Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm Writing A Book... Stop Laughing... Seriously...

Ok, so after I've begun reading Tucker Max's "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" book, I've decided to share my story with the world...

"But where do we, your loyal readers (all 5 of you) come into play here?"

I'm glad you asked, because you my friends, are the voting voices of the title of my book...

So without any further adue, here are the titles, so comment in on what you think the title should be:

-If This Is Growing Up, I Think I'll Stay A Toy's R' Us Kid...

- How To Ensure Front Row Seats In Hell...

-So You Think You're Crazy?

-Ryan Hoopes And The Day I Met Him...

-A Parents Guide To Raising A Failure.

-Failure In Life For Dummies.

-Ryan Hoopes: No Thanks, I Don't Dance...

-I Wish They Didn't Lie To Me In Grade School...

-Adulthood Is Overrated...

-Ryan Hoopes: Growing Up West Chester.

-Make It Another Round Bartender...

There you have it folks, go ahead, go nuts, and VOTE!!!


Dru said...

I like Make It Another Round Bartender...

George Herron said...

So You Think You're Crazy?

It engages the audience, and makes them curious.

Plus anything with crazy in the title will intrigue me!

RICK said...

I like adulthood is over rated...