I was reading the Enquirer today, yes, while at work... What the hell, I'm paid to be here, and if there's no customers, what do you want me to do? Anyways, as I was reading the top stories, I saw one about something that used to be a pretty popular part of my life, and many of my friends. There was a story about a 22 year old that was killed in a street racing accident. As always, death perks my interest so I clicked the story and began to read. The story went on to explain that a "kid" at age 22 was killed when the car he was "riding" in wrecked and flipped and he was ejected from the vehicle. The driver and the other passenger was injured, but is expected to survive. This brings up a very logical question, why was this guy racing 6 other cars on a back road in Clermont County with passengers? If you know you're going to race people, you practically empty your car for weight differential. However, the driver of the 1992 Honda Civic went off the side of the road and into an embankment. I know what you're thinking, stupid kids trying to make their little "rice burner" quick. It did however, spark quite a debate on Enquirer Comments. People were saying that the kid deserved to die, and the other parties involved should rot in jail. Really?
I'm not one to condone street racing, but when my friends and I did it, we went to abandoned truck stops late at night when there was no one around. We raced on a stretch of property that was at least a quarter mile or longer, and 2 people went at a time. There were no dangers, no people in the way, and no one ever got hurt. What I'm trying to say is that get smart about it. Police don't care as much when you're doing it where no one is going to get hurt. The Cops showed up twice and told us to leave, because we're being "loud." Of course we are. You have Mustang GT's with Borla exhausts and superchargers, Honda Civics with GReddy exhaust systems. How we made it through 4 hours of chilling and racing is beyond me before getting thrown out. The point is, when you're not out there on the roads racing with other cars around, then you're likely to get in less trouble.
Then something somebody said really sparked my interest. "1992 Honda's shouldnt be racing. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel don't drive Accords... These kids shouldnt have tried their fate doing the "Tokyo Drift" while driving "Fast and Furious." Regardless of what year the car was, or who did what, you're going to blame movies for their actions? Don't get me wrong, watching the movies got me ideas on what to do to modify my car, but I don't think in my entire life I've ever seen street racers close off a good size portion of a city and race. It could never happen, just like 4 black Honda Civics could not knock off or "drive under" a semi truck. Are you going to blame robots that put shotty parts on new cars while they're being built on Transformers because the robot is not partnered up with Optimus Prime therefore being a "bad robot?" Are you going to blame the worlds destruction on Terminator? No, why? Because "THEY'RE FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTERS!!!" Paul Walker has NEVER been pulled over for Street Racing. You can't blame video games/movies for people's problems. There has never been a study that can ultimately prove that video games/movies are in direct correalation to aggression/violence within kids/young adults. That's just parents trying to take the blame off of them for bad parenting. Kids are going to do what they know they can get away with. The fault is ultimately on those that make the bad decisions. When Kyle jumped off the bridge in Brookville and didn't get hurt, Matt followed... They called me a pussy for not jumping off until I eventually jumped off. If I had gotten hurt, would I have blamed them? Absolutely not, I jumped, no one pushed me. Of course there was peer-pressure, but there's always peer-pressure.
I don't blame the bar for me getting an OVI. Most people try to say that the bar was pressuring them into drinking more and more, or their friends. Not true. When you drink and drive, it's YOUR decision. Don't blame movies/games, don't blame parents, don't blame anyone but your stupid self. Yes, I have sympathy for the kid that died, but seriously, that's going to be a real eye-opener when these kids are at his funeral. But the kid made that choice that night, and he's the only one to blame.
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