Dear Lakota Schools: (Primarily your new superintendent elect)
I have recently been outraged by the new "policies" if you will that Lakota has taken in regarding the "safety" and "health concerns" of it's students. The "snow day" due to "lower than usual temperatures" is absolute bullshit if you ask me, and many parents of Lakota students. I can only sit back and laugh when they say that they cancelled school because it's "too cold" outside for students... Too cold outside? Are we having classes outside? Because I know these kids aren't waiting outside for the buses these days, and I know this for a fact! Everyday while I drive to work (having to leave 20 minutes early every day because of school bus pickups) I see now that the buses pick up students EVERY HOUSE! When I was going to school, I had to walk to the top of my street, and down to the corner just like everyone else, and we had maybe 5 stops on our ride to school. The bus that I was behind yesterday made 8 stops within 9 houses. (Only because one person wasn't there) and this wasn't the worst part. The kids weren't waiting outside, they were in their houses and came moseying on out once the bus showed up outside their door.
Not to sound like an old person, because I didn't have to walk up 2 hills to school and walk up 2 on the way home or any mumbo jumbo grandpa crap like that, but I was always outside waiting in negative temperatures for the bus, and I had to be at the stop or it left, none of this, "come on outside, we'll be waiting crap for us..." I understand that maybe you had a switch in superintendents or something like that, but really? Shows us that you didn't give a flying rat's ass about us when we were out there in 12 inches of snow and you didn't call off school. I'm sorry that not all of us have Audi TT's that can drive in anything, but some of us have Honda Civic's that can barely manage in 1 inch of snow, I don't know, maybe we don't have the income like that while we're in school... Weird... It seems like now and days, the kids get snow days if there's snow in the grass and the streets might be wet in some area's... It's such crap that this new superintendent thinks that it's literally "too cold" to go to school... I think for every day that it's "too cold" they should have to stay another day in the summer, because IT'S NOT COLD THEN BITCHES!!! But then again, it's probably too hot in the summer, so maybe this is all just worthless, but it's still not right... No wonder these kids aren't ready to do something with their lives when they graduate, they've been babied by their prissy piss poor educational institution... I can't wait to see these kids in college... I've been to BGSU, and trust me, no such thing as a snow day or "too cold" day up there, and you don't have any of that shit here in Cincinnati! Lake effect bitches!!! UC has been called one day since I've attended there, and that my friends, was a rough day...
My proposal, suck it up, grow a pair, and get these morons to school! All they're doing today now that they're off is out driving around, crowding my lunch spots with their bullshit antics on how cool they think they are (they're not at all), and wasting my hour lunch unto which I'm not paid for... Thanks a lot assholes... So here it it kids, for every snow day, for every kid I have to stand behind in line because they're out of school for a stupid reason, I'm going to hit 2 of their friends in the parking lot with my car... Seems about fair... GO TO SCHOOL YOU ASS CLOWNS!!!
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