Friday, August 28, 2009

Riddle Me This...???

Since when did celebrities really decide that people that pay to come see their concerts wanted to hear them babble on and on about saving the whales, or not being prejudice against gypsies, or some other bullshit political agenda you're being paid to spew all over what's left of your fans? Seriously?!?! I read in today's paper that Madonna was booed by a crowd of 60,000 fans in Bucharest, Romania last night. I knew just by the title of the story that this was going to be something good, because nobody ever booes Madonna... That'd be like booing U2, which I do anyways, mainly because they suck, their music sucks, and apple sucks, which we all know how the Transitive Property works (A + B = C)... After reading the article, I couldn't help but laugh because she was booed because she was throwing out to the people that they should not hate the Roma's or "Gypsies" in their country because they are humans too... Really? Now, I'm a firm believer in the fact that you should not talk about something that you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. However, you can talk about these things if:

a.) You're from that native country.

b.) You know about the history and you've previously supported this cause.

c.) You were at one time one of these people.

Let me run down the quick checklist and see if any of these apply to Madonna:

Born in Bay City, Michigan, therefore not from Romania. Fail.

Know about history of Gypsies? Obviously Fail.

Rich woman living in Hollywood from age 15, making more than any one person in the world. Fail.

Sorry Madonna, you just simply put FAILED! You can do your Cabala, sleep with A-Rod or Jeter or whoever the hell you want, but when it comes down to it, for the last 30 years, your music has sucked, you dress like a homeless woman, and you're like 70 years old... Face the facts there Favre, you're just not the go-to guy in this one anymore... People paid to hear you sing, not talk, so don't take the Nickelback in Cincinnati trip, just shut up and sing bitch...

Ahhhhh yes, another one of my favorites... You may remember this asshole from your "vote democrat or you're a racist" campaign. What's that? What's my favorite Kanye West moment? Hmmmmm, probably when he stated that "George Bush doesn't care about Black People" comment on national television. Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things celebrities get away with because of the fame and fortune, but how he pulled this off was simply distasteful, and as a matter of fact, just pure haterified (copyright)... However, if I was part of the media after this was stated at a Hurricane Relief Benefit Fundraiser, I would have followed it up with this question: "Mr. West, who in fact does care about black people?" The only response I would receive however would be nothing... Because the statistics go to show that not only do white people not really care for black people, but shockingly, BLACK PEOPLE don't even care about BLACK PEOPLE!!! Therefore, I found this graph to further my exploration into this concern I have for what he stated:

Where do we move from here Kanye? Yeah, exactly... So not only does George Bush not care about black people, but neither do black people, so...

Therefore, I am puzzled as to why celebrities with all their fame and fortune believe that have an utter duty, to speak out against things that they know nothing about? One last person I had to examine though, just to further prove my point:

Vote or Die? That's like the opposite of what they want in Afghanistan. Vote And Die is the Afghani way! But really? Vote or Die? Why would I die if I don't vote? Is he insinuating that he's going to kill me if I don't vote? Am I clear if I do vote? Am I racist if I don't vote for Obama? So many questions left unanswered by 3 simple words... However, he also brings an ironic game piece to this checker board I call life... In America, convicted felons are NOT allowed to vote, correct? Correct! Now, when you are caught in possession of a concealed weapon when you do not have a Concealed Carry Permit, that is a felony correct? Correct! (Zingers, I know!) Now, let alone carrying the weapon illegally is bad, but what about shooting it in a club for no reason, illegal correct? Correct again my friend... Now, does this mean that P. Diddy, Daddy, Puffy, Puff Daddy whatever the fuck he goes by this month, is going to die, because he in fact is not allowed to vote? Interesting question...
I think the Defense rests... We'll See Ya!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This Just In!

From the papers to the television media, and my everyday life, processed through my very brain to the very few ears of the loyal readers that still keep an eye on my lame ass opinions, here's today's and the weeks top stories (as changed by me!)

So the "nation mourns" at the loss of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy... Do we really? I don't... No offense, but I find it hard to wave a flag at half-mast when this man dies because he was such an "influence" in the Senate. By influence, do they mean alcoholic that got away with fraud, scams, and was an extreme alcoholic? We lose a soldier almost every day in Iraq, where the "TRUE HEROES" are, and we don't even fly the flag for them, so why this asshole? Ted Kennedy was not a True American, in fact, he wasn't even that good at his job in the Senate, he endorsed Obama, I mean come on, how good could he have been? I told my work that if I do not personally believe that we should fly the flag at Half-Mast, do we still have to do it? (Being a dumbocrat, she replied that "he was a Senator"), although I fought to the end (distracted her long enough to forget) and I conquered, so the flag flew high at National City in my "Good Riddance" to Ted Kennedy, the last of the remaining assholes that fucked America rotten, and had more trials than O.J. Simpson! We'll See Ya!

As not to fall short of any other exhilarating day at work, Monday I received a call from a customer that went as follows:

Me: Thank you for calling National City Liberty Township, this is Ryan, how can I help you?

Customer: (deep south accent) Yeah, I got one of them fee's for 'imsufficient funds on my account and I'm just wondering where the hell it came from??

Me: Ok, what's your social security number, let me look you up...

Customer: ***-**-***

Me: I think we're missing a number sir, is there another number on the end?

Customer: *

Me: Thank you, let me pull you up here in our system...


Me: Ok sir, it looks like the fee came from a check that was written off of your account when the funds weren't available...

Customer: Yeah, I know that, but why 'dere a fee for them?

Me: Well, writing a check when you know that the funds aren't there is a felony, because it's technically check fraud, which is illegal, and because that was returned there's a fee from the bank for attempting to process a bad check, and from the company you wrote the check too.

Customer: Well that's bullshit man, I mean, I've been on unemployment for a year now, and just filed an extension, and I don't have but like 3 dimes to my name right now, and I have 2 hernia's, and I just didn't get my extension yet...

Me: I can understand that, but it's still illegal, and there's still a fee from the bank that can't be waived, because you knowingly admitted that you wrote the check without the funds in the account, so there's nothing we can do.

Customer: Bullshit man, I hate this God damn bank shit... (click)

After this phone call, I had to sit back and feel bad for the guy, because all he's got is change, which is all that was promised by Obama, so really, he got screwed. I almost felt like telling him that he could work at McDonald's flipping fries, because I did it for a summer and made $11 an hour, and I guarantee that's more money than he'd ever see in his lifetime from the sound of education level through his speech...

In breaking news, the coroners have ruled that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide! They are currently looking at a suspect named Ziploc or the "Plastic Killer" who they believe is the primary suspect in the death of Pop Star Michael Jackson. Really? So they're going to consider it a homicide because he's had more surgery's than Pamela Anderson which has to be some kind of Guinness World Record! Did you hear that because 99% of Michael Jackson is plastic, they're going to melt him down and mold him into Lego's so that kids could finally play with him for a change! Glad your gone, sincerely not concerned, Ryan Hoopes!

Sorry to keep it short today, and hopefully it brought a good enough laugh for you, but we will be back next time with more!

Monday, August 3, 2009

We Don't Want A White Knight, We Need A White Knight...

It takes an economic melt down as such for me to get so upset, and so frustrated that I would ever consider changing my political party affiliation. It's not like I'm going from Republican to Democrat or anything of that nature, but as a matter of fact, I'm so torn that neither party deserves my backing. It's a terrible thing when you are so torn between political affiliations that you think of giving up all hope in all parties. I know this seems like it comes out of left field, but in all honesty, this has been going on since my great white hope in the Bush Administration.
I recently read Glenn Becks new book, "Common Sense - A Case Against An Out Of Control Government" and I must say, he opened my eyes to a lot of things that I didn't want to believe about my current political affiliation. Not only that, but made sense of things that other parties were taking part in. After finishing the book I have decided to resign my standing with the Republican party and seek political enlightenment from upcoming candidates. Until someone comes up and practices what they in fact preach, I refuse to take part in the political game. Glenn Beck said it right that American's have been burned too many times, that we in fact don't know who to believe anymore, and all we need is for America, as a whole to take a stand against our over-spending Government. The day should never come that the people fear the Government, but rather vice versa. I'm not saying that Obama is to blame for the GM crisis, or anything going on with the economy, but he is definitely not the right person at all for this position. He would however, be the perfect scape-goat for a runaway Government. They could have had him run and helped him out along the way to make him the fall guy for their corrupt ways. They will probably say that they had no idea he was this inexperienced for the crisis' that happened, and therefore they will elect someone else, and keep spending and spending...
Don't get me wrong however, I still despise Obama and the ways and methods he used to get elected. The voters should be intelligent people, not just bums and hobo's off the streets. They have never participated in elections before, but a pack of Newport's and a sausage Mcmuffin later, their your next campaign officials! If this is what the United States has come to, then I'm sorry, but we're completely screwed. In a country that was founded on such hardships and massive bloodshed, we should be the model of efficiency and uphold only the just of laws, but instead we're trying to spread the cluster fuck (pardon my Spanish) that is our Government model. And we wonder as a civilization why the Iraq and Afghanistan war isn't over yet? We're (us) trying to force OUR Government model on other countries and convince them that it's the best. How do you figure? We're in a God only knows how many trillion dollar deficit with China, which is practically going to be the new United States if we don't dislodge our head's from our asses, we spend money to make money (that's like taking all the money you have and doubling down in Vegas on a blackjack game with a 20 in hand. (For those of you non-card players, that's the riskiest thing I've ever heard of, and has never been accomplished by any non-card counter). Side note: of all things that wouldn't be good at counting cards, it would be our Government.
Did our Founding Fathers not fight the Revolutionary War to solve the problems of too much Governmental control? Did they not shed the blood of a true patriot? Did they not say "enough is enough?" Where are we now? 233 years later and we have almost completely abolished everything that they created. Is that just? Is that what this country was founded on? I will tell you when it all changed. It all changed when Big Corporations needed support and taxation money from new small businesses. It started when the Government started to "bailout" big companies because their executives need big yachts, huge houses and fancy cars and the Government felt that they were exactly right! It started when "God" was taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. These are far and few between I know, but this is what we have come down to... This is what "America" is now... We're a country that wants to be held by the hand and told what to do and so the Government is doing exactly that. Can we blame them? We call ourselves individuals and say that we're "free," but instead we're held hostage by our own Government. For Christ sake, they took "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance, because they said that it interfered with the difference between Church and State! This country was founded on CHRISTIAN beliefs, and trust me, I'm about as Christian Light as you can be, and I know that Christians believe in GOD, which until I stand corrected, if you're founded on Christian beliefs, then God is your creator! The bullshit that you can't say "Under God" in a Government statement, that people have fought and died for is complete and utter insanity! How can we let our own Government, that founded these document 233 YEARS AGO say that they're going to overrule this decision? Why don't you just curse in God's name in it, so people don't think you're partial. I don't care if people of other descents live in this country (the ones that work and pay taxes that is), but they have the right to do their own religion, but when you're on this soil, you're following the rules established in OUR country! As that goes, that's all personal belief, but also a belief that most Americans hold true to God himself.
My problem with our Government, going back to the Bush Administration, is the fact that we're cutting Big Business taxes, and giving them tax breaks, and helping them out, while failing the small businesses that have the opportunity in the future to grow. Is America no longer the "Land of Opportunity?" We pay the big guys the big salaries and tell the other small business men/women that they need to support big business... How is this fair? Obama steps in with this "Hope" and "Change" mentality, expecting us all to accept these gifts for which he brings, which is basically to buy us out, and in return give us more Government control. We don't need MORE Government control, rather more individual expression. We need the opportunity to start our own small business ventures... What ever happened to that "Melting Pot" leg that America was standing on? We're not culturally diverse anymore, it's Whites vs. Blacks vs. Hispanics. The only reason it's like that is because of racist organizations like the NAACP and ACLU that protect the true criminals and turn colored people against whites. They make us out to be monsters, when in reality, that shit ended 30 or 40 some years ago! We owe you nothing anymore. You have to walk on your own at some point, can't keep crawling.
The thing that really set me off with Obama was the Mass. Police Officer/Professor situation. I know that anyone reading this has already caught wind of the situation so I won't further explain or give you an abridged version, however, the fact that President Obama, without hesitation said that the Officer acted "stupidly" was WAY out of line with me. Was he there? The fact that Obama said he was "friends" with the professor should have been more than enough for him to know that he shouldn't open his mouth about the situation. Of course any "friend" is going to take your side whether you're right or wrong, and if I were that Officer, I would have told Obama to shove it up his ass when he asked me to come enjoy some beers at the White House. It's racism like that, on THEIR part that will not allow this country to move further. Obama being black holds no regard for why I do not like him as our President. I didn't vote for him, and as a civilian and a voter, that is all I could do to keep him out of office. There's only so much one can do, and I did it. Not to say that McCain/Palin would have been a better choice, but experience wise, they would have been a little better of a choice. I can remember learning in History about the "of the people, by the people, for the people" readings, but now it seems we're in a world of "of the Government, by the Government, For the Government" and who cares about the people putting up the money for this country just to stay afloat! We owe so much money to foreign countries that like the polls are saying, our kids will unfortunately have to endure and suffer. I was never worried about receiving Social Security, because I knew that that was going to run out quicker than my paycheck usually does, so I invested in a 401k, but how screwed are our children going to be? By the time this corrupt Government that owns us gets done taking our money for taxes, we will not be able to save anything. Our country is such a horrible position with spending, and the consumers are in such horrible debt, yet our Government tells us and convinces us that we need to stimulate the economy and get out there and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND! How the hell is that going to change anything? If you go and spend, and I go and spend, aren't we cancelling out each other? Especially when I'm spending on products from foreign countries, and you're the sending the money to them to pay for that good for bringing it in? Where is there Government saving in this equation? Who's doing our taxes and auditing here, Kay Rogers? (BURN!) I see commercials on television for Chevrolet, and Obama says, "I hope if you're thinking about buying a new car, you will buy an American car!" Really? Why? Because they can carry 254 passengers, pollute the environment with terrible emissions, and get about 10 mpg? All for around a grand total of $30,000? Geez! I don't know how I ever overlooked American Car Companies!?!? God forbid I pay $19,000 for a sporty, gas efficient (36mpg), Honda that was coincidentally made in Columbus! I don't know how I never saw this before! Right Obama, buy American! Dead on, SPEND SPEND SPEND! This whole "I'll bail you out" campaign was nothing but complete and utter bullshit, and now you're choking on the very words you preached to the American public that voted for you. So far, I still see the bums and hobos out in Cincinnati begging for money, in fact there's more than ever, and I still see a huge increase in foreclosures. Where is this promise of change now? You failed us just like the Bush Administration, the Clinton Administration, and the many Administrations that will follow you... The only difference is, you don't even get an "A" for a valiant effort. You get an "F" for Failed the American Working Class!
What we really need for change is a movement. A movement by the American people! We all need to take a stand, realize that the Government has burned us far too many times, and we need to set the record straight that we will no longer stand for the "take from the poor, give to the rich" mentality in Washington! We need to pick up on things when Presidential Candidates come in preaching that they're going to "fundamentally transform America!" Here's a key piece of History that you may or may not have seen (being born and raised in Africa that is), IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED! IT'S CALLED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!
I do have to take this time to apologize to my friend Heather. I was stricken with disbelief when I, myself decided to resign from the Republican Party for the aforementioned reasons, but she was right, you can either make the change happen for yourself, and get out there, and find what's best for you, or you can sit back and take the Political Propaganda. Either way, if you sit back and do nothing, you have no right to bitch, so consider this my "up to bat," because I'm on deck, with 2 outs, and bases loaded in the 9th in a tie game situation. Trust me, it's not going to end well for our Government...
I'm not trying to sell you on this idea, because you may be perfectly content with what's happening currently. You may have voted for Obama, and be happy with the changes (nothing) he's done since he's been in office, but if you aren't, then I urge you, not force you to take a step back and do something to make a change in Washington. Let them know that you're tired of being pushed around! Fight for what you believe in, and stop taking the food handed to you by these corrupt corporations and their friends, what we call our American Government!
Where is our White Knight I ask? Where is our White Knight...