if she wants to hang out, and she said she doesn't think her man would like that...
In the times that I've treated her like shit, pushed her aside, and never made any valiant effort to show her that I truly liked her, she found someone that did make her feel the way I realized she made me feel... Special... And now, it's all over... The lonesomeness is settling in... Starting to realize how this story ends... What a twisted web we weave... We'll See Ya...
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