Since when did celebrities really decide that people that pay to come see their concerts wanted to hear them babble on and on about saving the whales, or not being prejudice against gypsies, or some other bullshit political agenda you're being paid to spew all over what's left of your fans? Seriously?!?! I read in today's paper that Madonna was booed by a crowd of 60,000 fans in Bucharest, Romania last night. I knew just by the title of the story that this was going to be something good, because nobody ever booes Madonna... That'd be like booing U2, which I do anyways, mainly because they suck, their music sucks, and apple sucks, which we all know how the Transitive Property works (A + B = C)... After reading the article, I couldn't help but laugh because she was booed because she was throwing out to the people that they should not hate the Roma's or "Gypsies" in their country because they are humans too... Really? Now, I'm a firm believer in the fact that you should not talk about something that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. However, you can talk about these things if:
a.) You're from that native country.
b.) You know about the history and you've previously supported this cause.
c.) You were at one time one of these people.
Let me run down the quick checklist and see if any of these apply to Madonna:
Born in Bay City, Michigan, therefore not from Romania. Fail.
Know about history of Gypsies? Obviously Fail.
Rich woman living in Hollywood from age 15, making more than any one person in the world. Fail.
Sorry Madonna, you just simply put FAILED! You can do your Cabala, sleep with A-Rod or Jeter or whoever the hell you want, but when it comes down to it, for the last 30 years, your music has sucked, you dress like a homeless woman, and you're like 70 years old... Face the facts there Favre, you're just not the go-to guy in this one anymore... People paid to hear you sing, not talk, so don't take the Nickelback in Cincinnati trip, just shut up and sing bitch...

Ahhhhh yes, another one of my favorites... You may remember this asshole from your "vote democrat or you're a racist" campaign. What's that? What's my favorite Kanye West moment? Hmmmmm, probably when he stated that "George Bush doesn't care about Black People" comment on national television. Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things celebrities get away with because of the fame and fortune, but how he pulled this off was simply distasteful, and as a matter of fact, just pure haterified (copyright)... However, if I was part of the media after this was stated at a Hurricane Relief Benefit Fundraiser, I would have followed it up with this question: "Mr. West, who in fact does care about black people?" The only response I would receive however would be nothing... Because the statistics go to show that not only do white people not really care for black people, but shockingly, BLACK PEOPLE don't even care about BLACK PEOPLE!!! Therefore, I found this graph to further my exploration into this concern I have for what he stated:

Where do we move from here Kanye? Yeah, exactly... So not only does George Bush not care about black people, but neither do black people, so...
Therefore, I am puzzled as to why celebrities with all their fame and fortune believe that have an utter duty, to speak out against things that they know nothing about? One last person I had to examine though, just to further prove my point:

Vote or Die? That's like the opposite of what they want in Afghanistan. Vote And Die is the Afghani way! But really? Vote or Die? Why would I die if I don't vote? Is he insinuating that he's going to kill me if I don't vote? Am I clear if I do vote? Am I racist if I don't vote for Obama? So many questions left unanswered by 3 simple words... However, he also brings an ironic game piece to this checker board I call life... In America, convicted felons are NOT allowed to vote, correct? Correct! Now, when you are caught in possession of a concealed weapon when you do not have a Concealed Carry Permit, that is a felony correct? Correct! (Zingers, I know!) Now, let alone carrying the weapon illegally is bad, but what about shooting it in a club for no reason, illegal correct? Correct again my friend... Now, does this mean that P. Diddy, Daddy, Puffy, Puff Daddy whatever the fuck he goes by this month, is going to die, because he in fact is not allowed to vote? Interesting question...
I think the Defense rests... We'll See Ya!
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